So Much Blur
Gems and Gifts? Promotion or Bug?
Brains > Brawls
So Much Blur
So Much Blur
actually……i should have screenshotted….but once i closed it is showing 600 again xD
Brains > Brawls
So Much Blur
So Much Blur
Glitch in the TP.
We are heroes. This is what we do!
RIP City of Heroes
RIP City of Heroes
Apparently it’s a widespread glitch which has people briefly seeing other people’s screens.
Apparently it’s a widespread glitch which has people briefly seeing other people’s screens.
You’re not actually seeing someone else’s screen. It’s just a placeholder for testing, same with the sell tab showing 1234g 56s 78c. You don’t actually have access to the items shown nor do they actually exist.