Investments to maintain wealth?

Investments to maintain wealth?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vespus.4289


Unfortunately, I doubt any players who know what items invest in will care to share their ideas with you, as doing so will inevitably decrease their profits. You are better off doing some good hard research on your own, and in doing so you will hopefully discover unexploited niches. I do not recommend converting gold into gems unless you have a spectacular amount of gold.

Investments to maintain wealth?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mada.5319


Vespus has already answered your question. Only an idiot would reveal good investments on the forum.

Investments to maintain wealth?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aarku.3105


Think of it this way.
I know one item is a great investment.

I tell you, craploads of people read this thread.

It is no longer a good investment cause everyone and their dog knows about it.

Investments to maintain wealth?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Null.9743


Yeah I’m reluctant to tell other people in my guild anything about the items I trade in. The chances of someone posting genuine tips on a public forum are a billion to one.

Investments to maintain wealth?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aarku.3105


Yeah I’m reluctant to tell other people in my guild anything about the items I trade in. The chances of someone posting genuine tips on a public forum are a billion to one.

Back in WoW I used to make a verysmall profit from buying aquamarines off the AH for 10-40silver and reselling them for 1g.

It wasn’t the best but it was a profit, I told one of my guildmates who was complaining about saving up for his flying.

Next thing I know he is doing it as well and I guess he told some mates cause the AH was just spammed with pages of 1g aquamarines.

It was a tad annoying because not only did they steal “my” market, they flooded the AH instead of only putting a handful of them up at a time.

I never told anyone about items I buy/sell on the AH again.

Investments to maintain wealth?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


Bridge officially burned.

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

Investments to maintain wealth?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Demigott.4150


High qualitly=high demand + limited acess = high price if we are talking about items that have a low supply

Its a safe method if u can wait. Sometimes it takes weeks, sometimes months.
The first time you do this it can take some time. But if you do this at each event you get more often your gold back from investions some months ago.

Just 1 example because the possiblity to get it cheap is already over more or less…
Catcher Skins… I was suprised about the supply …its between 20-50…ye it was like 150+ some days/weeks ago.
People like the Wind and Thunderskin(aura effect, how many other items can give this to you, except legendaries?) they will buy it now or in the future.
The supply is so kitten low…

So its flipping “longterm”, shortterm flipping is just so boring. It maybe gives a better profit but I still want to play the game.

I see the problem with 2 many people at one market and undercutting themselves….thats y I chose lowsupplymarkets if you would have enough gold you could control these lowsupplymarkets with a 2digit procentnumber probably.

(edited by Demigott.4150)

Investments to maintain wealth?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NibriAyid.3680


@OP: I’m actually not seeing market-wide inflation that you need to invest to maintain against. I’ve seen a slight increase for T2-T4 crafted stuff because of the banning of the gather-bots (and currently because Crown Pavillion mainly injects T5 and T6 fines/rares), but equipping a level 80 with rares seems to be about the same cost as it was since ANet released the world event guaranteed rare drops.

It’s also harder to predict because ANet likes throwing in recipes and things with the specific intent of balancing the market. Now if you can predict that pattern you stand to make quite a bit… I can’t ATM :P

@Null, Aarku: If you did tell someone about something that was profitable and was “ruined”, did you ever check back in a month or so? I find the people who blindly follow suggestions “rage-quit” that trading post game and it starts to work again.

Investments to maintain wealth?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Articluna.4509


To maintain wealth? Ecto.
To generate wealth? That’s a secret.

OooOOoohh, box of shinies. So many shinies!
Outsource rng → profit.