(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
Legendaries unreachable, regardless of effort
Like Anet give a F#ck about us guys in getting Legendary….And i do agree that getting Legendary is a pain.unless ur a non lifer and the whole time u spend on the game.But not everyone is like that.Some ppl have a Job,Family,Morgage,college, hobbies,etc.
Well good luck with that then. Complaining about your real life not allowing you to gain the best weapon in game is not way to go buddy
You are your own master. PUT YOUR TIME IN WHATEVER YOU WANT. Like everyone else do.
Read one more time carefully and then speack.
Some ppl like to play this game and do others things too.Not just staying on game tons of hours.So from what u said i guess everyone that want a Legendary need to play 3 months (1200hours just like u) without a social life.And i dont say u have playd this game Non-Stop.But im sure u havent been out too much.So pls before u rush to say some words that have no sense think first.And from the way u spoke i bet ur not older than 18 and dont know what are responsabilities.Or u are older but u still have that mama`s boy life(No Offence).
Like Anet give a F#ck about us guys in getting Legendary….And i do agree that getting Legendary is a pain.unless ur a non lifer and the whole time u spend on the game.But not everyone is like that.Some ppl have a Job,Family,Morgage,college, hobbies,etc.
Well good luck with that then. Complaining about your real life not allowing you to gain the best weapon in game is not way to go buddy
You are your own master. PUT YOUR TIME IN WHATEVER YOU WANT. Like everyone else do.
Read one more time carefully and then speack
Some ppl like to play this game and do others things too.Not just staying on game tons of hours.So from what u said i guess everyone that want a Legendary need to play 3 months (1200hours just like u) without a social life.And i dont say u have playd this game Non-Stop.But im sure u havent been out too much.So pls before u rush to say some words that have no sense think first.And from the way u spoke i bet ur not older than 18 and dont know what are responsabilities.Or u are older but u still have that mama`s boy life(No Offence).
Those like you, with hobbies, work, wife, kids will just achieve Legendary in a half year or year. Whats problem with that? I just dont understand your point..
Some players do play 3x more than others. I did sacrifice A LOT of real life time in those 3 months so i think I deserve to get it faster than someone who plays casualy and rather spend time with his family, work, hobbies or whatever.
You just decided to spend your time elsewhere than I did. Instead of having legendary in 3 months like me, you just got more real life stuff going on. So that is fair. Or should I complain here that you did more real life stuff? Because thats only my fault I didnt.
You cant just EXPECT to have same skill in something (basketball, piano, etc) as someone who spend 10 hours a day practicing these things when you decided that you practice only 2 hour a day.
Same in guild wars 2.
Legendary weapons are just exclusive, unique weapons so HC or no-lifer players have something big to chase. It wont give them any advantage, its not even story related or something.
You cant expect to have Legendary fast as someone when you are not willing to spend the same time for it like he does.
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
Like Anet give a F#ck about us guys in getting Legendary….And i do agree that getting Legendary is a pain.unless ur a non lifer and the whole time u spend on the game.But not everyone is like that.Some ppl have a Job,Family,Morgage,college, hobbies,etc.
Well good luck with that then. Complaining about your real life not allowing you to gain the best weapon in game is not way to go buddy
You are your own master. PUT YOUR TIME IN WHATEVER YOU WANT. Like everyone else do.
Read one more time carefully and then speack
Some ppl like to play this game and do others things too.Not just staying on game tons of hours.So from what u said i guess everyone that want a Legendary need to play 3 months (1200hours just like u) without a social life.And i dont say u have playd this game Non-Stop.But im sure u havent been out too much.So pls before u rush to say some words that have no sense think first.And from the way u spoke i bet ur not older than 18 and dont know what are responsabilities.Or u are older but u still have that mama`s boy life(No Offence).Those like you, with hobbies, work, wife, kids will just achieve Legendary in a year. Whats problem with that? Are you just jealous because I just dont understand your point.. I did play 3x more than others, I did sacrifice A LOT of time in those 3 months so i think I deserve to get it faster than someone who plays casualy and rather spend time with his family, work, hobbies or whatever.
