Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]
Twice now I have purchased black lion keys through the gem store, my gems have been taken but no keys have appeared. Is anyone else having similar issues?
We’ve confirmed an issue where the search results’ prices can get out of sync with the actual prices of items. We’re working on a fix. Thanks for the reports.
I can also confirm that the number available (# Avail) column has been out of sync with the actuals in addition to the Price column (at least for me, since the last patch).
Please let me know if anything from me would help
1) The “refresh” button, when looking at the items available at particular prices, does nothing. The only way to refresh is to click another tab on the left-hand side, then go back to the buy tab and re-enter the item name. EDIT: The refresh button seems to work with the “buy instantly” results, but not with the “place custom offer” results.
2) Interacting with another open window besides the TP (such as your crafting menu, character sheet, inventory, whatever) causes the TP to become non-responsive when you return to the TP window. What this means is that if I search for “orichalcum ore”, and then go to my crafting menu (with the TP still open in the background) to check how much orichalcum ore I need to make a particular item, and then click the TP window again to purchase said amount of orichalcum ore by typing “12” into the “quantity” field, I end up using my #1 and #2 weapon skills, because the TP no longer responds to any user input. The only solution is to re-open the TP or click another tab on the TP (transaction tab, sell tab, whatever) and then go back to the tab you were on.
3) Selecting a sub-category of “consumables” (such as food) reveals no results.
4) On the transactions tab, under the “items I’ve sold”, it sorts them by the most recently LISTED item rather than the most recently SOLD item, meaning that it’s very difficult to know what I’ve sold when I have 100 different items up for sale. This is particularly problematic for people like me who make their virtual living selling crafted items. If I list 10 different crafted items today, and they sell 2 days from now, I NEED to know that so that I can list MORE of those 10 items that sold, so that I can keep the profits rolling in. However, I cannot easily figure this out currently.
5) When selecting an item to sell, it sometimes does not default to the maximum quantity of that item in your inventory.
6) When attempting to sell an item whose listing fee exceeds one’s current funds, it says, “There was an error attempting to sell”, which isn’t very helpful and can leave someone oblivious of their insufficient funds.
7) When selecting an item in the “Transactions” tab (for example, selecting an item that you have for sale in order to check if you were undercut,) selecting “back to search results” doesn’t bring you back to the list of items in the transaction tab. This requires you to have to do what you have to do for so many other TP bugs: select another TP tab and then go back to the transaction tab to get to the proper view.
8) When selecting an item to “buy instantly”, it defaults to the lowest price currently available – which is good – but when you select the “place a custom offer”, it does not default to the highest price currently offered by others. In fact, there doesn’t seem to appear to be any pattern to what the default custom offer value is. Selecting “copper ore” from the buy tab just now, for instance, and clicking the “place custom offer” button made it default to 2c, which is neither the highest nor lowest custom offer. There appears to be no reason at all that it choose 2c.
9) When in the buy tab, after search for an item there is no way to return to the main buy menu (with the top supplied, top traded, top demanded, and top supplied items) except for, you guessed it, selecting another TP tab and then going back to the buy tab.
10) Clicking any drop-down menu on the TP (such as on the transaction tab at the top, or one of the “filter” options in the buy tab), locks out keyboard input. So if I click “items I’ve sold” to check what I’ve sold, and then want to open my inventory or respond to a PM, it doesn’t allow me. I have to left-click open space somewhere to fix it.
11) Sometimes, when listing items, it displays an error message for no apparent reason. The only fix I have been able to figure out is to very quickly select another item to sell, then go back to the first item you were trying to sell, and quickly hit the sell button. This problem seems to happen if you rapidly list multiple items, but it’s been very hard for me to figure out in what circumstances this bug happens.
(edited by Aelius.7293)
Some items that I am selling are not being displayed to buyers.
For example, I am selling Carrion Duelist Mask of Grenth for 2g 50 silver. This was listed 2 days ago. If i search for the item, I get 0 listed items. This is wrong. I have the item listed… and for 2 days, and it has not sold.
I immediately sent a bug report in the game but through the night I did not get a response or my silvers.
I sold (now its about 7 hours ago) 2 items – Unid. Yellow Dye (rare) and Super. Rune Of The Centaur and I got payment in Pick-Up tab only for first one.
So I wait for the few minutes and send bug raport.
Please return my silvers 39s85c – 15% – its really big stuff for me
I can’t “buy more from the Trading Post” when right clicking on the result item of a recipe.
