First of all, great research Samu and well presented. +1 from me.
I was thinking of doing this myself but presentation wise, you did a way better job than i would have ever done.
One quick question to clarify: Which items from the bucket are categorized under crafting in the graphs? MIght be nice to color code the items from the bucket with the categories you chose for the graphs.
As you mentioned, the diversity of the bucket is quite debatable and i have some suggestions on how to extend your bucket, if you plan on continuing your research:
In my opinion its a little bit too focussed on end game crafting and i would have included more t1-4 common, fine and rare crafting mats as they have significant value for craft leveling alts in general and t2-4 common mats in ascended crafting.
It would also be nice to see some data on basic and high level cooking mats (potatoes, carrots, onions, omnoms, truffles, lemongrass) as well as some favourite food items.
As crafted rare lvl 80 weapons are the main supply for pre cursors through forging, it might be nice to see a graph for them to compare to pre cursor prices.
Vanity items like weapon and armor skins might also be interesting to have a look at but i guess its a bit harder as they have been introduced at different times.
Concerning pre cursors:
There are 3 significant price variations, the first was Lost Shores, where alot of pre cursors dropped from the event and the prices actually went down.
Then prices rose significantly until April. During that time, some people made alot of gold with Lodestones through exploitable means and cornered the pre cursor market, buying up a good chunk of the supply ( i know that discussing exploits is not allowed, if this is also true for exploits that have been resolved, I hope a mod will contact me and i will edit my post). The decline in Lodestone prices starting in January, even though the demand was higher as more people started crafting Legendaries from the Lost Shore drops, supports my theory.
However, during that time, Anet also banned alot of accounts that where involved in that and alot of pre cursors that we stored in those account inventories and banks simply were deleted from the economy, resulting in the price rise until April.
From April 2012 until now, pre cursor prices have actually been quite stable, i think, with the exeption of August/September, where prices rose again 15-20%.
This has to do with the “farming events” of the Jubilee and Scarlets Invasions of course. Those events were introduced to prepare the player base for ascended weaponcrafting, which was right around the corner but the majority of the player base actually used their new wealth to buy pre cursors and go for Legendaries instead.
They also raised the drop rate for pre coursors at some point in the first 6 months i think but i am not 100% sure, when that was.
As i already said, i appreciate your work on this, unfortunately its hard to determine the real rate of inflation, as we dont know the average income per player.
It would be nice to know the average income/hour of gameplay for each month but it will be hard to measure (even for John Smith) because the value of lootdrops makes up the mayority of wealth generated compared to coin drops.