(edited by Vixtrolax.3915)
Got $100 to spend give me something to buy!:)
I suggest (if you are intent on spending the 100$ in GW2) saving it until Anet has a sale to get the most bang-for-your-buck. They sometimes make things 50-80% off.
yea i meant spending the $100 on the item shop.. thing is even if they have sales there’s nothing on there i want.. i already have enough bag slot and bank slots.. i don’t need anymore character slots.. minis don’t interest mean, don’t care to pay for booster. In some other games there’s a slew of character appearance items you can purchase and would love a nice variety of actual armor/weapon skins i could purchase or something else to customize my character.. right now i feel they are losing out on a lot of cash by not offering a good variety of goods at the shop.
I completely agree with you Vixtrolax. There are very few items I see worth spending more real cash on. I’m very into adjusting the appearances of my 7 characters but there are not enough armor skins to purchase or even consider purchasing. I agree, town clothes are kind of pointless to me. I want to beat the crap out of some centaurs and look really awesome while doing…not standing around (or dancing) in a town in my semi-OK looking town clothes as players run by. I like a lot of the Favor (heart) Vendor armor items appearances, but I switch my armor out depending on each zone I’m in and where in the zone I am at; is it in the woods, snowy, under water, mountains, caves, etc. I have several sets of the same armor (usually high level and expensive) with a different appearance on each that I swap out constantly…I’d really like to be able to purchase more cool and interesting skins. Character appearances are a very important part of the game for many players (and many of those with cash to spend), and may be the entire reason for continuing to play for some people I’d imagine.
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think this is hurting the game a lot.. basically all we have to really set us apart from the next guy is our looks.. traits help a little but overall the only way to feel “unique” is putting together an awesome look and using the dye’s to prefect it.. they just don’t have enough options out there and it really kills the chance to really make any sort of unique looking character.
buy something to eat with your $100 or donate to the poor. not wasting it on GW2
trying to support the only MMO i enjoy.. i’m so used to paying $15 a month for sub par MMOs anyway.. i’m happy to support this game just give me something worth paying for:)
I wish I had just money burning a hole in my pocket so much that I didn’t even have anything I wanted to buy but just needed to spend it on SOMETHING.
Fook, Geikamir, it’s called funds allocation and planning ahead. GW2 has been out for several months, allocating funds to something you enjoy and wish to continue enjoying is an intelligent move. Had you allocated some money toward the game each month since release and not found something WORTH spending your hard-earned cash on then by now you would have more or less than $100 allocated. Do you believe yourself to be purely righteous and altruistic? You appear to have internet access, that puts you in the 1% richest people on the planet. Scrap your internet payment and donate it to the homeless. If you enjoy smoking for entertainment purposes do you not also allocate funds to support your interest in it? The OP was stating that they allocate funds to GW2 but there is nothing of worthy to spend it on. Had Anet added in more items to keep interest then perhaps they would be receiving those allocated funds. It was a request from Anet to add stuff that may be worth spending money on.
Trolls. Grow up.
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thank you StinVec at least someone understood what i’m trying to say
Buy gems and then sit on them for a while. Something will eventually come up and you will have the ability to buy them right away. I sat on gems for a while then the sales happened, I was able to buy some mini pets at cheaper than normal as a result. I also converted some to gold to help a guild member out when he was low on finds.
$100 will give you 8000 gems. Then you can wait and watch
Buy gems and then sit on them for a while. Something will eventually come up and you will have the ability to buy them right away. I sat on gems for a while then the sales happened, I was able to buy some mini pets at cheaper than normal as a result. I also converted some to gold to help a guild member out when he was low on finds.
$100 will give you 8000 gems. Then you can wait and watch
yea was thinking of doing that but what happens if they never add anything worthwhile? could always convert to gold.. just wish CS was more fleshed out really needs more stuff in there
Stuff will come over time. You have to remember the game is still new. The original GW was nothing like the GW of now. Many of the items you bought in GW, that were hot items or must haves didn’t exist early on. As time goes on, they will add and refine the items they have available. You may not want anything now, but I would guess that will change in time.
Fook, Geikamir, it’s called funds allocation and planning ahead. GW2 has been out for several months, allocating funds to something you enjoy and wish to continue enjoying is an intelligent move. Had you allocated some money toward the game each month since release and not found something WORTH spending your hard-earned cash on then by now you would have more or less than $100 allocated. Do you believe yourself to be purely righteous and altruistic? You appear to have internet access, that puts you in the 1% richest people on the planet. Scrap your internet payment and donate it to the homeless. If you enjoy smoking for entertainment purposes do you not also allocate funds to support your interest in it? The OP was stating that they allocate funds to GW2 but there is nothing of worthy to spend it on. Had Anet added in more items to keep interest then perhaps they would be receiving those allocated funds. It was a request from Anet to add stuff that may be worth spending money on.
Trolls. Grow up.
You have absolutely no idea how he made that money, how long he’s had it, what his saving plans are like, how long he’s been playing GW2 (or games at all), how he allocates his monthly worth, what his worth even is, how he values anything, etc. Yet you make that post as if you knew even a portion of what his situation actually was. You’re whole post was made off assumptions. I made a post that directly talked about his actual post. Having so much money that you feel inclined just to spend it on SOMETHING but having nothing to actually spend it on is something that I’m sure is nice to be able to do. Something a lot of people don’t have the luxury of thinking about.
You are essentially advocating being a bad consumer by you encouraging him. If a company does not supply a product or service that you deem worthy of spending money on-DON’T. It doesn’t matter how much you like that company, you are sending them the exactly wrong message. If you spend money on products you don’t want, the company is just going to continue making those products. By NOT spending money on the gem store until they have something you want to actually buy, you are telling the company exactly what it is that you are interested in.
If he genuinely wanted to send them money just because he liked them as a company than do just that, and only that. Send them $100 in the mail and tell them how much you love what they do. Or hell, what does he like about the company? The game they made. Go out and buy 2 copies to show your support for THAT, not support for items he doesn’t even want.
Also, name calling is below you and is unnecessary.
(edited by Geikamir.6329)
Stuff will come over time. You have to remember the game is still new. The original GW was nothing like the GW of now. Many of the items you bought in GW, that were hot items or must haves didn’t exist early on. As time goes on, they will add and refine the items they have available. You may not want anything now, but I would guess that will change in time.
assuming i still play.. don’t get me wrong i think this is the best MMO out right now but if something better comes along I may not stick around or feel like i want to spend money on the CS in this game.
Well if you got 100$ to spend, mind buying me the 29 charged lodestones and 100 dosh I need for my sunrise?
buy something to eat with your $100 or donate to the poor. not wasting it on GW2
Buy rice & pasta. The zombies are already here!
buy something to eat with your $100 or donate to the poor. not wasting it on GW2
Buy rice & pasta. The zombies are already here!
could be wrong but heard zombies don’t like rice or pasta much:)
Baby Quaggan Backpacks !!! well at least ill have something to buy:)