GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
This post is a general observation on how the current state of the market makes the pursue for a legendary almost out of grasp.
Even though i do understand that getting one should be really hard, there is one fundamental flaw in the design of this pursuit, as it is heavily dependent on the TP (as of now) This is so, because farming is really crushed right now, with drops diminished from normal and higher difficulty mobs.
As the market has shifted to extremely high prices for T6 mats, no changes have been applied what so ever to normalize the quantities required for each Legendary. A few examples below
250 ecto: 84g (52g around a month ago (less than 30g around 2 months ago))
All 8 t6 mats: 296g (was 110g a month ago (was less than 40g 2 months ago)
100 charged lodestones: 274g( 270g a month ago (less than 60g 2 months ago))
And lets not forget the mystic clovers and precursor prices, among other things.
As of now, seeking to get a legendary would need to roughly spend between 1500-2000g. This amount has nearly tripled since the game came out. Furthermore, there are barely any means of acquiring these mats outside the TP.
I would like to know what is being planned to improve the acquisition of all required mats or by finding alternative means of getting a legendary.
Don’t get me wrong. I do ‘NOT’ want an easy mode legendary. All i want is to get it under the same conditions others have.
I would like to see suggestions or word from a dev if possible on when we could be seing a change.(In the next build if possible?)
yes but getting gold is easier now than before. well, “easier” since the value of gold is less now than before.
Gold may be easier to get, but not nearly in line with how much prices have gone up.
yes but getting gold is easier now than before. well, “easier” since the value of gold is less now than before.
Let me give you an example why gold didn’t matter before:
Before, You could farm for rares to salvage for ectos and gather for T6 mats. Those , you would keep for a legendary, instead of selling.
Now, you can farm for them as well, the difference is that the DR and loot drop nerfs have resulted in extremely reduced rare item /T6 acquisition. What this means is that you have to keep the T6 that you gather instead of selling them which means that you can barely make any gold.
The main issue is large demand, low supply which leads to ecto and T6 mat price inflation
spend $1000 and buy gems.
Are you not willing to farm OP? I mean, it is legendary, there should be effort.
I think he said it’s not really FEASIBLE to farm because of DR and drop rates. He is very willing to farm if possible.
I think he said it’s not really FEASIBLE to farm because of DR and drop rates. He is very willing to farm if possible.
He is listing costs of mats in coinage, not hours…
And I know you can farm a lot of those mats somewhat effectively to reduce costs.
I have to disagree.
I’ve been spending @1 hour a day farming trolls for powerful blood. I average (estimate) @5 blood over that hour. I also get vicious claws and fangs (which I sell since I’ve a stack of those already) so I also make 1-2G over that hour.
Anyways my point is that YES its a chore to farm everything (especially given that DR means one must change camps periodically) but in 50 hours of farming I could see someone having a stack (or significant parts) of 3 of the T6 mats and there are other camps which would yield scales, totems etc. Hardly unreachable and you also gain a few from the mystic clover recipe.
Lodestones I agree are not at the point they need to be, even with the changes to dungeons dropping cores, however again, do the dungeon that drops the core that you want – you will make progress.
Ecto’s … well if you’re lucky (and this needs to change) the dungeon that you are farming for lodestones will also have lvl 70+ rare armor. Use your tokens to buy and salvage these for ectos’.
The ONLY parts of a legendary that are “difficult” are the precursor, lodestones and depending on dungeon, ecto’s and even these are far from “unreachable” – yes some improvements are needed BUT these are supposed to be difficult to obtain skins and part of that should be going out and farming them – just be thankful that the T6 mats arent account bound!
I’ll never get a legendary, I know that. But, I thought the point was not to buy the mats, but go farm for them (lol). You can either spend your time, or pay other people for their time.
Do dungeons every day —> trade tokens for high level rares or exotics.
Salvage rares/exotics.
~2g per full dungeon without tokens —> ecto and loot.
