Guild Wars Heroic Edition

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nile.9563


Was looking at the Digital Deluxe Upgrade in the gem store for 2,000 gems. It has the same items it always has, but now at the very bottom it says it will also include all items from the Guild Wars Heroic Edition. Anyone know what that is and what it includes? I never considered the upgrade worth the almost 100g conversion it would cost for it, but if the heroic items are good enough, i might consider it.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Esplen.3940


It will include special items that will be obtained after August 28-30th. More details will come soon.

I don’t want to spoil their surprise, I just hope it’s retroactive.

Note: These items are not new items, the Heroic Edition is simply scheduled to be released around the 28-30th.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


You’re a member of the Test Krewe then, Esplen?

If the Digital Deluxe edition also “contains all items from the Heroic Edition”, I very much hope it IS retroactive then.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Esplen.3940


You’re a member of the Test Krewe then, Esplen?

If the Digital Deluxe edition also “contains all items from the Heroic Edition”, I very much hope it IS retroactive then.

No, I just do my research when it comes to things that pique my interest.

If the rewards aren’t retroactive, you’re not missing out on much [spoiler=(although at current market value, you’re missing out on… about] 50g-ish). Keep in mind that this is converted, you can’t actually turn the items received into 50g.[/spoiler]

It’d be nice to get them, but it’s not going to be the end of the world if I/we don’t.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Ah, I just found the thread on Reddit. I generally don’t visit there unless it gets posted on the forums here first. You’re right; I won’t miss out on much if it isn’t retroactive; if anything, my poor bank probably couldn’t use the extra burden.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: jaka.9635


How long will this offer, for the 20% off the upgrade, be available?

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Oh, this looks nice though!

I do hope it’s retroactive!

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Esplen.3940


How long will this offer, for the 20% off the upgrade, be available?

It’s probably going to last through the weekend to promote sales for the trial users.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Venirto.4208


I just bough it, here’s Heroic Chest content:


Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

That’s a pretty decent bonus for new players. So did you buy it and merge the code with your account, or make a completely new account Venirto?

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Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BushidoBlade.1389


I bought the new Digital Deluxe upgrade. I thought I should let everyone know that you actually get “2” sets of skins from the various Armor Chests inside the Heroic Chest in Venirto’s picture. One is the same as the ones you get from the BLTC Style page, and the other is a set of armor with no level requirements. So if you have transmutation stones, you can xmute the no-level armor for PVE and convert the other set to sPvP, or have 2 PVE sets.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Psychol.5783


1. Is glory chalice affected by booster?
2. These armor skins can be destroyed and restored after I need them? because I don’t want them to occupy my inventory space.

IMHO the Digital Deluxe upgrade i pretty cheap because some minis and skins are much more expensive than this whole Deluxe set.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Venirto.4208


That’s a pretty decent bonus for new players. So did you buy it and merge the code with your account, or make a completely new account Venirto?

I exchanged my gold for gems, purchased the item in the gem store and straight after that I recieved 2 mails with the items.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Laryakan.1684


Does thoses items pop on every new char you create ?

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BushidoBlade.1389


Does thoses items pop on every new char you create ?

The personal banker and Mist Fire Wolf Elite will pop for every character, both newly created and existing. The banker is temporary and lasts for 2 weeks after first use, the wolf is permanent. The other items are 1-time use/single items only.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


So far I haven’t gotten any sort of “loyalty” bonuses (like the free kites and such) because the only time I purchased gems was during a beta.

If this is retroactive with deluxe then this is my chance

Time to go figure out which of those armors I’d want.

I’m not going to get my hopes up though.

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I sure hope they will make it retroactive, cause I was kind dissapointed with buying deluxe and it could change my opinion now.
If not I will strart the outcry and move more ppl along!

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Why would it be retroactive though?

If I buy a car and then a year later buying said car also gives you a set of tires, should I suddenly get that set of tires just because I bought that car at one time?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Greyfur.1082


any idea what they look like?


(edited by Greyfur.1082)

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Well since it was on sale for 20% off I went ahead and bought it. The armor is a nice bonus. Cost me 77g to convert to gems. Not too bad imo, especially with all the farming inflation.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


Why would it be retroactive though?

If I buy a car and then a year later buying said car also gives you a set of tires, should I suddenly get that set of tires just because I bought that car at one time?

Well it’s digital, so if they are feeling generous it won’t cost them like sending everyone a new set of tires.

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: nica.5829


Why would it be retroactive though?

If I buy a car and then a year later buying said car also gives you a set of tires, should I suddenly get that set of tires just because I bought that car at one time?

Because it would be unfair to offer more to people who just got here, and for the same price?

People who bought deluxe long ago are loyal customers and should have some fairness at least.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Was having this conversation elsewhere, so I figure I’d share it here:

In the business world, companies sometimes add incentives to draw new customers. It happens all the time. Bought a car a year ago, but this year’s model has parking assist. If I want that new feature, I need to pay to upgrade by getting the newer version of my same car. Same with GW2 accounts. You have last year’s model, and you’re free to upgrade if you wish.

