Gold circle of death
Put the following in the mystic forge:
1 Shrunken head of an Asura
10 Raspberry pies
10 Bottles of elonian wine
250 Charged lodestones
Then take your clothes of and dance in the moonlight on the first equinox of the year
while chanting ‘never gonna give you up’ by Rick Astley.
Come on, guys, be nice—he asked a valid question. What you mean, Monsoon, is that the Black Lion doesn’t properly load for you, right? It does that for me too, sometimes, usually when I’m trying to sell something from my inventory. I just close it and try to open it back up and it usually works fine. I think it might be related to internet speed—do you have a slow connection?
My little trick for when the TP displays the “loading” ring: Instead of typing several words like “Superior Sigil of the Night,” try just typing just “Night.” Even if your results aren’t as filtered, your item should be there, and the server won’t try to match so many different words to so many different items.
I know what you’re talking about. the TP won’t load, right? about 1/10 of the time I go to the TP to sell an item / buy an item / look at what I have for sale, nothing loads and there is a gold circle of death (good name, btw). Only things that does work is gem store, trade gems for gold, and pickup stuff from TP.
my solution: log out, then log back in. fixes it 90% of the time (note that the remaining 10% is the 1/10 of the time the TP doesn’t work :P) sometimes it goes away on it’s own after an hour or so of playing. I think it has something to do with the TP not loading properly.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
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Open up port 80 in your router. The gem store is a simple website and runs over TCP/IP 80 just like the chrome or firefox you’re using to safely access this forum.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Well my chrome, firefox or IE open pages quickly…. no round gold circle….