I feel like the economy is in shambles

I feel like the economy is in shambles

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: UrieltheFlameofGod.8643


T6 crafting mats at 25-50 silver each, ectos at 25s, gathering materials worth less than it costs to harvest them…and the patch added a bunch of items that require huge numbers of ectos (300?) and no gathering materials at all.

Won’t be long before mithril and elder wood hit vendor price, and I’m betting ori will follow soon after.

Is this really better than the old system, where gathered materials had some value?

I feel like the economy is in shambles

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vinny.6924


They wanted to effect the price of precursors but when doing that and adding new gear with bug requirements, it sent z shockwaves thru the rest of the market.

Putting precursors in a one time event chest was a horrible idea. Which has lead directly to prices where they stand today.

Commander Ahria – Warrior – Stormbluff Isle

I feel like the economy is in shambles

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Give it some time. Prices are currently skyrocketing due to the introduction of Ascended tier items (and for the record, I disapprove of their introduction) and the greater availability of Precursors which means more people are trying to forge their Legendaries. There’s a huge glut of players trying to buy T6 fine mats as a result, but eventually this demand should ease and prices fall back accordingly.

In the meantime, why not take advantage of the market conditions and shift to farming T6 materials instead? Southsun Cove is apparently a great place to farm Vials of Powerful Blood as the karka drop them with regularity.

I’d also consider stocking up on basic crafting mats too. Ascended weapons and armor will be coming out in future updates, and I have a strong suspicion you’ll need things like Gossamer/Ancient/Orichalcum components to craft them.

I feel like the economy is in shambles

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dogblaster.6713


Start farming and stop complaining. I am okey with T6 material prices, they are top tier, should be expensive.

But If more players did farm instead of buying it from TP. Prices would go down by a lot.

This high price is only because there are no bots now and no one is farming the mats so you have high deman, low supply.

And yes, I agree .. precursors for free was bad idea. Dont know who came up with that but he deserves to be Donkey punched in the nuts.

I feel like the economy is in shambles

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Humposaurus.5764


How can you farm, when you hit the DR every 10 minutes? Now that the botters are as good as gone, maybe its time to remove the DR from the loot.

I feel like the economy is in shambles

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LoomyZA.7041


How can you farm, when you hit the DR every 10 minutes? Now that the botters are as good as gone, maybe its time to remove the DR from the loot.


I feel like the economy is in shambles

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: oZii.2864


How can you farm, when you hit the DR every 10 minutes? Now that the botters are as good as gone, maybe its time to remove the DR from the loot.

The DR is an additional method to slow the impact of bots its in place to actually help reduce the impact of bot farming. Why remove it? Just don’t farm in the same place for extended periods of time. Farm some blood on the new island which is a great place to farm from the shelks there. Go to cursed farm some bones. Go to frostgorge farm some scales. Is the DR really 10 minutes? I don’t believe that but I’ll go do some searching. I know for karma that is not the case for sure.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

I feel like the economy is in shambles

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


How can you farm, when you hit the DR every 10 minutes? Now that the botters are as good as gone, maybe its time to remove the DR from the loot.

You obviously don’t play the game. DR takes much longer to hit than 10 minutes.

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I feel like the economy is in shambles

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


Uh, no the economy is not in shambles.

It’s good that the prices are high.

If you are not using T6 mats, you could just sell it and use that money for whatever else you want to buy.

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I feel like the economy is in shambles

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

How can you farm, when you hit the DR every 10 minutes? Now that the botters are as good as gone, maybe its time to remove the DR from the loot.

You obviously don’t play the game. DR takes much longer to hit than 10 minutes.

Not taking sides but you don’t understand there are 2 DR’s in place. The first DR is a farm DR they put into the game very early. If you are in an area and farming (yes that means going after a specific type of mob to try to get a specific drop such as small claws) you will incur a DR in the drop rate of items. The anti farming code requires you to either move from the area or it can possibly be reset by attacking other mobs. This hasn’t been explained fully as I am sure they don’t want bot farmers back but it does indeed hurt those that are trying to obtain materials for crafting.

There is also a Dynamic Event DR and that does now take longer to trigger.