How much would cost 3 character slots with gold?

How much would cost 3 character slots with gold?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Hi, I’m Erhnam and I’m an alt-oholic. I want my 8 character slots so I can have one of each class

I know I can pay 35$ and buy the 2400 gems needed. I wonder how much would that cost in gold? My higher char is level 39 (a Necromancer) so its still a long road, but I’m curious


How much would cost 3 character slots with gold?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


Character slot is 800 gems, 1 gold gives about 240 gems.

So, you need 2400 gems for 3 slots which is roughly 10g then.

How much would cost 3 character slots with gold?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Is that a lot at level 80? At my level Im completely broken (I have my level 40 trait book and 20s to my name)

How much would cost 3 character slots with gold?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


Depends how efficient you are, but 10g isn’t particularly much at 80.

How much would cost 3 character slots with gold?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Navi.7142


You can manage that. :-)
Complete each zone you are in and you will receive a lot of money for that. Gather stacks of iron and sell it on the TP.
And soon you have your gold, then gems and can purchase your new slots. Have fun with your other characters!

If you exchange your silver/ gold as soon as you have it to gems, you might be able to save some money (as long as the gem price increases) instead of waiting and trade them all at once.

How much would cost 3 character slots with gold?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: whiran.1473


Gem prices are rising so you have to keep that in mind.

If it costs around 10g today it may cost 15g next week (or the week after) so you have to weigh the value of time in versus real money to buy your character slots.

10g at level 80 is still a sizeable amount. Many people do not have 10g. Some have lots of gold and they’ll say that 10g is nothing but, it really is. Even at optimized gold per hour rates 10g is still more than 3 hours worth of game time at level 80 (one can, apparently make, ~3g per hour if done “right” at level 80 – the reality tends to be much less).

So, basically you have the time to level 80 to go, then at level 80 at least another three hours of time devoted to making gold to be able to buy your character slots but there is no guarantee that it’ll still cost 10g to get the slots.

My guess is that the value of gems still continue to rise over time.

Only you can decide if real money is worth that amount of time in the game or not. Personally, I’d do it all in game since I find making gold is a result of having fun in the game.

How much would cost 3 character slots with gold?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Thanks all

I will probably get them with real money, it will be a bit of support to ANet, and I dont know when I will feel the urge to play a class I dont currently have (and I want to stop deleting chars! lol)

Even tho, I also enjoy making gold in games, so this will probably be my only gem purchase

How much would cost 3 character slots with gold?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Polaritie.4851


Yeah, gem prices have been going up… They were stable for a while, and now they’re up like 4s/100