(edited by khani.4786)
Job-o-Tron Backpack
Here’s a question. Do other players hear the copper fed salvage kit when it talks? I’ve never heard one other than mine. If not then why can’t the backpack and logging tool also be local to just the player who owns it?
RIP City of Heroes
Here’s a question. Do other players hear the copper fed salvage kit when it talks? I’ve never heard one other than mine. If not then why can’t the backpack and logging tool also be local to just the player who owns it?
Does the logging tool talk and is audible to other players too? I haven’t seen one in the “wild” yet. Even if it does talk, that’s not a huge problem. You can hear other peoples harvesting items too.
My biggest issue is the text bubbles and audio that you normally wouldn’t hear from another player.
I’ve never seen a text bubble or any message in my chat from the backpack. I occasionally hear the backpack talk audibly but that’s it.
RIP City of Heroes
This is pretty much the most annoying of all sounds in the game. It is a terrible pitch and they are everywhere. You do a world boss and there are 20 of them all talking over each other. I would spend gems on a backpack that muted these things in a heartbeat.
Add something in options to disable the voice over. Just because you paid 500 gems for it, does not mean i should have to listen to it if i don’t want to. This is past annoying now.
I really don’t understand this. A game with lots of annoying sounds and you target one that annoys you because people paid money for it? I’m sure you are OK with Birthday blaster though. I’m calling shenanigans…The difference between this backpack and the regular noises a character makes is this:
1- When jumping or getting a status effect the player character either doesn’t make noises or does so at a much lower volume than the backpack.
2- The volume of the backpack is much louder than weapon skills, player character sayings and other ambient sounds.
3- The fact that the sayings from the backpack have speech bubbles makes this item not only AUDIBLY intrusive but also VISUALLY intrusive.
4- I do not need to hear when another player:
- On kill
“Congratulations. You—killed—something.”
- On weapon swap
- Knocked down
“Error: Positional—orientation—is—horizontal. Recommend—vertical.”
- Jumping and leap
- Dodge
- Falling damage
“Gravity—test: complete.
Gravity: confirmed.”
“Score—update: gravity—1, you—0.”
- Low health and low health while downed.
- Rally
- Reviving allies
“No—thanks—necessary. Some—coins—would—be—nice, though..”
- When fearing enemies
“Run, coward”
“Be—afraid”The rest for the conditions a player takes…okay that’s fine because our characters DO say audible things for that. But I do not need to hear when a character changes weapons, jumps, kills something, revives someone, etc. Those sayings should only be audible to the character wearing the backpack.
Edited for formatting and to add this…I used to love Job-o-Tron. This backpack has made me hate him.
Pretty sure the vocal minority on these forums aren’t gonna change it. Most players in the game aren’t bothered by it, it’s just the fickle ones on the forums complaining about it. Soon as you take away the sound in game, people won’t be happy.
- On kill
“Congratulations. You—killed—something.”
- On weapon swap
- Knocked down
“Error: Positional—orientation—is—horizontal. Recommend—vertical.”
- Jumping and leap
- Dodge
- Falling damage
“Gravity—test: complete.
Gravity: confirmed.”
“Score—update: gravity—1, you—0.”
- Low health and low health while downed.
- Rally
- Reviving allies
“No—thanks—necessary. Some—coins—would—be—nice, though..”
- When fearing enemies
“Run, coward”
Thanks for the list Been looking for a list of his sayings… so cute
I may get one now that you’ve posted what he says
Now, if we can get a Scarlet pull string doll backpack.
Hopefully someone can answer this – can you still hear it when it’s covered by both traditional sheathed weapons like the shield, as well as more specialized things like engineer weapon kits?
Yes he works when covered by shields or engineer kits. He also works on clones (to keep the enemy guessing) and works while transformed.
His dialogue is hilarious, and I’m awfully tempted to buy one, but I have the feeling his non-stop chattering might get on my nerves after a while.
Clicking ‘hide backpack’ in the equipment panel shuts him up without having to change out packs. -(Edit: My bad, the hide backpack flag is supposed to quiet him but doesn’t yet. That’s an update coming in a future patch)
Thank you! I was going to make a post requesting this, I like to do WvW sometimes and I don’t want to blow a transmute charge every time I want to do wvw.
Speaking of this, why can’t gemstore skins be free to apply like hall of monuments skins, achievement skins, and gemstore outfits?
I mean I already paid for the skin once, with cash, and now I’m having to pay for it again and again if I want to use the skin on a character that is leveling and gets upgrades.
Speaking of this, why can’t gemstore skins be free to apply like hall of monuments skins, achievement skins, and gemstore outfits?
I mean I already paid for the skin once, with cash, and now I’m having to pay for it again and again if I want to use the skin on a character that is leveling and gets upgrades.
Pretty sure the vocal minority on these forums aren’t gonna change it. Most players in the game aren’t bothered by it, it’s just the fickle ones on the forums complaining about it. Soon as you take away the sound in game, people won’t be happy.
I hated to do it, but I’ve now muted ALL game dialogue. I absolutely hate that I had to do that because I quite enjoy every other bit of dialogue in the game.
I’m not suggesting removing it completely, just move it to instrument slider or make the sounds that relate to jumping, weapon swapping, killing things, knocked down, fall damage, being downed, being revived, fear are all specific to the character wearing it.
They took a character that I enjoyed in the game and over saturated it to the point that I now loathe him.