As some people have correctly interpreted in my original post, i am more than willing to farm and have been doing so on a regular basis. I also occasionally buy rares (with buy orders ofcourse) to salvage for ectos but the only worthwhile salvaging kit(BL) costs 5g to buy with gems which is insanely overpriced.
As it has already been mentioned and observed, drop rates have been severely decreased which means that doing clovers is going to be a nightmare. Also, lodestones are well over 250% of the price they were 2 months ago.
I don’t see why legendary mat # requirements aren’t dynamically adjusted based on the market
Do dungeons every day —> trade tokens for high level rares or exotics.
Salvage rares/exotics.
~2g per full dungeon without tokens --> ecto and loot.
Which dungeon are you referring to? And also, i expect this to be nerfed. I’m not sure if its intented for the duyngeon rewards to be salvageable
Why shouldn’t the dungeon rewards be salvageable. You’re spending a good chunk of your time getting the tokens . Each rare costs 30 tokens at least, so you can get around 2 rares per path once a day.
I knew 2 months ago I wouldn’t get/try for a Legendary. Now with the current market status I will never craft an Exotic Skin… Is this fun?
Do dungeons every day —> trade tokens for high level rares or exotics.
Salvage rares/exotics.
~2g per full dungeon without tokens --> ecto and loot.Which dungeon are you referring to? And also, i expect this to be nerfed. I’m not sure if its intented for the duyngeon rewards to be salvageable
Lol what? This isn’t an exploit or bug. It is just a fact of lvl 70+ dungeons that not many ppl caught onto. It is just a method of getting ectos that is completely exclusive from the TP. However, it still does require effort to run dungeons and the salvaging of rares is still governed by RNG wrt to getting ectos.
I knew 2 months ago I wouldn’t get/try for a Legendary. Now with the current market status I will never craft an Exotic Skin… Is this fun?
Why not craft an exotic skin? Are you honestly trying to say you cant obtain a few ectos (despite having the option to get them from dungeons), mine a few orichalcum nodes and ancient woods and get 15 T6 mats?
Seriously there ARE legitimate issues with legendaries (precursors, lodestone, RNG) but this seems like complaining for complainings sake.
Maybe you haven’t factored the cost of lodestones and Tier 6 materials. For example Foefire skins or Volcanus.
Well it can require like no in game effort other than buying them off the TP if you spend real life cash. Unless you count searching for items on the TP hard I suppose.
Unreachable? So why do so many ppl have it already, srsly its not that hard. I got my legendary(Kudzu) few days ago. I NEVER did power-trading, and didnt farm much either. Got everything through doing dungeons regularly for three months.
Srsly stop complaining, even if you dont farm and dont powertrade it takes just few months to get a legendary weapon. I would even think of making precursors harder to get, that Lost Shores give-away was very lame.
And if you are upset about lodestones, go for a legendary that doesnt require them! There are plenty of legendaries that need no lodestones at all.
God you ppl want everything on a silver platter.
And if you are upset about lodestones, go for a legendary that doesnt require them! There are plenty of legendaries that need no lodestones at all.
God you ppl want everything on a silver platter.
The complaints re lodestones I think is legitimate – if someone wants to put the effort in for legendary X, why should they have to work 50% more than people who want legendary Y? And before someone says, “some are better than others”, compare Bifrost and Twilight/Sunrise ~ dyes vs lodestones, yet both very desirable weapons.
While I disagree with the OP, there is still work to do on making legendaries more equal both in terms of acquisition and appearance.
Ofc its not legitimate. Why are the lodestones so expensive? Bcs more ppl want twilight/sunrise than any other legendary. If twilight(and Dreamer) would be ugly, im pretty sure onyx price would be comparable to glacial. Demand makes the price. The problem is not that charged lodestones would drop less than glacial, the problem is that charged are more desired, bcs more ppl like legendary GS than any other legendary weapon. Therefore the higher price on GS is legitimate.
