Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cassocaster.4576


So, I bought enough BLTP chest keys to finish the scraps I already had (because they nerfed the chests, I won’t be unlocking unless I get a drop of a key, I always just used them as scratch tickets but now it’s not worth it, IMO).

It only took 10 to get a 3 scraps to finish 1 ticket to buy the sweetheart staff skin. Having just reached a year in game, almost (another 3 days), I wasn’t around for last Valentine’s Day so I have no idea if these are at peak now or if they were offered last year.

What are people’s thoughts and thanks,

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Flissy.4093


They were introduced this year. They are at their low atm, due to only being worth 1 ticket each and will likely increase to 3/5 tickets after the event is over. Of course, this means the TP price gradually goes up with them.

It seems to be tickets are worth ~60g each on the TP if you buy 1 ticket weapons. This would mean if you wait long enough for the supply that was bought at 1 ticket to drop, you could expect to see them eventually reach 150g+

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Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.7601


These skins are at the extreme end at ‘seasonal’ status, so you can expect they will come out with them in 2015.

I’m extremely biased because I think seasonal items are ugly when worn out of season and the hearts do not do any justice. Or maybe I just hate these ‘lovey-dovey’ skins and I prefer more regal and dignifying skins.

But putting aside my bias, the fact that ticket requirements will go up and that the risk of re-introduction under a year is small, it would seem to be a good investment. The only problem is the demand side – will people actually continue to buy these type of skins, say, 6 months down the line? Also keep in mind that anyone and everyone knows about investing in these skins and you will be competing with a lot of people who want their share

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cassocaster.4576


These skins are at the extreme end at ‘seasonal’ status, so you can expect they will come out with them in 2015.

I’m extremely biased because I think seasonal items are ugly when worn out of season and the hearts do not do any justice. Or maybe I just hate these ‘lovey-dovey’ skins and I prefer more regal and dignifying skins.

But putting aside my bias, the fact that ticket requirements will go up and that the risk of re-introduction under a year is small, it would seem to be a good investment. The only problem is the demand side – will people actually continue to buy these type of skins, say, 6 months down the line? Also keep in mind that anyone and everyone knows about investing in these skins and you will be competing with a lot of people who want their share

Thanks Vol and Flissy. I picked the staff skin as it seemed to have the best chance at prolonged interest. Who wants a heart great sword? No one but the staff is a little less obtrusive in the stylings so it might have a little life. The investment was tiny in that it would already pay for itself but we’ll see, it could go the way of the scelerite and never get above 100 gold after the initial push.

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I wanted a heart great sword, and I got one. It looks great on my mesmer.

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cassocaster.4576


I wanted a heart great sword, and I got one. It looks great on my mesmer.

I didn’t mean any disrespect, just that the staff would have a broader appeal the farther away from Valentine’s Day we got….sorry about that.

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Neural.1824


Got the hammer for my warrior. It fits her perfectly.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


While hearts are especially prevalent during v-day… I don’t see them being totally seasonal by any means. You’ll always have some one that wants a girly sword/shield/whatever to match their girly outfits… gifts for gf’s that play the game… sailor moon fans… etc.


Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I think it is a pretty “safe” investment. Because chance are the weapon skin won’t go lower than 70 gold.

I’m not sure how much it’ll cost after the event 3 or 5. I remembered Anet gave some temp event to cut the cost of skins from 3 to 1, or 5 to 3. So that’s something you need to watch out.

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


The prices are not at their low at the moment. The prices were never healthy (read: low) enough for that. I expect them to drop after the event.

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


I <3 the lovestruck weapons. In particular the shield and greatsword.

Here’s my charr wielding the gs. Fits him perfectly I reckon and I’ve had 3 compliments via private message about my charr’s look so I guess people seem to like it.


Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

(edited by Zaoda.1653)

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


I <3 the lovestruck weapons. In particular the shield and greatsword.

Here’s my charr wielding the gs. Fits him perfectly I reckon and I’ve had 3 compliments via private message about my charr’s look so I guess people seem to like it.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cassocaster.4576


I <3 the lovestruck weapons. In particular the shield and greatsword.

Here’s my charr wielding the gs. Fits him perfectly I reckon and I’ve had 3 compliments via private message about my charr’s look so I guess people seem to like it.

