How GW2's Gem Store works

How GW2's Gem Store works

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

There are a lot of people who don’t understand the basic structure and functions of how a business works. I’ll try to provide a layman’s explanation for why things work as they do in GW2. Warning – Wall of text:

1) Gem Store prices. In most businesses, the price is determined by multiple factors. Cost of production, marketing, shipping, taxes, etc. But in a virtual world, things are a bit different. Prices are most likely first determined by how desirable or how useful the item is. As an example: If the item is too expensive, it doesn’t sell as much. If the item is too cheap, you lose out on potential profits. From my opinion, 800 Gems is a good starting baseline for pricing items, because it’s at point that’s still affordable to everyone.

Other factors need to be considered, such as the psychological makeup of the player base. If an item, say an armor skin, is too cheap, it would be more readily available. That might be good for the individual player, but bad for the overall market. Why? The answer is rarity. If you take a nice looking armor skin, and make it so that everyone can not only afford it, but will also buy it and use it, it becomes “too common”. This will erode the item’s desirable status, and in turn, hurts potential future sales of said item. On the opposite end, if the armor skin is too expensive, less will be sold. The armor skins aren’t meant to be “too rare”. Layman’s explanation – A majority of buyers will not want an item that everyone else has, and will not buy an item that’s overpriced.

Convenience items are different. These items aren’t for looks, but rather functionality. They make your game play easier, such as boosts to XP, quick trait resetting, and even undoing transmutations. As a business, Anet doesn’t want to price these so low, that everyone can buy boat loads of them to use. As such, they wouldn’t want to price these so high as to prevent people from buying them at all. The prices need to be balanced to a point where they look at the cost per Gem, versus the benefit to the player. Layman’s explanation – Prices depend on how the item helps the player.

2) Sales. Most people don’t understand the reasons behind why a business puts items on sale. When there are promotions, the business will sacrifice their profit margins in order to draw new customers in, or get existing customers to come back. In the real world, a market that puts milk on sale for 50% off isn’t doing it out of the kindness of their own hearts. They want you to come in for the milk, and hope you pick up other items (i.e. eggs, bread, etc). In the case of the Gem Store, discounts on items are meant to entice someone to buy something they only considered purchasing, or to make additional purchases affordable (i.e. more infinite picks). The psychological aspect to this is that when you see a discount with a limited period, it makes you want to make an impulse buy. You weren’t thinking about buying it, but since it’s cheap for 3 days, you want it now. In the case of Evon, we would have gotten cheaper Black Lion Keys as a reward for helping him, but that’s a whole other story. Layman’s explanation – Limited sale encourage additional spending.

3) Gem exchange. Anet offers an alternative to getting Cash Shop currency. You’re allowed to exchange in game Gold for Gems (and vice versa). This is a great option for those who don’t want to spend real money on Gems. The exchange itself is like a big pot for all the servers combined. In it exists both Gold and Gems. The less of one is in the pot, the exchange ratio becomes more expensive for the other. To prevent abuse, there’s a buffer (I think it was 30% difference) in the exchange rates for Gold → Gems and Gems → Gold. Layman’s explanation – Anet is nice enough to allow players to get Gems for no real money.

Summary – Players need to realize that all items offered in the Gem Store are completely optional, luxury items. It’s not mandatory to have these in game. But for those who do want them, Anet does have to balance the price points accordingly. It can’t be priced too high, or too low. Items have various reasons behind each price point, so it’s not simply a matter of “make it cheaper to make more sales”.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

How GW2's Gem Store works

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Can be sum up to Anet want to make money. Players(whiners) want to get items for cheap or near free.

How GW2's Gem Store works

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

It’s true that people want freebies. Everyone would be happy with free stuff. But these people who don’t understand how business work, also don’t understand as to why wanting handouts is a bad thing in the big picture of things.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

How GW2's Gem Store works

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Reminds me whenever the company sits down to revamp the mission statement. When the question is tossed out to the group “what does the customer want?” one of the replies is always “they want us to pay them to use our product and if not they want it for free”.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

How GW2's Gem Store works

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shpongle.6025


I don’t blame Arena. I blame consumers.

Are you Shpongled?

How GW2's Gem Store works

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


It’s true that people want freebies. Everyone would be happy with free stuff. But these people who don’t understand how business work, also don’t understand as to why wanting handouts is a bad thing in the big picture of things.

It’s called being self centered. I dont’ think anyone care about how the business works. They only care about themself. ‘’ Since I’ll only buy skins for 1$, Anet should listen to me and set the price to 1$ ’’

Or ‘’ Since I’m a customer, everything I said is over other customer ’’

(edited by laokoko.7403)

How GW2's Gem Store works

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

It’s true that people want freebies. Everyone would be happy with free stuff. But these people who don’t understand how business work, also don’t understand as to why wanting handouts is a bad thing in the big picture of things.