(edited by Bartho.7896)
The problem is an attitude that equates “completion” with “fun”. ie. the game is not fun unless I can get items a through z. As a result, the prices for items q and x are ridiculously high purely from the demand shift factor I will call “completionism”, and financially marginal folks priced out yet still suffering from the disease I call “completionism” come here to kitten and moan about how they can’t have everything they ever wanted, and as a result the game sucks.
Seriously, just play the game.
Sorry Ath legendaries are not for everyone. If everyone had super power none will be a super hero =(.
I don’t have my legendary yet but if they make it ez/cheaper to get I’ll lose all my interest in getting one.
Ofc its not legitimate. Why are the lodestones so expensive? Bcs more ppl want twilight/sunrise than any other legendary. If twilight(and Dreamer) would be ugly, im pretty sure onyx price would be comparable to glacial. Demand makes the price. The problem is not that charged lodestones would drop less than glacial, the problem is that charged are more desired, bcs more ppl like legendary GS than any other legendary weapon. Therefore the higher price on GS is legitimate.
There are many other weapons that require lodestones. Infinite Light, for example.
There is nothing in a Legendary that -needs- the use of the Trading Post.
One can obtain a legendary by farming for it.
The use of the trading post is to trade time spent doing one thing for not having to spend time doing another thing.
A lot of people buy their precursor weapon because they don’t want to spend the time, energy, or effort creating their own. But, they could have. Instead, they spend the amount of gold that they perceive as equating the value of the item.
If prices are going up on the Trading Post across the board then it doesn’t change the amount of time in needed for a legendary. If one aspect of a legendary is rising faster in price than another then focus on that one aspect and use it to buy up the cheaper elements.
If ArenaNet “nerfs” the drop rate of X but leaves Y as it is, then farm Y to buy up X. Or, since X’s price will rise, farm X and buy up Y – depending how the prices come out in the end.
There is nothing in a Legendary that -needs- the use of the Trading Post.
One can obtain a legendary by farming for it.
The use of the trading post is to trade time spent doing one thing for not having to spend time doing another thing.
A lot of people buy their precursor weapon because they don’t want to spend the time, energy, or effort creating their own. But, they could have. Instead, they spend the amount of gold that they perceive as equating the value of the item.
If prices are going up on the Trading Post across the board then it doesn’t change the amount of time in needed for a legendary. If one aspect of a legendary is rising faster in price than another then focus on that one aspect and use it to buy up the cheaper elements.
If ArenaNet “nerfs” the drop rate of X but leaves Y as it is, then farm Y to buy up X. Or, since X’s price will rise, farm X and buy up Y – depending how the prices come out in the end.
This i definitely agree with. The only issue i’m discussing is that
1) A significant number of X’s have nerfed drop rates or have inflated market values.
2) Y’s are mostly needed for the gifts, thus are not sold and cannot acquire X from them.
3) Due to 1) using the TP at all for convenience is severely restricted regardless of gold being easier to make.
1,2, and 3 were not an issue last month or 2 but they are now. And This inconvenience will probably result me in taking a good 20%+ more time in acquiring what i need for the gifts.
For the record, i’m going for Bolt
To the guy with Kudzu:
the mats needed for Kudzu are pretty cheap compared to other gifts :-)
If you want to know what is expensive, look in the signature
To the guy with Kudzu:
the mats needed for Kudzu are pretty cheap compared to other gifts :-)
If you want to know what is expensive, look in the signature
Yet i didnt feel the need to go for the most expensive one.
That was the point of my post, first off all legendaries ARE reachable, some are harder than others, mostly bcs of higher demand. If you cant/dont want to spent so much time farming for a GS, you have plenty of possibilities of a cheaper, yet still pretty legendary.
You say you don’t want “easy mode”, yet in the same breath, you ask that they adjust it to make it easier for you to get. It sounds like you feel entitled to a Legendary. Am I wrong?
