How do you play the Trading Post?
Buy low sell high. That’s the basics. Now it’s up to you to figure out what to trade, only a fool would spill his exact trading secrets. might help you get started
Far Shiverpeaks
When you cant find the basics by yourself or even think about than you never will make the gold what other says you can make in TP
you will need a lot time every day to even learn how TP works and to find the lil secrets^^
I’m going to keep this pretty general.
Buy with orders→???→Profit.
The ??? can be as simple as selling it back at retail price for a profit. As long as you factor in the tp fees it’s pretty kitten safe.
Repackaging works as well. Buy with orders, craft/forge/salvage then sell. This can help increase profits over just flipping.
Keep up to date on what’s coming out next. Reddit has people data mining the game. A-net also announces things or shows them in live streams. Just think “what will people need/want because of this?” Buy those things with orders. Those things may well go up in price. If they don’t, you might still be able to just resell them at retail and break even/profit anyways.
Limited time skins/dyes are usually a good investment. Especially the popular gem shop skins.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
buy all the piles of putrid essence I’m up to 80K piles, so I am literally full of kitten…(technically 60K and 20K in buy orders)
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”