You can buy the materials to make the result product, but not the result itself. CLocking on the “buy more…” results in nothing.
Coalicion [GWH]
blank screened TP… the above root update does nothing for my windows 7… this has been going on for days… this is ridic
121003-003444 Trading Post Gem purchase not working
121007-002738 Wrong number sorry
Hi there ,
I placed an offer on Black Lion Trading Compary for some amulet a while ago (a week or more -.-‘’) but the amulet’s been bough by someone else and didn’t received the 5 gold I offered.
I saw someone in the begining experiencing the same issue but I can’t go over all 30 pages to look for a solution o.o
What can I do?
I tried sending a ticked but it stucks when i press the final button to submit.It keeps loading forever submitting…
Had the same problem as many others here
blank trading window.
my solution was to disable and enable the windows firewall
dont know why but trading works now perfectly.
hope it will help anyone;-)
When performing a search for Consumable Food, no results are returned. However, numerous food items exist on the trading post.
Adjusting Interface size makes text in the TP look very bad as well as make it hard to read at the smallest.
I know this is a web interface so could you make the TP window not scale its contents and use the proper css for doing this please? Probably shouldn’t use the game engine to scale this interface, instead swap the css out depending on which UI option is used.
Add to the fact that when you have open windows and adjust the interface size the windows will sometimes run off the main window instead of adjusting position to stay inside the main window.
Overnight I sold 2 items on TP, no money in pick up available….. its just about 2 silver, no big loss, but thought i better report it here anyway.
Just came across an ArenaNet Dev post about the Blank Trading Post screens…
Thanks to skagrin, I have a new solution for people who are unable to load the trading post. I’ve tested this on a Windows XP VM here to make sure it works, but haven’t done much.
The theory is that the root certs on your computers are not up to date. Follow these steps to update them:
1. Close the game client
2. Download and run
3. You’ll probably have to click ‘run’ or ‘allow’ a couple times, but after that, nothing will appear. But that’s OK, your root certs have now been updated.
4. Open the game client and try to access the trading post
If you haven’t been able to load the trading post at all, try these steps. If this works for you, I’ll ask our customer service team to write up more formal documentation on this procedure.
Worked on WinXP SP3!!! Thanks mate!
afraid im still getting a blank tp screen and still no fix yet though to the poster above about the ui normal is what its been doing well with and cliff had stated they are working on a fix for that so maybe something soon?
This is what my trading post currently looks like. It used to work perfectly fine, but now looks like this. I have tried changing resolution, ui size, browser settings…nothing helps. Anyone have any ideas or has anyone else had this issue?
Melandru’s Gaze can be listed on the Black Lion Trading Post, but does not show up in search results, making it not purchasable.
I placed one of these for sale on the trading post but it’s not showing. It might just be a delay as it has never been sold before and I note the auto fill part for the weapon now exists. If there is an issue with trying to sell this please could it be fixed asap as I have put a lot of effort into making it.
But to anyone else, has anyone had a problem listing never sold before items and them not appear in the tp straight (or with 10mins and counting)?
Edit: 3 hour and still not on trading post
Dear Moderator,
I have been experiencing issues with the trading post where selling items resulted in incorrect amount of money being given to me, this happen quite a few occurrence when I tried to sell exotic greatswords on the trading post, the item i’ve sold is price for more than 2 gold, but at the end of the transaction i only managed to see 3s in the pick up taps. And there was also an issues that happened 3 weeks back when the trading post was down for maintenance, when i cancelled orders from the “buying tap” the money just simply did not get returned, with those two issues i’ve lost quite some amount of gold. i’ve filed tickets to the support, but i was told to posts the issue on the forum again, if i wish to get the money back.
Please help review the problem more information can be found from the tickets i filed (with screenshots):
Trading Post giving incorrect money problem [Incident: 120918-003201]
Black Lion Trading Co. not returning money when removing Orders [Incident:120921-000637]
It took really really long time to make those golds and would really appreciated if you could make those efforts not go to waste!
thanks in advance!
Sorry, forgot to mention, the item I placed was the immobulus – exotic L80 scepter. appear on my to sell window but unable to dearch for it via trading post. never been on tp before.