The prices on the market have gone up with the increased demand for T6 items. As I mentioned in another post, as more people max levels and acquire wealth (be it through farming or just playing the game normally), they now have the resources to purchase T6 mats from the TP. With Anet banning the farming bots, thus reducing the overall availability of mats to purchase, people are now charging/asking for higher prices. And you know what? People are PAYING these prices. So as long as people are WILLING to dish out the money, the market will reflect it game wide. I’m sorry if this affects you in a negative way, but that’s how markets work.
Now back to your “need” to get a Legendary (I say “need” because it sounds like you really want one). Pretty much everyone is able to get one, as playing the game normally will provide you the mats you need. Casual players will just take longer to get, but you CAN get them. As Anet stated, Legendary weapons are a journey, or perhaps saying over a long period of time. Just because you can’t get yours within a few months of the game doesn’t mean you can’t a year from now. Look at Bartho, he got his playing normally. Sure he may play a lot more than you, but all he did was play. If the mats don’t drop, you can choose to purchase them from the TP using money you got “from playing the game”. Note – Legendaries are not dependent on the TP, so your statement is incorrect there.
The only thing that one could complain about would be Precursors and Clovers. Anet already adjusted the drop rate of Precursors (while minor, I’ll take what I can get) from enemies or from the Forge. Clovers are the only thing that require pure luck, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Heck, I’m stuck at 61 after running through a stack of Shards and Ectos. But I’m not gonna complain to Anet to turn on easy mode, I’m gonna keep on trying until I get them.
Now to help you out, I’m gonna give you some quick tips on how you can help yourself on your Legendary journey.
Tip #1) Mine Mithril nodes and Elder Woods. Whenever you see one, go after it.
Tip #2) Craft your own Rares (Weapons and/or Armors)
Tip #2.1) Farm high level areas for T5 mats, or for coin to purchase them
Tip #2.2) Certain T5 mats for Rare crafting are cheap on the TP
Tip #3) Salvage crafted Rares for Ecto
Tip #3.1) Sell crafted Rares for coin, to then purchase Ectos on the TP
Tip #4) Use Rare weapons in the Forge to go for a Precursor
You say you don’t want “easy mode”, yet in the same breath, you ask that they adjust it to make it easier for you to get. It sounds like you feel entitled to a Legendary. Am I wrong?
The prices on the market have gone up with the increased demand for T6 items. As I mentioned in another post, as more people max levels and acquire wealth (be it through farming or just playing the game normally), they now have the resources to purchase T6 mats from the TP. With Anet banning the farming bots, thus reducing the overall availability of mats to purchase, people are now charging/asking for higher prices. And you know what? People are PAYING these prices. So as long as people are WILLING to dish out the money, the market will reflect it game wide. I’m sorry if this affects you in a negative way, but that’s how markets work.
Now back to your “need” to get a Legendary (I say “need” because it sounds like you really want one). Pretty much everyone is able to get one, as playing the game normally will provide you the mats you need. Casual players will just take longer to get, but you CAN get them. As Anet stated, Legendary weapons are a journey, or perhaps saying over a long period of time. Just because you can’t get yours within a few months of the game doesn’t mean you can’t a year from now. Look at Bartho, he got his playing normally. Sure he may play a lot more than you, but all he did was play. If the mats don’t drop, you can choose to purchase them from the TP using money you got “from playing the game”. Note – Legendaries are not dependent on the TP, so your statement is incorrect there.
The only thing that one could complain about would be Precursors and Clovers. Anet already adjusted the drop rate of Precursors (while minor, I’ll take what I can get) from enemies or from the Forge. Clovers are the only thing that require pure luck, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Heck, I’m stuck at 61 after running through a stack of Shards and Ectos. But I’m not gonna complain to Anet to turn on easy mode, I’m gonna keep on trying until I get them.
Now to help you out, I’m gonna give you some quick tips on how you can help yourself on your Legendary journey.
Tip #1) Mine Mithril nodes and Elder Woods. Whenever you see one, go after it.
