Last call on temp store items?
I’d prefer a new set of tools, myself. Makes the ones already sold more unique but also offers a new opportunity to those that missed the first round.
Ten Days of Black Lion Sales: Each day for 10 consecutive days – starting Friday, Aug. 23, at 12:01 a.m. (PT) – players will be able to purchase items and weapon skins that had limited sales during the game’s first year from the Black Lion Trading Company.
They beat you to it… time to go sell my F&F dyes…
Is this a real quote? So happy right now if it is
Is this a real quote? So happy right now if it is
Yeah from here:
Awesome Ty so much
Just had a thought— I wonder if like crates/ boxes will be in there from the events.. I would love a shot at a permanent hair styling kit! :P
Would someone mind going through the forums and necro’ing all the “anti-RNG” threads?
Or perhaps start a consolidated thread?
This is gonna be entertaining.
It is only when you lose that you hate rng :P (I know that is more often than not lol) Not that I am going to throw tons at it but I would love love love to have that hair kit and when that box was out I thought it was in the bl chests. So yeah I will be willing to cry over it a bit if I lose but getting another chance to open boxes or just buy one would be fine by me :P
I would love to see the unlimited use harvesting tools as a permanent item in the store. Anet, please, take my money.