Karma vendors lacking inventory

Karma vendors lacking inventory

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Macawber.5703


Are generic karma vendors supposed to have useful stuff? The specific event/cultural vendors have unique items, but the standard vendors only offer Basil Leaf, Bell Pepper, and Ginger Root. Do they ever get anything better? I feel like I’m missing something, and I’m not sure how to get new inventory. Thanks!

Karma vendors lacking inventory

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Articluna.4509


They used to have more goods for sale, but back then it was too easy to cook yourself up to 400 by karma and gain 10 free levels and “some” of them were removed.
Few of those removed items became quite rare hitting multiple silver price each providing fortune for those who accidentaly or purposefully invested in them – but that’s an another story.

Not like it’d be hard to cook 400 nowadays, it just used to be even easier.

OooOOoohh, box of shinies. So many shinies!
Outsource rng → profit.