Just STOP it!
Because he can and maybe believe the item will not sell at 35g. If the true item value is indeed 35g, then that 29.5g will be gone very quickly and yours will sell soon enough.
Why are you getting so mad?
Unless you think that across all servers there is only 1 person willing to buy it, what’s the big deal? Player number 2 will buy the one which was undercut instead of player number 1.
Now if someone had come in with a big stack of items and undercut significantly I may understand…
By my math it’s also cheap enough to buy and relist for 35g and make a profit?
29g 50s 50c / 0.85 = 34g 71s 18c breakeven sell price (rounded to the nearest copper)
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
(edited by Jestunhi.7429)
I will sometimes undercut significantly on items with a large bid-ask spread, because such a large spread (especially with only a few orders on either side) means the item isn’t moving very quickly. If the highest buy order has been roughly the same for a week or more, and there’s a big gap between that and the (wildly fluctuating) lowest sell listing, I’ll conclude that the highest buy order is actually closer to the price the market will support for the item, and sell closer to that than to the lowest existing sell listing.
Keep in mind that the only way to undercut by 5g is if there’s a gap even larger than that between the next lowest sell listing and the highest buy listing.
It’s worth pointing out that someone who posted an item before you does not have the right to define the price forever more.
No one is in any way required to stick to the existing price for an item, and nor should they be. That’s what NPC vendors are for.
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
Well because the dagger isnt worth 35g. Its not worth 30g either. The mats (non weekend prices) would allow you to craft it for far less, so rather than saying STOP IT, maybe settle for a profit margin that isnt quite as high as that.
What were the buy orders at ?
I always price my items at about halfway between the lowest sell order and highest buy order. So if there is a 10 gold spread, I would undercut the lowest sell order by 5 gold. The most I’ve done so far is a 4 gold undercut.
It’s a free market economy…… get over yourself. Buy it and flip it if its so underpriced … otherwise wait for it to go away. Whiney traders…
I can almost sympathize, but as others have stated, it’s one item, and the bid-ask spread is obviously fairly large.
I am confused when someone does this with an item that is selling rapidly at the current lowest sell price, but if it’s an item that tends to not move very quickly, it’s generally not a big deal.
There’s a lot of reasons.
Maybe it’s not likely to sell fast enough at the stated price, or has too high risk of being undercut repeatedly. Maybe he wants the sale sooner rather than later and is willing to claim a smaller margin,, maybe he just wants to get it off the books quickly to free up the capital locked in it and isn’t really looking to profit?
Oh… wait. i mean
“How dare someone undercut!”
Garnished Toast
I tend to undercut by significant amounts. I am more interested in getting my money back quickly at a somewhat lower profit so I can plow it back into the next arbitrage opportunity than I am in squeezing out an extra copper or two. Also, I know someone else is going to undercut me while I’m away, so I just pre-empt them. Finally, I don’t want to have to pay that 5% listing fee over and over again. Just price it to move and move on; that’s my strategy.
People can set their prices at whatever they want.
Well from another point of view;
Why would someone sell an item that can be bought for 5g lower?
his ridiculous price is lower than your ridiculous price, so what?
Seriously, if you want to be competitive in this market, it’s almost necessary to undercut when you sell your products (especially now with the FIFO mechanics). Just look at places like Walmart and Wegmans and compare how successful they are to your typical union-run grocery store. It’s a free-market, so adapt.
I usually undercut by a decent amount. Because I only sell things that cost me barely anything to make, and I’m usually making 2x the cost put into the item, anyway. So why waste time, I want the profit right away… more money you have on hand, the more you can make.
I like to price my items low enough that people who are buying feel pressed to make the purchase before that one low item is gone, or to appeal to people who want to relist, and more importantly, low enough so that people who pay attention and see that all the other items are much higher, will opt not to undercut me, and instead, wait for mine to be gone so that they can then 1c undercut the next lowest item.
married to Railspike the Red Alpha Golem
[PiNK] Toast Forever.
because he feels the 5g more you were asking is over priced?
Would it make a difference if we knew who was selling it?
IMO it would be nice to communicate with whomever it is that is selling something.
I know, different servers… Well maybe if they are on the same server?
I don’t know… I guess a name would just help for some reason?!?
Because that’s just what we need, price fixing. When corporations do it, it’s called illegal and it’s for a reason. Don’t cry just because some undercuts you, it’s called a free market.
“Everyone should keep in mind that the value of gold is mostly defined by its scarcity.”
I find the above statement by a Moderator very interesting.
It’s too bad some of our crafted item’s our raw materials couldn’t have a little more “scarcity”?
We as players do not determine this.
Would it make a difference if we knew who was selling it?
IMO it would be nice to communicate with whomever it is that is selling something.
I know, different servers… Well maybe if they are on the same server?
I don’t know… I guess a name would just help for some reason?!?
Look at all the complaints about people undercutting each other. Now imagine someone angrier than them seeing that he has been undercut, buying a unit at the lowest sellers price, then making the lowest seller aware of his displeasure.
Then the lowest seller, angry at someone who feels they are entitled to not be undercut, sends an angry reply.
This back and forth continues for a bit. Then it’s either going to die off, or it will keep escalating* until ANET starts swinging the ban scythe.
*An ignore list works on one person. But it doesn’t work on a guild harassing you.
Anonymity prevents that from exploding.
I would of sold it for 10g and called it a day.
Why do people pay so much gold for these Berserker weapons? They are statistically identicle to those you can buy for 1g…
It’s funny how people seem to discover how market works and get all angry about it. Undercutting and overbidding are the whole point of a market. Otherwise you are just an individual seller completely disconnected from the rest of the economy.
If you don’t want to get undercut, do private sales with people that have no clue, set your own price. You would, again, be completely isolated from the economy hence no risk of being undercut.
Being anonymous is a choice but there are many MMOs out there where you can find the name of the person behind an order, and this is not more of a conflict issue than people insulting each other over PvP, PvE, and whatnot. Customer support will simply tell you to use your ignore list and move on.
If you’re undercut for 5g then buy the cheaper items and re-post them for the price you want to sell them for. /rolleyes
I did that yesterday with a different item. I undercut by 2g. It sold in about 3 hours. The others are still there. Not sold. Others were charging too much imo. I have my gold. I am happy.
Welcome to basic Economics – Hope you enjoy your stay.
This changes nothing. Yours will still be sold next in line. It doesn’t matter what price the ones before you are, just how many items before you there are. In fact, if anything, you should thank them for lowering it more, because the closer it gets to the highest buying price, the closer it gets to not going any lower. Once it gets to the highest buying price it is guaranteed to not go any lower, and then the price will start to rise again.
The price of anything is only worth what the buyer is willing to pay for it. If no one wants to buy what you’re selling at any price then it’s true value is 0.
Welcome to the wonderful world of an economy were people can sell things with no effort.