Well, I have joined the ranks of those who sold items but got no moneys. I’m hoping it shows up at some point, but that sucks tbh.
selling items on trading post doesn’t work for me when i don’t open the “sell items” page directly after i started the game. if i wait too long the page simply doesn’t load at all. only works again if i restart the game and directly open the sell page..
another problem is, that some searches for items give me a list of results but the load circle just keeps spinning and won’t stop no matter what thus preventing me from clicking any item. this is independent of how many search results are diplayed, can be with 160 or 5000 …
I bought karma boosters and a black lion key a couple weeks ago and still haven’t received them.
just lost about 15-30 items on the TP and what ever I had in sales.
When I got back home tonight all my sales were missing and no money.
I had something odd happen today.
About a month ago, I offered a staff on the TP, and was quickly undercut as the price plummeted. I had already paid the listing fee, so I just left the staff for sale. So, of course, every time I’d open up My Transactions, I’d see it listed in “Items I’m Selling”. Today I logged in to collect some cash from some stuff I’d left to sell overnight, and my staff was no longer listed in “Items I’m Selling.” I was elated! My staff sold! There was a decent amount of money waiting for me for my sales…. So I went to “Items I’ve Sold,” and while all the things I had listed last night were there, my staff was not listed.
The weird thing is that, I don’t think the amount of money I had waiting for me properly added up to what it should have. I can’t prove this, however, since I didn’t keep careful track of the sales I had up before going to bed, so I’m not sure the total I was anticipating making overnight. But by estimating as best as I can, my profit from my sales last night plus my staff are about 3 silver off what I actually made. (Yes, I factored in the 10% sales tax).
I’m not fussed enough by the totals (and since the math is fuzzy, there’s a lot of room for human error), but the fact the item isn’t listed in the “Items I’ve Sold” tab is the most annoying part of it.
I’m trying to purchase amulet “Topaz Silver Pendant of Ravaging” (Server: Sea of Sorrows). Says there are 28 available.
When attempting to purchase, the ‘buy’ button is protected. I try to ‘place customer offer’ and I can’t enter a new value, it’s stuck on 6s_83b, and the ‘Place order’ button is also protected.
I can purchase other gear, including similar amulets, but not the one I want …
Please help.
Edit: I’m having this problem with most purchase attempts.
(edited by Ubermensch.9154)
My wife was having the blank screen issue when trying to access the trading post/gem store.
I tried ALL the fixes I could find and none of them worked.. that was until I checked the system proxy settings and sure enough her computer was setup by 3rd party software to use a proxy (even though we aren’t actually using one) to connect to the internet.
If you are not using a proxy you may want to check the setting just to be sure.
It is easy to check.. open Internet Explorer (even if you don’t use it, like we don’t) and from the Menu Bar click:
Tools > Internet Options > Connections Tab > LAN Settings > Proxy Server > Uncheck the box that says “Use a proxy server for your LAN” if it is checked.
Granted this will only fix the problem if you do not require a proxy to connect to the Internet but your system has been set to try to use one.
In our case I believe it was UltraSurf that changed the setting automatically. But there are numerous programs which could do the same thing.
Just thought I would take a sec to post this because her TP/GS is working perfectly now. No reboot or anything required. Just fired up GW2 and “GREAT SUCCESS!!!”
Good luck.
Would like to report a bug, and feeling kitten well hurted for all those hard earn silvers just to vanish when i purchase 2 items from Trading Post, upon getting this 2 items and go about to leveling around 10 minutes or so, my game crash and entered the infamous black screen which i just shut down the client and restarted the game. But then i notice that my weapon are different and notice that is the old weapon i used before switching to my brand new items.
I check my bags it is not there, i check my bank is not there, And i check my pick up tab, is not in there either, so basicly that my items were rollback and never to be able obtain again.
So what can i do to get back my purchased items? it is not destroy, but vanish from my bags… .
I’m not sure if anyone else has posted this or not, but when I try to place a buy offer, for example, trying to buy an Illumination dye at 13s 72c it instead replaces those numbers with 12s 41c. Now in case anyone says it’s user error, it’s not. I’ve typed and retyped it so many times that I’m sure I’m hitting the right keys.
I am having an issue where I type the name of the item I want to search for in the TP and when the auto populated list pops up, if I select the item with the keyboard the next page will load but also have an infinite yellow spinning ring and I cannot select anything on the page. To get out of it I have to change tabs in the TP. On the other hand, if I end up clicking with the mouse on the auto populated list after I partially type an item’s name, everything works just fine and usually instantaneously.
