Grenth Hood back in the Gem store

Grenth Hood back in the Gem store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Finally the Grenth Hood is back in the gem store. Hopefully those topics that keep asking for it diminish now.

Guess I have to find out on which alt i stored my Deathly Mantle Skins for resale.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Grenth Hood back in the Gem store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zera.8907


OMFG Thank you Anet!

Blackgate: Zera Mithrandir- Reaper| Zera Targaryen-Mes|Zera Naharis – Ranger|

Grenth Hood back in the Gem store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Felblade.8701


Any idea how long they will stay up for? wont have a chance to get them until next week

Grenth Hood back in the Gem store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Asuaka.1528


now can we pls have aviator sunglasses back?

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[Collection] Wardrobe/Skin Bugs & Anomalies

Grenth Hood back in the Gem store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


now can we pls have aviator sunglasses back?


Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Grenth Hood back in the Gem store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Thanks for the hood, Anet! <3

Grenth Hood back in the Gem store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: khani.4786


Now can we get the bunny ears back?