Gold Loss Error- Be vigilant

Gold Loss Error- Be vigilant

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: I Fuzion I.2546

I Fuzion I.2546

OK not to scare monger but be very careful purchasing gems with gold from Black Lion trade.

2-3 days ago i was buying some gems in lots of 400, to unlock bag spaces for extra inventory. Half way through a message for no more than 2 seconds, popped up, i could see it was something about connecting or connection, but it was very fast so i couldn’t get a good look. I had a move around and continued to chat to others, and jump about in lions arch, before buying one last lot of 400 gems to treat my favorite Guardian, and logged for the night.

In total that day i spent 14gold on gems, however had a Serious amount of gold in my inventory. I went to bed, and woke up in the morning to see that i had no gold in my inventory.

I know some of you will say that you’ve been hacked.. I know i wasn’t.. How.. Well i have i.p addy confirmation firstly. And secondly it has been confirmed that something has gone wrong (i have a support ticket open)..

The support staff have been most helpful so far, and i hope it continues that way, Its not fully resolved, and we have come to a stage where I’m slightly concerned as I’ve received 14 gold back to my account.. Which is a tiny percent of the gold which was left in my inventory. I’m hoping this was not the final settlement but if it is, i think something might have been overlooked by support which we can address later..

Anyway, I warn you that when buying gems, be very careful how much money you have in your inventory, Bank some of it off.. take a screenshot and make your purchase.

Alot of hard work is involved in this game to get your hands on gold (if that working for cash, to buy gems or grinding it is irrelevant how time is spent). So lets hope Anet correct re-imburse me with the correct amount of gold, and fix the issue to prevent others going through what i am.

Moderator/Admin: I understand that this is a support ticket(which is raised, and i am dealing with along side this thread), and notice that you close down a lot of tickets. For public interest i believe this ticket should be kept open, to highlight to others firstly, to make them aware of this issue and secondly how when these problems occur how they are addressed.. Which so far has been very well. I understand that there is a reason for closing threads, but on some of them, where they are serious issues it appears tickets are closed to try and hide issues, or peoples opinions, which is slightly wrong as this a forum for us to highlight issues, weather that is with the game, the staff, or any other factor relevant to what we purchased. My primary concern is to share with others my issue so they are vigilant when buying gems. I am not the first, or the last to have this happen to them (a quick Google shows so) so there is obviously something adrift.

Thank you.

Martyn/ Fuzion..

(edited by I Fuzion I.2546)