You just decided to spend your time elsewhere. Instead of having legendary in 3 months like me, you just got more real life stuff going on. So that is fair. Or should I complain here that you did more real life stuff? Because thats only my decision I didnt.
As this is the second time you are calling someone jealous i’m almost convinced that you either are trolling or have some disorder of some sort. Please stop posting here. You neither understand the original concerns i have mentioned nor you have said anything constructive and contribute in derailing the post.
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
Like Anet give a F#ck about us guys in getting Legendary….And i do agree that getting Legendary is a pain.unless ur a non lifer and the whole time u spend on the game.But not everyone is like that.Some ppl have a Job,Family,Morgage,college, hobbies,etc.
Well good luck with that then. Complaining about your real life not allowing you to gain the best weapon in game is not way to go buddy
You are your own master. PUT YOUR TIME IN WHATEVER YOU WANT. Like everyone else do.
Read one more time carefully and then speack
Some ppl like to play this game and do others things too.Not just staying on game tons of hours.So from what u said i guess everyone that want a Legendary need to play 3 months (1200hours just like u) without a social life.And i dont say u have playd this game Non-Stop.But im sure u havent been out too much.So pls before u rush to say some words that have no sense think first.And from the way u spoke i bet ur not older than 18 and dont know what are responsabilities.Or u are older but u still have that mama`s boy life(No Offence).Those like you, with hobbies, work, wife, kids will just achieve Legendary in a year. Whats problem with that? Are you just jealous because I just dont understand your point.. I did play 3x more than others, I did sacrifice A LOT of time in those 3 months so i think I deserve to get it faster than someone who plays casualy and rather spend time with his family, work, hobbies or whatever.
You just decided to spend your time elsewhere. Instead of having legendary in 3 months like me, you just got more real life stuff going on. So that is fair. Or should I complain here that you did more real life stuff? Because thats only my decision I didnt.
As this is the second time you are calling someone jealous i’m almost convinced that you either are trolling or have some disorder of some sort. Please stop posting here. You neither understand the original concerns i have mentioned nor you have said anything constructive and contribute in derailing the post.
Thats your oppinion and I respect it but I think I can post wherever I can when I please to. I cant stop you to create topics like this either, can I?
I said what I think.
But you are right. I do not have anything else to say so bye all GL & HF
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
Like Anet give a F#ck about us guys in getting Legendary….And i do agree that getting Legendary is a pain.unless ur a non lifer and the whole time u spend on the game.But not everyone is like that.Some ppl have a Job,Family,Morgage,college, hobbies,etc.
That’s the thing, they actually DO “give a F###” about us as a playerbase. A game that is created to cater to everyone does so not by creating 1-piece of content that everyone enjoys, but by creating multiple layers of content. In Guild Wars 2, the breakdown in relationship to gear seems to generally be like this:
Casual-beginner Players: Stats easily obtained @ lvl 80 then get Dungeon set looks.
Casual-advanced Players: Tier 3 cultural/ rare crafts(ie volcanus/ foefire’s essence)/ ascended gear
Hardcore Players: Legendary weapons
Again, this is because they are doing what they are saying and appealing to everyone with the game as a WHOLE, not with any 1 piece of content. I don’t understand why people get so upset about it. It’s one tiny piece of content (a simple skin mind you) that doesn’t exclude anyone from anything story related, or otherwise relevant content, that doesn’t make anybody more powerful than anyone else, and that Anet created for their small Hardcore fan base. I’m grateful they took the time to do something like that. It really shows how they really are catering to every single type of player they can. I feel like people forget that.
I got to spend less than 700 hours to get my Sunrise.
I’m not a big fan of social life, since I can barely get along with anyone. (Online friends are far better and have more in common with me)
I do however have a loving wife that I get to spend my life with, and great paying job that only req. 4 days a week.
Couldn’t really ask for more, I guess it all comes down to how you live your life, and game wise – how efficiently you spend your time in the game to reach your goals.
If I wanted, I could get another legendary – any, within another month or less if I really wanted to in less than 200 hours. Atm one is more than enough for me.
I got to spend less than 700 hours to get my Sunrise.