Tip #2) Craft your own Rares (Weapons and/or Armors)
Tip #2.1) Farm high level areas for T5 mats, or for coin to purchase them
Tip #2.2) Certain T5 mats for Rare crafting are cheap on the TPTip #3) Salvage crafted Rares for Ecto
Tip #3.1) Sell crafted Rares for coin, to then purchase Ectos on the TPTip #4) Use Rare weapons in the Forge to go for a Precursor
You forgot another step before Tip #4: Pray to whatever that is holy to you that RNG is in your favor.
Pray to Tyche, the Greek goddess of fortune and luck.
Are you not willing to farm OP? I mean, it is legendary, there should be effort.
What sort of ploughshares to swords silliness is this? What part of grinding, farming etc makes your acquisition of a legendary in any way a legendary accomplishment?
I don’t think that a legendary should be something that everyone has or goes after, but I think that should be based on player choice rather than player dissuasion. Right now, the current market and system discourage people from going after them rather than presenting them with a difficult option. That’s why topics like this keep popping up.
Most players are willing to put in time, effort and money to earn prestigious items. It’s when we cross the boundary into the realm of unreasonable demand that there becomes a problem. We’re nearing that point if we’re not there already.
So did everyone just ignore that OP dislikes how ridiculous it is when you compare how much it costs to get a legendary now vs earlier, and instead chose to attack him on not wanting to farm?
Don’t forget to sacrifice an asura to the RNG gods before you salvage anything!
I agree with OP it seems to me like getting a legendary now is more legendary then it was a month ago thats for certain.
My problem with legendary items atm isnt obtaining them. Its there being one i want to obtain. As an engineer who plays shield + pistol, and uses kits 90% of the time. There is no reason for me to obtain a cool weapon skin. Especially not when choices are a Sniper Rifle used at close range a shield with a book on it, and a gun that shoots bubbles. Twighlight is an absolutely amazing and worthwhile weapon skin, i just wish some of the others got as much attention from the development team because from what i have seen of legendaries it seems like the 2 Greatswords (why are there 2 btw??) and the 2h hammer have had 1000x the work done on them that the others have.
P.S. How about a Legendary Rifle skin that looks like a pumpaction shotgun for engineers that would be nice.
(edited by Littledeath.2684)
would be nice if they made a legendary backpack for us engineers it’ll throw stars for grenades, heart bombs, and the sparks (like Jubilee in xmen cartoons) for elixer gun. Personally, I’m going for Quip. I think it’s still nice even if I don’t use it 100% of the time. :P
Tip #4) Use Rare weapons in the Forge to go for a Precursor
I’m sorry but I HAD to laugh at this. And yes I have seen the YT vid featuring the poor bugger who spent 280g (back then, about 500g+ worth now) on 1500 rare GS’s and threw them all in the forge in hopes of a precursor. Zommoros didn’t favour him, and that was one costly exercise in the Mystic Toilet.
So did everyone just ignore that OP dislikes how ridiculous it is when you compare how much it costs to get a legendary now vs earlier, and instead chose to attack him on not wanting to farm?
Yes, because the cost is the same. If you farm, the cost is the same, if you trade, the cost is the same…
Crafted my Juggernaut yesterday
Legendary weapons are LONG TERM goal and for avarage player it should take one year to craft one.
Thats 365 days .. If you do only 2-3 golds per day, you can still have it without problems
I had to play 1200 hours in 3 month to craft mine. Its not NEARLY unreachable. Legendary weapons are for those who are willing to put required effort in.
IF you dont want to put the required effort then just give up and dont go for Legendary, its not for you.
And no one can complain that someone who went for his Legendary at release had it easyer because of lower prices. He had the same chance, he had the same opportunity. If he didnt play before, its only his fault and his problem. He cant be just jealous and complain about it.
Its like asking your country to give you same opprotunities to become rich like all those people after revolution who had it 10x easyer than now, etc. Not going to happen.