This is a good blend of your Charr’s armor palette and the love struck weapon, nice job

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Duke Nukem.6783

Duke Nukem.6783

these skins are too nich for the common player i cant see myself weilding one (even if u give it to me free) and i dont expect anybody else wanting one either for their character id say spend your money elsewhere

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cmud.5689


I am not going in. I picked up one of them for the ticket but go ahead and check the prices of the Halloween skins, you wont be exactly satisfied. Since the skins are unlikely being removed from the store, there is no super-profit incoming. Also, the demand doesn’t amaze me either.

banished from time and space

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Halloween skins dropped in price due to the bl ticket discounts. That increased the supply. They’ve started to go back up again now (and will continue to do so as the supply drains). Super profit… nah, but profit… yes… for sure.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: bri.2359


Some of the best looking weapon skins in the game, ruined with those stupid hearts …

I have 3 unused tickets, and no intentions of investing in these skins. Just do not see the long-term attraction in them.

Lvl 80’s: Ranger; Guardian; Mesmer; Necromancer; Thief
Gandara Megaserver

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Electro.4173


I’m kind of back and forth on whether I want to invest in these as well. Not that I’d be able to make a huge investment or anything, I’m short on money as I just bought 2 sets of T3 cultural so I’ll barely have enough to buy one if I decide to.

On one hand they seem relatively popular from what I’ve read here on the forums and in-game, and most BLTC weapon skins end up going up in price quite nicely. Dreamthistle weapons for example have jumped very well even in the few months they’ve been available. Really wish I’d have had enough money to buy 1 or 2 extra Dreamthistle weapons to sell, but I loved the skins so I spent a ton of money on skins for personal use instead.

On the other hand, the one set of weapons that hasn’t gone up at all (even despite someone abusing the whole “thousands of 1c listings to push it into top demanded” thing) are last years Halloween weapons. They’re not even 10g above what they were selling for during Halloween, even after 4 months.

I can only assume the reason for the Halloween weapons not rising in price is because they’re holiday-themed and people don’t want to use holiday weapons outside of the holidays themselves. Because aside from that fact, they should be very desirable skins (well, the shield and GS at least, maybe the staff though that one is hurt some by the fact that it’s similar to a few others). They’ve got fancy particle effects, nice models, and are big and noticeable.

So the question is, are the Lovestruck weapons too holiday-themed to the point where it’ll prevent them from going up in price? Or is the holiday theme subtle and muted enough that people will use the weapons year-round? I’m leaning towards the latter personally, since hearts ARE associated with valentines day, but not exclusively so (not like carved pumpkins and Halloween).

But then again, there’s also the fact that the weapons seem somewhat niche to begin with, holiday theme aside. Glowy red hearts aren’t going to appeal to everyone, and they don’t even have a huge amount of flashy effects or anything, the glow is actually relatively subtle. That said, the Dreamthistle weapons seemed niche as well (I saw a lot of people complaining about “more crappy plant weapons”) but it didn’t seem to harm their prices at all.

I’m just being wishy-washy I guess. Probably because every time I decide not to invest I see the item skyrocket in price (I remember seeing suggestions to invest in Desert Rose skins when they were 2g a piece…. missed opportunity there for sure) but the few times I’ve almost invested would have yielded very little if any profit. I almost bought a second Chiroptophobia and probably would have had Dreamthistle weapons not been introduced, and I almost bought another Toxic Spore skin, and both would have been pretty bad investments.

Investment potential for Sweetheart skins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cassocaster.4576


My reasoning on this particular skin set is that it caters specifically to usage by female toons, yes I am stereotyping here but my Charr isn’t going to sport these. Other than the dream thistle skins, most everything is aimed at the boys with skulls, serpents, dripping blood, fire and death themes, as it should be for the traditional MMO mindset and our immature, boyish views. But, lest we forget, there are a ton of female players and lots of female toons yet not as many options when crafting a sweet looking toon who can tear your head off. I am basing my thought on the availability aspect and the limited options aimed at female characters.

Halloween weapons were meh to me other than the great sword, which I have for my ranger. The flying bats and screeching sound were too tempting to deny…