I’m not a big fan of social life, since I can barely get along with anyone. (Online friends are far better and have more in common with me)
I do however have a loving wife that I get to spend my life with, and great paying job that only req. 4 days a week.
Couldn’t really ask for more, I guess it all comes down to how you live your life, and game wise – how efficiently you spend your time in the game to reach your goals.P.S
If I wanted, I could get another legendary – any, within another month or less if I really wanted to in less than 200 hours. Atm one is more than enough for me.
Kudos to you. I am getting close to 700 myself and have just started not too long ago on my quest for bolt. It’s tough in terms of getting the mats and all but i’m quite determined to get it. Done anything specific which you consider effective during your quest to get it?
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
I got to spend less than 700 hours to get my Sunrise.
I’m not a big fan of social life, since I can barely get along with anyone. (Online friends are far better and have more in common with me)
I do however have a loving wife that I get to spend my life with, and great paying job that only req. 4 days a week.
Couldn’t really ask for more, I guess it all comes down to how you live your life, and game wise – how efficiently you spend your time in the game to reach your goals.P.S
If I wanted, I could get another legendary – any, within another month or less if I really wanted to in less than 200 hours. Atm one is more than enough for me.Kudos to you. I am getting close to 700 myself and have just started not too long ago on my quest for bolt. It’s tough in terms of getting the mats and all but i’m quite determined to get it. Done anything specific which you consider effective during your quest to get it?
I run 16 characters in two different accounts, 10 of them are level 80.
I’m quite big into nodes farming, I set up most efficient routes and specific nodes to farm.
This is merely one tip I can give you, I normally don’t share but this is something that anyone can figure out, but most people won’t be arsed to do.
Another good tip, don’t bother with anything else ingame: dungeons, pvp (do Jumping puzzles in WvW instead), normal mobs farming will take too much of your time.
Only focus on making gold, I’d say you better figure out a way to make 6~10g an hour or the whole process will take very very long time for you.
(edited by Horheristo.3607)
I wanted to linger on a couple of posts from people with legendaries.
So you blame Arenanet for your decision not playing enought? You could simply quit your job, school and play 12+ hours a day if you wanted to. ITS ONLY YOUR CHOICE.
I did sacrifice 3 months of real life in order to craft my legendary in 3 months(faster than it is supposed to take). You could do the same.
Its only your choice what you do with your time. Someone rather work many hours a day at the expense of free time/hobby and someone else rather play video games, etc at the expense of money.
I run 16 characters in two different accounts, 10 of them are level 80.
I’m quite big into nodes farming, I set up most efficient routes and specific nodes to farm.This is merely one tip I can give you, I normally don’t share but this is something that anyone can figure out, but most people won’t be arsed to do.
Another good tip, don’t bother with anything else ingame: dungeons, pvp (do Jumping puzzles in WvW instead), normal mobs farming will take too much of your time.
Only focus on making gold, I’d say you better figure out a way to make 6~10g an hour or the whole process will take very very long time for you.
I mean this in the nicest possible way, but there is no way, at all, that either of you are going to give this thread a fair chance. You’re so convinced that because you guys did this (three months of your life, poof! Sixteen characters, giving up on major aspects of the game, poof!) then you’re uniquely (and more) qualified to comment on and undermine the concerns of people that don’t align with your own personal life-style.
So, once more for the cheap seats; this isn’t about time. People are happy to spend time doing fun things to earn a legendary. People are not happy to spend their time grinding. That is a direct affront to the manifesto and a key point you are guys consistently and conveniently over looking.
The issue is about method of acquisition; the current implementation of the legendary system prices out the majority and encourages grind. Even over 12 months this system shuts down many other aspects of the game.
The irony of all of this is oft-banded mantra from the legendary touting crowd; “Just play the game and you’ll get one!” Quickly followed by “But they not for you, they’re for the hardcore!”, while advising to “focus on one aspect of the game entirely, ignore dungeons, etc, while doing so!”
Non of this is healthy, inspiring, epic or in fact even close to Anet’s goals when crafting GW2. Happy for both of you that you have what you wanted and gained them in a way that worked for you, just please don’t pretend that the market is the same, or that the concerns of people posting in this thread are non-existant.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C – http://tinyurl.com/durmandpriory
(edited by Parthis.2091)
The thread is entitled “Legendaries unreachable, regardless of effort”.
