How do you make crazy gold in 10 minutes?

How do you make crazy gold in 10 minutes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MagnusLL.8473


I’ve started to dabble in TP playing a little over a month ago and, I think, I’ve had some decent success, raising the amount of gold available to me from somewhere in the low 20 to nearly ten times that amount.

I’ve made a bit of research on flipping, on mystic forge gambling, straight up manipulation of single items etc. I use a spreadsheet with a few simple queries on it to identify new good flipping candidates and the like.

My problem is that the ratio between the amount of time sunk into the TP and the total amount of gold gained tends to suck. After all is said and done, I think if I had just farmed CoF 1 for the same amount of time I’ve wasted on the TP I’d probably have more money by now. Admittedly, playing the TP is at least vaguely more interesting than redoing the same dungeon path over and over again, but it’s getting boring fast anyway.

I keep reading of these people who have 100-150g to invest and just do “login – 15 minutes to place buy/sell orders – logout” and the next day they have made something like 20-50 gold out of it. Every day.

How the hell do you do that?

I’m not that naive to expect specific directions but at least some generic hint would be appreciated. Is it linked to simply find one specific item (or crafting chain) which guarantees crazy margins and about which no one else knows [yet]? Is it to go through an almost automatic routine where you already know the buy/sell prices of a long list of items and just go forward with it without even checking the current situation?
I just don’t get it… I mean I spend much more than 15 minutes just checking my gw2spidy watchlist every day, for much worse results…

How do you make crazy gold in 10 minutes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nike.2631


You meet a need which no one else is meeting… which means sharing it pretty much instantly destroys it.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

How do you make crazy gold in 10 minutes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: marnick.4305


Broad investment. People who make 30 gold by logging in 20 minutes don’t flip 10 000 of the same item, rather they craft 5 each of 30 different items, place high sell orders and wait for them to sell at a good price. By being is many markets at once, you spread risk and therefor raise guaranteed profit. These people who log in 15 minutes don’t gamble or flip, they merely know what other people want and provide it.

A very direct example are steel weapon components. When people need these for alts, they will not buy iron ore, coal etc, they will buy the direct components for the desired item. On the other hand, these alts mine a lot of iron and that gets dumped directly on the TP. On Tuesdays you can buy iron for pretty cheap. Make 5 each of pistol barrel, sword blade etc and put them on for a bit more than current sell price. Wait until weekend when the price inevitably rises and you will have made a very easy 30g.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
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How do you make crazy gold in 10 minutes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LHound.8964


Buy a lot of Exotic weapons, throw them into the MF, and then go crazy that it didn’t gave you the precursor. There is your Crazy Gold!

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Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
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How do you make crazy gold in 10 minutes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Buy a lot of Exotic weapons, throw them into the MF, and then go crazy that it didn’t gave you the precursor. There is your Crazy Gold!



Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

How do you make crazy gold in 10 minutes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tup.1803


You meet a need which no one else is meeting… which means sharing it pretty much instantly destroys it.

This coupled with what someone else said. You have a vast amount of money like 100-200g. Drop it on items you know you can make 1-2s profit on, make more, make more orders. Eventually you have 500g to spend on orders etc. Its tedious but eventually you can have enough money to use to flip items to make a fortune in no time at all.

I recall someone saying if they wanted a market simulator they would buy one and I agree I don’t play GW2 to whip out a spreadsheet and crunch numbers to make 1s profits for an hour of work if not more. That said I have ways of making money that are far less involved, but I’d rather grind or do dungeons then flip items personally, but then again I have 1kg tied up in legendary mats (currently 100 t6 mats from completion). That said I’m not bragging because I know there are people with 10x that in actual gold.

How do you make crazy gold in 10 minutes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kareth.6572


I keep reading of these people who have 100-150g to invest and just do “login – 15 minutes to place buy/sell orders – logout” and the next day they have made something like 20-50 gold out of it. Every day.

1. first of all 100-150g is far too few to call it enough for viable investments, I’d say 500-1k is a nice amount to start really earning. The problem here are market shifts – if price goes down for like 2-3 weeks you dont want to get stuck with no money/ start changing your offers, but continue trading and wait for the market to go up again.

