Gem Store ~ Unable to buy gems

Gem Store ~ Unable to buy gems

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lee.7539



Card Approval Failed.

‘Please check your card details and try again. If you continue to get this message, please contact support.’

The same problem occurred with me earlier this week, a support agent named Fernando helped me fix the problem by overriding purchase restriction for 24 hours. Fernando stated that it was a problem with my bank, however I used a Debit Card (Vanilla Visa) so it’s impossible. (I don’t have a bank account either) Anyone have a solution to this problem? I would like to buy gems however this problem keeps reoccurring.

Gem Store ~ Unable to buy gems

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lee.7539


Support Number: 121007-002738

Gem Store ~ Unable to buy gems

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


A lot of people having the same issue. Myself I cant use my credit card nor paypal

Gem Store ~ Unable to buy gems

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Caleindal.6794


Gem Store ~ Unable to buy gems

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Stigma.9327


Yes, I’m an attorney in RL and don’t mind supporting a great game like this with gem purchases (I’m addicted to having all dyes for all characters; yes, a bit odd but that’s what I want). For the price of a drink, I can have 50 dyes – sounds fair to me.

Anyway, I seem to always be blocked from purchasing gems:

Incident: 121006-000754

Sometimes I can get it to work, but it seems completely random.

Gem Store ~ Unable to buy gems

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: mulch.2586


Once you’re flagged, seems like you’re gonna have problems forever. Whether it was a misstyped digit or the name on the card not exactly matching your account, maybe your bank declined the transaction once… you’ll always have trouble from this point on.

Gem Store ~ Unable to buy gems

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TonySu.7942


Hello I am having problems buying gems starting yesterday. Unable to confirm credit card. I called the credit card company. Everything is in working order at this time and still cant buy gems.


(edited by TonySu.7942)