I don’t generally post on forums, but is becoming heart breakingly frustrating. After arena net fix the polling issue I get stuck with this yellow circle issue. I’m glad they have their priorities straight but whether its a problem on our end or theirs they need to fix it or help us find a way to fix it on our end.
Also I really think there should three seperate forums one for not being able to load the tp one for people who have lost money/items via the tp and one for all the other random almost inconsequential stuff that gets posted on here.
to be clear, I read the entire forum back to front, tried all the fixes nothing has worked it really scares me to think that ive spent all this time on my character and I know that there is going to no quick fix because there are people out there who have not been able to use the tp since early start. I’m not gonna get all dramatic and say this is the worst gaming experience ive ever had because its a great game but it hurts non the less.
Hover help over armor not working and unable to buy items.
now I have a headache, I have no access to trade so now my upgrades are going to come in really slowly, why would you guys have a trade function that is open across servers? It is quite honestly the dumbest thing ive ever heard of and most certainly almost impossible to keep track of and maintain. Warhammer Online was ten times the game this game will ever be and the their tp was absolute rubbish, how many hangers on do expect to keep investing in this game when the one thing between you becoming the next warhammer online is constantly broken.
Not sure if any of you have tried this, I use Windows 7 and was having the blank TP issue as well, someone mentioned I should try running the game as administrator. Once I started doing this I never had that issue again. Right click the game icon select run as administrator and see if that does anything for you.
reinstalling gw2 as we speak even though this wasn’t mentioned, if this does work ill be sure to retract my rant and plead insanity. But if it doesn’t I guess I can submit a ticket and then try to catch up on whats happening in league, but my heart won’t be in it.
ok, i panicked for nothing, it worked, but still having to wait for a 4 hour dl kind of sucked
considering its the weekend, not only that but now i have to go through and change all the settings
Blank TP issue again. I think I’ve alredy tried all the solutions mentioned and nothing worked.
The trading post does not allow me to type anything into the search bar. I can browse, sell, and pick up with no issues, and even search in the “sell” section.
The trading post does not allow me to type anything into the search bar. I can browse, sell, and pick up with no issues, and even search in the “sell” section.
The trading post does not allow me to type anything into the search bar. I can browse, sell, and pick up with no issues, and even search in the “sell” section.
blank screened TP… the above root update does nothing for my windows 7… this has been going on for days… this is ridic
Same for me. Haven’t had access for days. I’m also on Mac Beta client, so can’t try the windows fixes that have been listed. Never had a problem with TP until about 4 days ago and just gave me spinning wheel. It’s pretty much necessary to utilize the TP at level 80 when progressing your char so really sucks.
I cannot purchase anything on the Trading Post. All buy/place order buttons are grayed out. In the bottom right hand corner of the Trading Post window, where it usually displays the amount of money on the character, there is nothing. This is happening with all of my characters. It seems the Trading Post thinks all my characters are broke.
Edit: I just logged back in and it seems to be working. Odd.
(edited by Vodin.8641)
Major Bug: if you buy the Digital Upgrade after having it already bought when you buy the key you get nothing and loose the 2000 gems.
I thought it was a refill for the things i had already bought and bought it, got nothing.
I too have a Blank Screen of Death, however, I found out one thing that when I Alt+ Tab and go to Desktop or
IE and then go back to the Game, it works for about 2-4 seconds and stops at loading screen again…
And this works every time…Not that I can trade anything with it, but I’m pretty sure it’s something simple.
Feels like the firewall is the problem but I tried everything there…
It is so Odd though…I mean, feels like GW2 Client is blocking some connection
but when I Alt+ Tab that connection become free, so it can load the screen…
Anyway I did try all those, Admin, root and, if anyone have anything else try please let us know.
Windows 7 btw.
For some odd reason, I’m unable to purchase anything from the trading post.
When I enter the trading post, I don’t get Item Descriptions when I hover my mouse over an item, and don’t know what the stats are. I’m able to run searches for items, and get lists, but if I select an item, I cannot purchase it. I have enough money, I’m of a high enough level, and the item is not unavailable, but the “BUY” button is greyed out and I cannot click it.
Has anyone else had this issue, and perhaps has a theory as to how it could be fixed? It’s extremely frustrating! I’m running around at level 20 with level 12 gear here, and I cannot get any new stuff!
for some reason i sold about 9/10g worth of stuff last night and this morning there is only 2 g payment at TP? is there a issue with TP?
I can search for items but I cannot click on them to go through to the buy screen. the little golden circle just keeps turning. frustrating!
tried relogging etc