L2B Prices lower than Vendor
1. You can’t list buy orders lower than the vendor prices any more.
2. They have chosen not to remove the buy orders lower than vendor prices that exist because it was deemed an insignificant problem.
They aren’t.
Just tried and it is not possible to put a buy order under the vendor price.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
What I find annoying is that there’s several items that have buy orders that are technically below vendor because of the fee on selling it! I end up actually losing money to sell to them rather than vendoring it. That makes no sense at all.
Uhm, in a way it does. For example when your inventory is full and you need room to pick up new items and there is no vendor near the place you are.
Uhm, in a way it does. For example when your inventory is full and you need room to pick up new items and there is no vendor near the place you are.
It’s still annoying and very inconvenient because you end up having to check your prices with everything you sell.
If your inventory is full, that’s your own fault for not making sure it has space to begin with. There’s many options to prevent that.
If you have to check prices against vendor, you are wasting time because the difference is only a few copper. You would be making more money by farming more junk than by trying to squeeze margins out of individual pieces.
And no you can’t prevent filling up. If you are out in the wild farming for hours you are going to max out your inventory even if you started empty. (For context, a single trip through daily fractals takes about 60 inventory.) Especially when you are chain farming group events it’s not really feasible to stop for 30 minutes to check prices on all your items.
Your mentality only makes sense for the type of player who kills a few deer and calls it a day.
Uhm, in a way it does. For example when your inventory is full and you need room to pick up new items and there is no vendor near the place you are.
It’s still annoying and very inconvenient because you end up having to check your prices with everything you sell.
If your inventory is full, that’s your own fault for not making sure it has space to begin with. There’s many options to prevent that.
Honestly, if you’re worried about the few copper difference between vendor and insta-sell price on the TP, why are you insta-selling? With extremely limited exception, we’re talking about items that sell for between 20c and 110c. That’s a tax loss of 2c-16c per sale. If you’re worried about that small of a difference, shouldn’t you be worried more about the 1c-30c difference that generally appears between bid and ask?
If you have to check prices against vendor, you are wasting time because the difference is only a few copper. You would be making more money by farming more junk than by trying to squeeze margins out of individual pieces.
And no you can’t prevent filling up. If you are out in the wild farming for hours you are going to max out your inventory even if you started empty. (For context, a single trip through daily fractals takes about 60 inventory.) Especially when you are chain farming group events it’s not really feasible to stop for 30 minutes to check prices on all your items.
Your mentality only makes sense for the type of player who kills a few deer and calls it a day.
My computer has a “calculator” app and it takes about 10 seconds to multiply vendor price by 1.15 to find the minimum TP listing price. Even if you’re not looking for sales you can set it to this price and break even if it sells or take it back later for a 5% storage fee and use the item or break it down for crafting.
IMO there’s no excuse for being too lazy to set a real price on an item, and it brings the overall price down because 100s of players simply list at the current lowest sell price making it impossible for someone who actually wants to make money to sell the items to other players because you get more money from a vendor.
No matter how busy I am, I refuse to throw money away.
(edited by tolunart.2095)
My computer has a “calculator” app and it takes about 10 seconds to multiply vendor price by 1.15 to find the minimum TP listing price. Even if you’re not looking for sales you can set it to this price and break even if it sells or take it back later for a 5% storage fee and use the item or break it down for crafting.
That’s 10 seconds per item, and if you have 100 inventory that’s 16 minutes, give or take, of time you could have farmed another couple dozen items worth ~1s each instead of trying to determine whether each of those pieces of junk can get you an extra 15c from a vendor. Even if you determined that they would, you still have to make a round trip to get back to a vendor and then return to farming, which is another 5 min wasted.
IMO there’s no excuse for being too lazy to set a real price on an item, and it brings the overall price down because 100s of players simply list at the current lowest sell price making it impossible for someone who actually wants to make money to sell the items to other players because you get more money from a vendor.