2. 15 minutes a day – yeah, you could do that, but to really start earning gold you have to spend that time every 2-3 hours. The rules here are actually simple – every 2-3 hours all your buy offers gets overbid (if thats the verb), so its roughly the same if u come back after 3 hours and 20 hours.

3. Crafting was never viable. You spen far too much time on it imo, its way better just to flip items. Check spidy for items with high demand and supply – e.g an item which average sold/buy amount a day is like 50 or 100, and as long as the sale/buy difference is enough (i take it as if I can earn 10% of paid amount i trade it) just start trading. Focus on one market first, to learn by heart all the prices of some kind of items – this way you wont fall in sudden market shift.

4. And thats all, with said 500g, and 15mins every 2-3 hours you can easily earn 100+ gold a day with proper investments.

Good luck bro

PS. sry for all spelling/grammar mistakes

How do you make crazy gold in 10 minutes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jiro.6589


I’ve started to dabble in TP playing a little over a month ago and, I think, I’ve had some decent success, raising the amount of gold available to me from somewhere in the low 20 to nearly ten times that amount.
My problem is that the ratio between the amount of time sunk into the TP and the total amount of gold gained tends to suck. After all is said and done, I think if I had just farmed CoF 1 for the same amount of time I’ve wasted on the TP I’d probably have more money by now. Admittedly, playing the TP is at least vaguely more interesting than redoing the same dungeon path over and over again, but it’s getting boring fast anyway.

I keep reading of these people who have 100-150g to invest and just do “login – 15 minutes to place buy/sell orders – logout” and the next day they have made something like 20-50 gold out of it. Every day.

How the hell do you do that?

First of all i think alot of the people who claim to get those profits daily are exaggerating.
As far as flipping goes, buyorder prices tend go down during the night, so place some buyorders in the evening, the lower the better (and the more risk you take not getting your order filled ofcourse). Collect your orders in the morning, then sell in the afternoon when prices are rising. Personally i cba with flipping all the time, i do it every now and then for maybe 10 to 60 minutes and make 1-10 gold or lose some.

A very lucrative market i’ve discovered a month ago is the skin market. I’m sitting on quite a few skins from 2 events and i’m waitin for the right moment to sell them for a profit. I could sell them right now and profit but if i sell them in 6 months i’ll make alot more. And since i have enough gold to do the other stuff this game offers that is exactly what i do, sit and wait. So this really isn’t very labor intensive at all, you just need patience.

How do you make crazy gold in 10 minutes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: dalek sec.9054

dalek sec.9054 go here it is the trade post of GW2
helped me get 25silver a day and im a lv 14 on my first charecter!

just flip the ones with high demand and little supply and highly ocilating prices.
ex) tiny scales (not telling the really big ones)

*also when the supply and demand get close back off for a bit because if there is more supply this does not work.
hope this helps one noob to anouther!

How do you make crazy gold in 10 minutes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoenixfudge.5290


I think that most of these guys that claim they can make a boatload of money in 15 mins exaggerate much.

I usually get around 6.5% return on the usual things I invest in which isn’t that much but it doesn’t take much time and effort.

(edited by Phoenixfudge.5290)

How do you make crazy gold in 10 minutes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Unspecified.9142


I think that most of these guys that claim they can make a boatload of money in 15 mins exaggerate much.

This should really be the take away here. It’s really not any different than people who claim they do their daily fractal runs (Jade Maw included) in 20-30 minutes. The fractal runs in 20-30 minutes is obviously false because it’s simply not possible due to run speed and various boss mechanics that simply prevent you from being able to accomplish those times.

TP profit exaggerations are harder to dismiss but rest assured that for the average person with only ~100g trying to start turning a profit making 30-50g in 15 minutes of work is really not plausible (patches do throw things up the air a bit).

I’ve also noticed an incredible amount of people who “claim” to be making huge profits just outright failing at math and not accounting for the 15% TP fees. Just take what people say about their “1337 5k177z” in any aspect of the game with a grain of salt.