Arenanet already said that people are reaching their Legendaries way faster than expected so its obvious that they wanted prices of mats to rise.
Current Prices are where they should be, the previous prices were low because of bots and Arenanet already stated that it was their intention to increase them.
And as you can see I did craft my Legendary even with current prices.
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
^^ Wow Juggernaut makes your armor look all shiny O_O it’s purty, me want!
lol grats dude
Crafted my Juggernaut yesterday
Legendary weapons are LONG TERM goal and for avarage player it should take one year to craft one.
Thats 365 days .. If you do only 2-3 golds per day, you can still have it without problems
I had to play 1200 hours in 3 month to craft mine. Its not NEARLY unreachable. Legendary weapons are for those who are willing to put required effort in.
IF you dont want to put the required effort then just give up and dont go for Legendary, its not for you.
And no one can complain that someone who went for his Legendary at release had it easyer because of lower prices. He had the same chance, he had the same opportunity. If he didnt play before, its only his fault and his problem. He cant be just jealous and complain about it.
Its like asking your country to give you same opprotunities to become rich like all those people after revolution who had it 10x easyer than now, etc. Not going to happen.Arenanet already said that people are reaching their Legendaries way faster than expected so its obvious that they wanted prices of mats to rise.
Current Prices are where they should be, the previous prices were low because of bots and Arenanet already stated that it was their intention to increase them.And as you can see I did craft my Legendary even with current prices.
You’re wrapped up in your own efforts that you completely miss the point; grats on your legendary, but making up time-frames for people with less time than you is remarkably short sighted. The moment you use the word Work you weaken your argument; this is a game, work is something I do to pay my Mortgage.
Like the OP, I and many others are willing to put in effort to get a legendary.
However the reality is this; crafting a legendary weapon in this game is in no-way enjoyable. That is a problem. People like you who’ve spent the last three months mindlessly acquiring everything needed to craft a legendary have done so at a price point that is now unavailable to people going forward. That is a problem. The heavy dependency on the trading framework and it’s rampant scaling is a problem. New players have no chance of getting one the way it stands… in fact new players have a hard enough time getting optimally geared.
Time is fine. If Anet had a goal that 12 months was optimal for a legendary they’d have implemented it in a way that gated the creation and put more personal goals in place in order to craft it. Instead we have a situation whereby the player has to mindlessly farm, grind and pray to the RNG gods.
Time != Effort, Grind != Fun.
The sad thing is that in the eyes of many, Legendaries were pitched as the ultimate personal end-game, something all players could go for… instead the current legendary grind-fest is the biggest affront to the manifesto so far.
But not to worry, i’m sure the pre-cursor scavenger hunt we keep hearing about will solve all of these problems.
(edited by Parthis.2091)
Apparently Twilight is on sale on the TP. With only 8888 gold you can buy it with no grind necessary. No so difficult is it ?
You’re wrapped up in your own efforts that you completely miss the point; grats on your legendary, but making up time-frames for people with less time than you is remarkably short sighted. The moment you use the word Work you weaken your argument; this is a game, work is something I do to pay my Mortgage.
Like the OP, I and many others are willing to put in effort to get a legendary.
However the reality is this; crafting a legendary weapon in this game is in no-way enjoyable. That is a problem. People like you who’ve spent the last three months mindlessly acquiring everything needed to craft a legendary have done so at a price point that is now unavailable to people going forward. That is a problem. The heavy dependency on the trading framework and it’s rampant scaling is a problem. New players have no chance of getting one the way it stands… in fact new players have a hard enough time getting optimally geared.
Time is fine. If Anet had a goal that 12 months was optimal for a legendary they’d have implemented it in a way that gated the creation and put more personal goals in place in order to craft it. Instead we have a situation whereby the player has to mindlessly farm, grind and pray to the RNG gods.
Time != Effort, Grind != Fun.
