I see what you did there..

I see what you did there..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: swilkers.5938


The trading company is a great idea except the fact that there is absolutely nothing worth paying actual money for. One hour upgrades? You will need to do much better than that for real world money. Please, by all means make this a good deal and get people to use it by offering ACTUAL things worth buying other than sunglasses for your stupid character and a whole one hour bonus XP.

Blackgate Server
Charr – Ranger
Human – Guardian

I see what you did there..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tearex.3956


The trading company is a great idea except the fact that there is absolutely nothing worth paying actual money for. One hour upgrades? You will need to do much better than that for real world money. Please, by all means make this a good deal and get people to use it by offering ACTUAL things worth buying other than sunglasses for your stupid character and a whole one hour bonus XP.

What sort of stuff do you think they should offer? I think if you can buy really powerful stuff using real money then the game will become “pay to win”. Most people don’t like that…

I see what you did there..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Hate to tell you this. This is about all your going to get. Maybe someday some armor, but it will not have any better stats then what is already in the game. This is something Anet has stated many times.
Might even get to change character looks sometime in the future.
If your looking for pay to win items though. That will never happen.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

I see what you did there..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

They should add an “I WIN!” button. When activated, this item gives you an ending cinematic with credits and then delete the character and return the player to the char selection/creation screen.

One – Piken Square

I see what you did there..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Crazylegsmurphy.6430


I would buy ebooks on there I could read in the game or on my iPad.

I would buy beefed town clothes, a house (furniture), Holiday costumes (that fit the theme of the game), mini-games that I could play with friends, and a “transit pass” for waypoint travel.

I see what you did there..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lostknight.8936


I’ve already spent bout 500 dollars on the Gem store, if they started adding Gear with stats to it, then I’ll stop playing, I hate games that offer gear on Money based items then people with Money will be the one’s controlling the game

I see what you did there..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dishconnected.8360


Unless OP has something substantial to add to this forum I see this thread getting closed.

In the interest of actually having discussion:

What items do you suggest they add?

Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.

I see what you did there..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Swag.4923


I’ve already spent bout 500 dollars on the Gem store

On what? Gold?

Crafting Booster is about the most useful thing I’ve found on there. That + a winning server at the end of a WvW cycle can save a lot of gold leveling up crafting.

I see what you did there..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ensign.2189


They have better data on what sells than we do, so we can only speculate. As for my own speculation:

Extra bag slots are really good buys. I’ve bought my 3 on my main, as has most everyone I know playing the game a lot.

Extra bank tabs are also reasonably good buys.

Extra character slots should be popular for people rolling lots of alts; you do need 3 to have one of each class after all.

Mystic Forge Stones are extremely good buys if you’re making heavy use of the Mystic Forge; they have an extremely attractive price point for what they do at the current exchange rate.

Fine Transmutation Stones are a unique service a lot of people will want, and if you don’t get enough from your dailies the price is reasonably attractive at current exchange rates.

Dye Packs and the Mini packs have been efficient gold investments at times; I suspect the Dye Pack isn’t any more but the Mini booster should be appealing to a class of players for some time.

I’m sure they’ll do more with it in the future as well. Character re-customization should be there eventually. They should be offering more skins and costumes through the store.

If they have re-usable trader, black lion, and bank express items I’d be eager to throw a good chunk of gems at each of them.