Yes, legendaries are a grind; yes, the value of all the materials involved in making one is nearly or over 1000 gold and this is a LOT; yes, certain parts of the process need to be addressed…..
But the fact is that legendaries are NOT unobtainable, they just require a lot of effort to obtain and the original premise of this topic is deeply flawed. Make the points regarding grind and fun-factor in other threads and people will probably agree; doing so in this thread though devalues your arguments.
BTW I finally finished my mystic clovers last night (after 248 shards) and the PRIMARY reason it took me so long was lack of skill points. Not gold – skill points. My next hurdle is karma of which I’m 100K short despite having done dailies everyday for the last 2 months, WvW daily etc.
While lots of people are complaining about the gold cost, I bet very few of them have the 450 skill points and 1.1 million karma required – and when there are people in that position I’m reasonably certain that the gold cost will be the last of their problems.
(EDIT: In fact I earned well over 200 gold in the process of acquiring those skill points AND a great number of T6 mats.)
(edited by morphemass.2850)
Gold is definitely the limiting factor for most people trying to get legendaries. I have my mystic clovers, the skill points, and the karma. I still need about another 200 gold for the lodestones and remaining t6 mats, up from around 160 gold a day ago, because of manipulation of lodestones yesterday. Similar manipulation is going on with silver doubloons. The op’s post is not literally saying the legendary is unreachable, but rather, the amount of effort needed to gain a legendary is increasing at an alarming rate.
High demand, low supply items like lodestones and silver doubloons can be easily manipulated by the rich at everyone else’s expense. DR makes farming these items completely unviable as they are mostly available in 1 or 2 spots, and in the case of lodestones, I might get enough cores to make 1 lodestone in 3 dungeon runs if I’m lucky.
So, once more for the cheap seats; this isn’t about time. People are happy to spend time doing fun things to earn a legendary. People are not happy to spend their time grinding. That is a direct affront to the manifesto and a key point you are guys consistently and conveniently over looking.
The OP tried to argue that the rising prices of materials is making Legendaries impossible, because by the time you get enough for the price that it was a few weeks ago, it has already gone up by a bit.
The issue is about method of acquisition; the current implementation of the legendary system prices out the majority and encourages grind. Even over 12 months this system shuts down many other aspects of the game.
The thing is, it’s impossible to make a system that fulfills the following conditions, which I think is what most people would want a Legendary to be:
- Takes time
- Does not take grinding
- Is equally accessible to everyone
Fulfill 1 and 2 and you have a “skill-based” Legendary that would, for example, requiring tons of difficult Jumping Puzzles. That would make it much more difficult for any Norn or Charr to get a Legendary, not to mention people with disabilities. And that’s clearly not fair. Not to mention that it wouldn’t take long before you would see YouTube videos of how to complete them.
Fulfill 1 and 3 and you get a grindfest.
Fulfill 2 and 3 and your Legendary isn’t very Legendary anymore.
Adenos.3018:High demand, low supply items like lodestones and silver doubloons can be easily manipulated by the rich at everyone else’s expense.
Silver Doubloons I can see manipulated by some TP baron. Lodestones not so much. The thing is, anything that can be farmed from a specific source isn’t going to be too good of a thing to trade in, as the supply is ever-increasing. Items like Silver Doubloons that only drop randomly from all mobs, on the other hand, are much less likely to take a dive due to increased supply.
(edited by Olba.5376)
Unless they suddenly said
“Slightly increased droprate of silver doubloons from bags. Also, it is now possible to transmute copper doubloons into silver doubloons.”
Boom! Silver takes a hit while copper skyrockets (from their current price anyway).
High demand, low supply items like lodestones and silver doubloons can be easily manipulated by the rich at everyone else’s expense. DR makes farming these items completely unviable as they are mostly available in 1 or 2 spots, and in the case of lodestones, I might get enough cores to make 1 lodestone in 3 dungeon runs if I’m lucky.