No matter how busy I am, I refuse to throw money away.
The point is that you are throwing away more money by adhering to ideology than by simply doing what is efficient. Those other players aren’t using an “excuse”, they are making more money than you, period, because they understand opportunity cost and you do not. Now if you are doing it out of principle with the understanding that it is costing you money to do it, then more power to you, but other people should not be forced to lose money just because you want to bring everyone down to your level of efficiency.
My computer has a “calculator” app and it takes about 10 seconds to multiply vendor price by 1.15 to find the minimum TP listing price. Even if you’re not looking for sales you can set it to this price and break even if it sells or take it back later for a 5% storage fee and use the item or break it down for crafting.
That’s 10 seconds per item, and if you have 100 inventory that’s 16 minutes, give or take, of time you could have farmed another couple dozen items worth ~1s each instead of trying to determine whether each of those pieces of junk can get you an extra 15c from a vendor. Even if you determined that they would, you still have to make a round trip to get back to a vendor and then return to farming, which is another 5 min wasted.
IMO there’s no excuse for being too lazy to set a real price on an item, and it brings the overall price down because 100s of players simply list at the current lowest sell price making it impossible for someone who actually wants to make money to sell the items to other players because you get more money from a vendor.
No matter how busy I am, I refuse to throw money away.
The point is that you are throwing away more money by adhering to ideology than by simply doing what is efficient. Those other players aren’t using an “excuse”, they are making more money than you, period, because they understand opportunity cost and you do not. Now if you are doing it out of principle with the understanding that it is costing you money to do it, then more power to you, but other people should not be forced to lose money just because you want to bring everyone down to your level of efficiency.
You are also assuming the mentality of farming hour upon hour.
I will admit that I am more of a casual player, as are many players of this game. Therefore, the “kill a deer a day mentality” applies to many people, not just you, or the elitest farmers that you allude to.
Quite often, there is only time for one farming event such as dungeons, fracs, whatever. 5 or less minutes to check prices is not the same as running those events all over again considering day to day time restraints.
I’d also venture a guess that some people are just clicking the easy match buyer sell and get the coin now option because they don’t want to fool with the tp. Efficiency has nothing to do with it.
And finally, about the last half your last sentence, how would making it impossible to sell below vender including seller fee bring down efficiency? The sell cap would simply include seller fee for the minimum pay out. It’d be the same as vendoring. That cap is technically there already, it just doesn’t include seller fee at that minimum level. There’s no efficiency loss if seller fee is included. Everyone would be happy then. To both elitest farmers and copper pinchers, it’s a win/win.
(edited by Lonewolf Kai.3682)
Uhm, in a way it does. For example when your inventory is full and you need room to pick up new items and there is no vendor near the place you are.
It is possible to, you know, discard things. Without taking any loss whatsoever .
I have a whole list of items I know can only be put on the TP at a loss (and a whole bunch of them are 25c…). I just drop them off at the NPC vendors whenever I wander by.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Uhm, in a way it does. For example when your inventory is full and you need room to pick up new items and there is no vendor near the place you are.
It is possible to, you know, discard things. Without taking any loss whatsoever .
But when you list it on a TP, at least you get some copper back. If you just discard it, you’re not getting anything back.
The point is that you are throwing away more money by adhering to ideology than by simply doing what is efficient. Those other players aren’t using an “excuse”, they are making more money than you, period, because they understand opportunity cost and you do not. Now if you are doing it out of principle with the understanding that it is costing you money to do it, then more power to you, but other people should not be forced to lose money just because you want to bring everyone down to your level of efficiency.
I honestly don’t understand this attitude. The majority of people selling on the TP click on the lowest sell/highest buy offer for quick sales. When these amounts are the same as vendor + 1c or so, everyone doing so loses money. So what you are saying is that in order to save a few seconds you’d rather bring down EVERYONE selling on the TP because this practice makes it harder to sell items for a profit.