Is this fair? I guess that depends on the person’s own views on things. But one could also argue that if you waited a year to purchase the game, you could have gotten all these bonuses from the time you start playing.

Except that a car is not a video game. I understand where you’re coming from, but it’s like comparing, well, video games to cars, really. Two totally different things. I would love to get the Heroic edition, but since I’ve got the Digital Deluxe Edition (and that would come with the stuff found in the Heroic Edition), I’d love to be able to get those things as well. That’s my opinion, anyway.

They are different things yes, but I’m speaking in terms of business in general. You got your game at a time when you wanted it, and paid xx price for it. If they lowered the price in a promotion 6 months later, we’re not entitled to a refund of the difference. Just as if there’s a promotion 1 year later. We’re not entitled to the extras just because.

As with my car example, the same applies. Or think about it like computers. CPUs are constantly being upgraded and refined (dual core, quad core, octo core?). Should a company offer a free PC upgrade each year they bring out a newer version of the same model? Just food for thought.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

(edited by Smooth Penguin.5294)

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Talonblaze.3175


I am a tad disappointed if its not retroactive.

Though even if it was, I wouldn’t be getting very much out of it anyways save for an extra set of Primevil skins. (Which I also paid for in gems… sigh.) So, it’s kind of a double whammy in that regard.

Even if its not retroactive, I am curious how much they will charge for DD buyer’s to get the upgrade, as paying another 2000 gems or even the full $49.99 is a bit out of the question.

Duty is heavier than death.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aurelian Omenkind.2470

Aurelian Omenkind.2470

The problem with comparing the Heroic Edition rewards to real-life physical upgrades is logistics. To add a new feature to a car takes significant per-task labor and materials by a trained or knowledgeable person. To add already-encoded features (the labor is done regardless of specific implementation) to an account takes little more than a few keystrokes. The same has already been done with the freebie minis 3-pk and kites they sent out. The logistics can’t be compared as people are illustrating.

The business of the decision, though, I can support. It’s their prerogative not to hand out those goodies if they don’t want to. The value of the current player’s purchase is in their accomplishments over the last year. Would you be willing to have your account reset to “new” to receive these trinkets? I would love to get these as freebies too, but I won’t get even a little miffed if they don’t hand them out.

A nice compromise, though, would be to offer the “upgrade” to current DDE owners at a nominal price like you did with the GOTY upgrade of GW1. Whaddya think, Anet?

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Also, the Heroic Edition is not a limited-time bonus to the Digital Deluxe. It is a permanent new addition to the Digital Deluxe.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Psychol.5783


1. Is glory chalice affected by booster?
2. These armor skins can be destroyed and restored after I need them? because I don’t want them to occupy my inventory space.

Can someone answer these questions? because it really bugging me.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Because it would be unfair to offer more to people who just got here, and for the same price?

People who bought deluxe long ago are loyal customers and should have some fairness at least.

That is how business have always worked, and always will.
People rush to buy something at release (I pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe Edition about 5 minutes after it was made available) and then get to play for lets say a year with all the awesome stuff in-game (quite a bit that are no longer available).

People that wait on the other hand will always have a chance to buy it during a sale or with a special offer, which are more or less always released sooner or later with almost any product.

What if they release an expansion in a year or two and people gets the ability to buy the expansion and get the standard game free of charge? Would you demand to get the expansion free then? Because you bought the game two year ago?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Talonblaze.3175


That is how business have always worked, and always will.
People rush to buy something at release (I pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe Edition about 5 minutes after it was made available) and then get to play for lets say a year with all the awesome stuff in-game (quite a bit that are no longer available).

People that wait on the other hand will always have a chance to buy it during a sale or with a special offer, which are more or less always released sooner or later with almost any product.

What if they release an expansion in a year or two and people gets the ability to buy the expansion and get the standard game free of charge? Would you demand to get the expansion free then? Because you bought the game two year ago?

It’s actually very poor business practice if a company does that last part. As loyal customers will then feel cheated. Why? Not only do they not get the benefit of getting the same offer as those new, but if they wanted to take advantage of such, they’d have to pay it over again.
I wonder how many people would buy a product if each time they had to buy everything else just to get on par? No, its not all that common, especially out of digital good services.

Its not the same as something going on sale, as that is something that is typically limited time. As the only difference then is the value, not what’s contained within. Everyone is still on the same level in terms of what was credited. But, seeing as how a ‘sale’ isn’t even the case here, that point is rather moot.

Duty is heavier than death.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

If they’d retroactively send it to digital deluxe buyers, I’d finally feel that the deluxe part would be worth the money. I still regret preordering that. I did so without really knowing what I’d be getting, but assumed it would be good, having always gotten good value for money from ANet in the GW1 years. In retrospect, I should’ve spent the €25 on gems and got useful stuff with those.

Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


In subscription games when they release a new “box” with new “bonuses” to stir sales it still had a month’s time that could be added to your account. However with this game that’s not possible. But I will endorse offering as an upgrade sold at the Gem store.

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Guild Wars Heroic Edition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Darkkemist.6194


This even worth it on an 1 yr old account..or this just better for new players?