It’s called being self centered. I dont’ think anyone care about how the business works. They only care about themself. ‘’ Since I’ll only buy skins for 1$, Anet should listen to me and set the price to 1$ ’’

Or ‘’ Since I’m a customer, everything I said is over other customer ’’

That’s why I understand the reasons people complain about stuff. To them, there’s nothing wrong with wanting everything for free (my constant entitlement argument). But if people start to understand that business don’t stay in business through handouts and generosity, the less duplicate complaints there’ll be. This thread was mainly my attempt to explain a few things, and hope it makes people understand that this MMO is a business.

If I get something for free from Anet, I appreciate it. Doesn’t stop me from making Gem purchases every now and then. Heck, I’m more inclined to make more purchases. But it’s another thing to get something for free, and then complain about it not being great/wanting something else/wanting more. Those people won’t change their mindsets, so this thread won’t apply to them.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

How GW2's Gem Store works

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


People understand mmo is a business. That’s why they want Anet to change their price to 1$ intead of 10$, since they wont’ pay anything more than 1$.

Me on the other hand think Anet should sell item for 25cent, because 1$ is way too much. Who would pay those kind of cash since I won’t.

How GW2's Gem Store works

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Yeah, I go to restaurants and just get a glass of water because the food is too expensive. I can make dinner for $2 or even less if I don’t even balance the meal. Why should I spend $10+ for a meal?

How GW2's Gem Store works

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Yeah, I go to restaurants and just get a glass of water because the food is too expensive. I can make dinner for $2 or even less if I don’t even balance the meal. Why should I spend $10+ for a meal?

While I understand the reason for this thread, this particular comparison is off. I didn’t pay 60 euros to get a glass of water. The model is not F2P, there’s an entry fee to playing.

It’s more like being fed McDonalds every day (e.g. armor skins introduced at launch), and wanting something different for a change (e.g. new armor armor skins, each set of which was introduced through the cash shop).

(edited by Buttercup.5871)

How GW2's Gem Store works

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: havellian.4073


Yeah, I go to restaurants and just get a glass of water because the food is too expensive. I can make dinner for $2 or even less if I don’t even balance the meal. Why should I spend $10+ for a meal?

While I understand the reason for this thread, this particular comparison is off. I didn’t pay 60 euros to get a glass of water. The model is not F2P, there’s an entry fee to playing.

It’s more like being fed McDonalds every day (e.g. armor skins introduced at launch), and wanting something different for a change (e.g. new armor armor skins, each set of which was introduced through the cash shop).


Also, the “better in the long-run” thought process is only valid under two assumptions:
1) Cash shop is Anet’s main sustain and that without it, GW2 would be severely lacking in new content, updates, bug fixes, QoL improvements, etc and may be under threat to shut down

2) Anet will pour extra profits (or at least a good majority) back into the game to make it awesome… aka REINVESTMENT

Some hold these assumptions as gospel, but there are those that don’t agree. I’m sure NCSoft wouldn’t be ecstatic about #2

There is also the issue of worth. Some don’t neccessarily disagree with the gem store, just with the prices (they don’t want to pay nothing, just something THEY consider more reasonable). Others would like to pay for their cosmetics but not through what they would consider “dodgy” practices like RNG box.

It’s not a straight up, “it’s a business so it has to make money and we will be better for it in the long run” type of answer

How GW2's Gem Store works

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wetpaw.3487


For myself prices are not the issue, it’s their image that rubs me the wrong way through the gemstore. I perfectly understand the need for money rolling in for continued…“content”…they wish to produce.

For myself and plenty others it’s not the 10$ armor set (or not full set), gathering tools, and minis, etc it’s how they are implemented.

Armor/Weapons purchased through the Gem store should be added to the Achievement tab “Unlocked Rewards”.

Gathering tools should be account bound like the musical items.

MF minis should be attainable outside of combining minis from the gem store.

RNG chest, imo are a disgusting feature in f2p/b2p mmo’s fueled by customers while the company skirts around gambling and a demographic of “teen”.

These features could be adjusted to better the community and company relationship. Currently, for a lack of better word, just makes NCSOFTAnet look like jerks as they continue to distance themselves w/the customer.

Now to address the common misconception with minor truth sprinkled in, “these items are vanity and not needed to play the game”. Very true they’re not needed in GW2, but then again what is the endgame of GW2? Answer: Vanity items.

These simple adjustments could easily be accommodated, and the appreciation of the playerbase would go a long away, w/little to no financial impact to the company, possible gain (live testing needed). Like I have mentioned before this is not a small company, but a well oiled multi million dollar making machine.

Or they can keep it up, hard to tell if losing customers really matter when one customer can spend hundreds of dollars w/a few clicks. I tend to believe the player base that does not care about these issues are the same ones that have never/rarely spent a dime supporting this game after the initial buy cost.

This is an issue when a company really does not have the accountability to their customer that a sub game holds.

JQ Druid

(edited by Wetpaw.3487)