I haven’t spent any money beyond the box price yet. I’m a “smell-the-roses” kind of player, though I play too much to really be considered “casual” if you are talking just time spent logged in.
Having said that, I’m just now getting to the point where I am considering two more character slots so I can have one toon of all seven of the professions I’m interested in. I’m also just now getting to the point where I’m considering another bank tab, because up to now I’ve been able to manage my inventory well.
But those are the only things currently in the cash shop that interest me at all. There are other things that would get me to spend more real money on this game.
1. Mounts – Yes, I know people hate this idea, but a 60% speed boost, land only mount would be worth money to me. I like the feel of riding a horse in a fantasy game. And it would put me out in the world, crossing zones, more than the current waypoint system does. I promise not to complain when I get dismounted by mobs when I try to ride through them and they engage me in combat.
2. Automatic Town Clothes when in town – As it is now, I don’t have an interest in town clothes, because I don’t want the hassle of switching to them every time I enter a town, only to have them disappear as soon as I take 2 hp of falling damage. Another option would be to give me the option for Automatic Town Clothes when not in Combat. I’ll wear them even more, and see them as worth purchasing.
3. Attractive Town Clothes – Right now we mostly have gag clothes. Chef’s cap, aviator glasses, boxing gloves. I’d like other options beyond my starter set of Town Clothes that I can wear. Things that are attractive and make me distinctive when out of combat.
4. Name Change Contract – Despite rumors, this hasn’t appeared in the CS yet. I have a level 65 character with a name that people pronounce differently than intended. I’ve since come up with something far better, and would like to change to that. It’d be worth 800 gems to get a new name without having to level from 1 again.
5. Awesome dance emotes – I’d be willing to sink some cash into some cool dances.
6. More stuff that is Account wide, instead of character bound. As is probably clear by my intro, I tend to make and delete a lot of characters. I’m not going to put real money down for something that is going to disappear if I choose to delete a character, or simply lose interest and stop playing that character.
7. Lastly, of course, would be expansion type content. New zones to play in, new professions, etc.
On the flip side, there are two things I will never spend real money on:
1. Items that give me a chance, but only a chance, at something good. I want to be able to way my perceived value against the price of the item and make an informed choice about whether it’s worth my hard earned money. Gambling is a sucker’s game, and I’m not at all interested in it.
2. Consumables. I’m okay with throwing away in game gold on consumables. I’m not okay with putting down real money for a 15, 30, or 60 minute boost in game. That’s just a hole that eats money and will never be filled.
3. “Convenience” items that shortcut my way to higher power levels. I will never spend cash to fast track through gear tiers. The #1 reason I will abandon a game is at the point where other players have a distinct advantage in PvP (read WvW here) because they have repeatedly done the same content long enough.
ANet, I’m having a blast in GW2. It’s a beautiful, intriguing world filled with hidden details, and I frequently feel that sense of wonder that is one of the primary reasons I play games like this.
I thought it would be helpful to let you know how you can (and can’t) get more of my money.
(edited by Gibson.4036)