The sad thing is that in the eyes of many, Legendaries were pitched as the ultimate personal end-game, something all players could go for… instead the current legendary grind-fest is the biggest affront to the manifesto so far.
But not to worry, i’m sure the pre-cursor scavenger hunt we keep hearing about will solve all of these problems.
Did you ever think that people are actually enjoying it?
I did enjoy all those 1200 hours collecting all what I needed and I know atleast 5 more friends who are almost done with their legendaries too and I know they are having fun.
By saying you dont enjoy the actual way of obtainig Legendary you are acutally saying you DONT enjoy playing Guild Wars 2 at all.
Because the way Legendary weapons are crafted is by simply playing the game Doing dungeons, wvw, events, story, leveling alts … Everything you do in Guild wars 2 takes you closer to finish your legendary. EVERYTHING
You dont have to grind/farm ever in Guild Wars 2 in order to craft your legendary. ONLY if you want your Legendary in 2-3 months. But then Its only YOUR fault and not Areanets.
Maybe but maybe .. You are not supposed to have Legendary when you dont enjoy playing the Guild Wars 2. Because there are tons of players who do enjoy it.
I dont enjoy many things in many games but I am not tryeing to change them because I know there are players that actuly enjoy it as it is.
If I wanted and demanded those changes only because me I would feel selfish and those players would have right to demand refund and rage.
This is what I think
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
Time != Effort, Grind != Fun.
Whilst I agree with you on this point, it is VERY difficult for game designers to create solutions which do not require time and grind in accomplishing “end game goals”. In fact if one introduces that oft lamented missing element skill, it is then only a matter of time before your audience becomes divided into 2 factions – those that find things too easy and those who find things too hard (look at the clock tower as an example of the later).
I actually believe that apart from the precursor and lodestones, anet have come up with a reasonably balanced solution and most of the complaints are from people who want an easy route. Lets just look at T6 mats:
1) @10-20% of T6 mats will be made during the crafting of the gift of fortune.
2) @10%-20% of mats will be acquired during “normal” play as drops from mobs or within the various bags that drop.
3) T6 mats can be made cheaply via upconverting T5 mats in the mystic forge. Doing it this way means that they are available for roughly 1/2 their cost of that on the trading post.
That’s a reasonably wide selection of ways of acquiring them, none of which require the trading post or grinding (I had 2 stacks of most T5 mats by 80 which yielded about 70 of each T6 mat – I was over half way through my T6 mats JUST by normal play).
Anyone complaining about the price of T6 mats is basically saying “I want my legendary NOW rather than later and I am annoyed because the trading post no longer offers me this shortcut”.
Did you ever think that people are actually enjoying it?
I did enjoy all those 1200 hours collecting all what I needed and I know atleast 5 more friends who are almost done with their legendaries too and I know they are having fun.
By saying you dont enjoy the actual way of obtainig Legendary you are acutally saying you DONT enjoy playing Guild Wars 2 at all.
Because the way Legendary weapons are crafted is by simply playing the gameDoing dungeons, wvw, events, story, leveling alts … Everything you do in Guild wars 2 takes you closer to finish your legendary. EVERYTHING
Maybe but maybe .. You are not supposed to have Legendary when you dont enjoy the way of obtaining it. Because there are tons of players that enjoy it.
I dont enjoy many things in many games but I am not tryeing to change them because I know there are players that actuly enjoy it as it is.
If I wanted and demanded those changes only because me I would feel selfish and those players would have right to demand refund and rage.
It’s not doing dungeons; it’s doing one dungeon repeatedly. That is, by definition, grind.
It’s not playing the game to get lodestones; it’s killing the same mobs over and over and over. That is also grind.
It’s not playing WvW; it’s joining a zerg to kill players to RNG badges from loot bags.
It’s not playing to acquire a pre-cursor; it’s throwing countless items of the same type into the mystic forge over and over again. Grind.
The game even has a gearing stat specifically for grind.
It’s not playing the game. It’s repeating specific aspects of the game numerous times in order to progress; that is a direct contradiction to the manifesto.