There’s a name for this kind of behavior, but the language filter will turn into a kitten.
If you want a super-quick way to list items just to get them out of your inventory, add half the vendor price. If it’s worth 50c then list it for 75c. Since you don’t really care if it sells or not, you can retrieve the item later, and if it does sell then you made a profit. If you can’t divide a number by 2 in your head then sorry, I don’t have anything more to say.
(edited by tolunart.2095)
I honestly don’t understand this attitude. The majority of people selling on the TP click on the lowest sell/highest buy offer for quick sales. When these amounts are the same as vendor + 1c or so, everyone doing so loses money. So what you are saying is that in order to save a few seconds you’d rather bring down EVERYONE selling on the TP because this practice makes it harder to sell items for a profit.
Honestly, I don’t understand why folks insist that items are worth more than they are just because there is an NPC vendor out there that will buy it for a particular price. I calculated it out once with my average gold per minute, and a minute of my time is worth way more than a few coppers. If your time is worth the few coppers, then go vendor stuff instead of worrying about what it’s listed for on the TP and sleep well knowing that you didn’t lose any money.
If you want to make money on the TP, pick something that actually isn’t so common that most folks don’t care what they sell it for. You’re upset because you can’t make a profit on something that is essentially worthless. Find something that folks want that they can’t easily get for themselves if you want to turn a profit.
The NPC vendors will buy Ogre pocket lint so that players can recoup some of their adventuring costs. It doesn’t mean that Ogre pocket lint is worth 10c to another player. The other player probably just unloaded a stack of them on the vendor too.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams
Except that I’m not upset. This is a game, not my job. It doesn’t feed me and my wife or keep a roof over our heads. Ultimately I don’t care, I just don’t like seeing people being jerks and acting superior about it.
That would be the main reason why I don’t “farm” or do CoF1 speedruns. It’s just not fun.
Except that I’m not upset. This is a game, not my job. It doesn’t feed me and my wife or keep a roof over our heads. Ultimately I don’t care, I just don’t like seeing people being jerks and acting superior about it.
Well maybe “upset” was a poor choice of words on my part, but me valuing my time differently from how you value yours doesn’t make me lazy or a jerk.
IMO there’s no excuse for being too lazy to set a real price on an item, and it brings the overall price down because 100s of players simply list at the current lowest sell price making it impossible for someone who actually wants to make money to sell the items to other players because you get more money from a vendor.
I do set a real price on every item I put on the TP. I never sell anything for less than I think it’s worth, all things (including my time) considered. I think if you stopped the name calling folks might be more open to your point of view.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams
I do set a real price on every item I put on the TP. I never sell anything for less than I think it’s worth, all things (including my time) considered. I think if you stopped the name calling folks might be more open to your point of view.
If there is ever a time when I’m motivated to convince people to follow my point of view, I’ll keep that in mind.
Uhm, in a way it does. For example when your inventory is full and you need room to pick up new items and there is no vendor near the place you are.
It’s still annoying and very inconvenient because you end up having to check your prices with everything you sell.
If your inventory is full, that’s your own fault for not making sure it has space to begin with. There’s many options to prevent that.
I was giving an example under which circumstances it can make sense to sell at the tp even if you get a lower price. It’s your fault as well if you don’t want to reseach if you can sell it higher when going to an NPC. So shrugs convenience has it’s price, I guess.
This again? At least it’s not question resurrected every week, mere every month.
1. You cannot do it anymore.
2. They’re not fixing it (yet) because it isn’t “real problem”. Really low priority.
3. Limit isn’t there to ensure you don’t lose money. You want NPC price, you sell to NPC. You want to slack and sell to TP right now while saving space and time, go ahead.
4. Limit is there so nobody can buy under vendor price and then sell them to vendor for profit. Simple as that.
While people criticize functionality of our search button, google tends to fail less often. John Smith, or his avocade, really should make FAQ.
Outsource rng → profit.