Now contrast that with changes that could actually make it fun or more accessible; how about all mobs have a chance of dropping Lodestones, and in order to make it Molten/Charged/Icy, etc, you needed to take them to a volcano, or to face a dragon, and be hit with an ability to change them. I have a lodestone, I need it to be Icy, i’m going to seek out Jormag and fight him. That, right there, is instantly more fun and engaging for the majority than mindlessly grinding mobs or buying them from the TP, and it has a known result.
How about stripping back the need to do one instance many times. A weekly random challenge in the dungeon’s host region could offset some of that grind. etc etc… weekly implies time; so there’s a known, consistent time route if users don’t want to mindless grind dungeons.
How about not tying legendaries so tightly to materials that are also heavily sought after for other aspects of the game; it’s a vicious circle. Mats go up because legendaries need them, which in turn pushes up prices for the people trying to actually craft normal goods.
How about using achievement points to offset some of the requirements, so players can go out into the world and do jumping puzzles, throw on goggles and jump off waterfalls, and actually pick achievements that sound fun to them etc etc. That’s playing the game; when something as fun to the individual as a jumping puzzle contributes to their long term goals.
How about making WvW award badges for actively defending a camp, or sieging a keep, or escorting a doly; you know, actually playing the game.
So again, grats on your legendary and i’m thrilled you personally enjoyed working your way through the shopping list of mats, but let’s not kid ourself that Anet have produced a fun, inspiring and engaging goal.
They’re smarter than this. They could have made this amazing, instead it’s really very dull.
And for the record, as the tone of your post suggests i’m complaining for no reason or without knowledge of what’s actually involved; I have a pre-cursor, I have some of the lodestones, i’ve some of the instances, etc. It’s just not overly compelling, and it’s very disappointing from a company so focused on producing an accessible, enjoyable and repetition free game.
(edited by Parthis.2091)
Time != Effort, Grind != Fun.
Whilst I agree with you on this point, it is VERY difficult for game designers to create solutions which do not require time and grind in accomplishing “end game goals”. In fact if one introduces that oft lamented missing element skill, it is then only a matter of time before your audience becomes divided into 2 factions – those that find things too easy and those who find things too hard (look at the clock tower as an example of the later).
I actually believe that apart from the precursor and lodestones, anet have come up with a reasonably balanced solution and most of the complaints are from people who want an easy route. Lets just look at T6 mats:
1) @10-20% of T6 mats will be made during the crafting of the gift of fortune.
2) @10%-20% of mats will be acquired during “normal” play as drops from mobs or within the various bags that drop.
3) T6 mats can be made cheaply via upconverting T5 mats in the mystic forge. Doing it this way means that they are available for roughly 1/2 their cost of that on the trading post.That’s a reasonably wide selection of ways of acquiring them, none of which require the trading post or grinding (I had 2 stacks of most T5 mats by 80 which yielded about 70 of each T6 mat – I was over half way through my T6 mats JUST by normal play).
Anyone complaining about the price of T6 mats is basically saying “I want my legendary NOW rather than later and I am annoyed because the trading post no longer offers me this shortcut”.
I appreciate it’s difficult, but again they’re smart. Very smart. They’ve built an engaging questing system in a sea of stale MMOs. They’ve made an interesting combat system while the likes of TOR continued with the awkward WoW/EQ model, etc etc.
So then along comes legendaries; the ultimate in personal end-game… and it’s a shopping list. That’s disappointing, and completely at the mercy of the economy.
If time was the goal in this personal end-game, tying it to materials and out pricing the majority early was a mistake; the net result of a seemingly impenetrable progression system for all but the earliest of grinders.
It could have just been so much more engaging and interesting, and actually be epic.
So did everyone just ignore that OP dislikes how ridiculous it is when you compare how much it costs to get a legendary now vs earlier, and instead chose to attack him on not wanting to farm?
Thank you
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