This is exactly the part I’m beginning to have an increasing problem with. Make no mistake, I have nothing against the person behind the screen playing the system – it’s the system itself that is flawed.
A trader here, someone who only buys items off the TP to sell them back later, does not supply any service. There is no time or distance to be bridged for the goods, there is no expiration for items on the TP and the overall risk is rather minimal (of course this part is up for discussion). The farmer is the one who supplies a service to us – and I can’t be sure that I would be paying him either, transactions are anonymous.
Now usually in other games I don’t have a problem with that at all. Either I am able to acquire what I need myself or I know I can’t at all (raid-gate or the like).
Here there are certain extra factors
- you cannot really farm for some products and it is designed that way – the pre-cursor being the most expensive single part (single item) of it, enter the mystic forge
- I don’t envy other people their wealth, it usually does not affect me, here it does, it drives the price for gems up especially before events
- the gold reward ratio for different playstyles seems skewed, other games usually reward you enough to buy a few things and with time you can afford one or two higher priced items. (Here something costs one Gold I think twice about spending it.)
De-facto I feel driven to either succumb to the “run FotM, run FotM” idea, open up excel and consult gw2spidy more frequent or map the best event routes, place my characters at daily farm spots and so on and so on.
Should it take me time, a long time? Absolutely. Please sprinkle that with some substance – I don’t know, some sort of story. Not just “I swung a pick-axe and I swung a pick-axe again” – unless that is the sole dedication we are going for.
Being at the mercy of other players? Unacceptable.
Offer more transparency on the TP, don’t have the highest offer as your default selling option, show the buy options at the same time. Have offers expire. Let me know who I am buying from.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
High demand, low supply items like lodestones and silver doubloons can be easily manipulated by the rich at everyone else’s expense. DR makes farming these items completely unviable as they are mostly available in 1 or 2 spots, and in the case of lodestones, I might get enough cores to make 1 lodestone in 3 dungeon runs if I’m lucky.
This is exactly the part I’m beginning to have an increasing problem with. Make no mistake, I have nothing against the person behind the screen playing the system – it’s the system itself that is flawed.
A trader here, someone who only buys items off the TP to sell them back later, does not supply any service. There is no time or distance to be bridged for the goods, there is no expiration for items on the TP and the overall risk is rather minimal (of course this part is up for discussion). The farmer is the one who supplies a service to us – and I can’t be sure that I would be paying him either, transactions are anonymous.
Now usually in other games I don’t have a problem with that at all. Either I am able to acquire what I need myself or I know I can’t at all (raid-gate or the like).
Here there are certain extra factors
- you cannot really farm for some products and it is designed that way – the pre-cursor being the most expensive single part (single item) of it, enter the mystic forge
- I don’t envy other people their wealth, it usually does not affect me, here it does, it drives the price for gems up especially before events
- the gold reward ratio for different playstyles seems skewed, other games usually reward you enough to buy a few things and with time you can afford one or two higher priced items. (Here something costs one Gold I think twice about spending it.)De-facto I feel driven to either succumb to the “run FotM, run FotM” idea, open up excel and consult gw2spidy more frequent or map the best event routes, place my characters at daily farm spots and so on and so on.
Should it take me time, a long time? Absolutely. Please sprinkle that with some substance – I don’t know, some sort of story. Not just “I swung a pick-axe and I swung a pick-axe again” – unless that is the sole dedication we are going for.
Being at the mercy of other players? Unacceptable.
Offer more transparency on the TP, don’t have the highest offer as your default selling option, show the buy options at the same time. Have offers expire. Let me know who I am buying from.
you nailed it right there. As of now, a legendary item seeker is being at the mercy of other players. That, my friend is the worst form of game capitalism i’ve seen In an mmo.
At least in games where vertical progression is a fact, you know where you’re getting Into from the get go. In gw2, its all a black box where your gold is spent exponentially more than it is filled.
Then we are told that all this is not intended to drive people to the gem store.
I work as a developer myself and god i cannot comprehend how they have created and still allow this monstrous economy to go on like this.
On top of that, 0 communication on this matter
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
I don’t get the complaining here, you can get everything and have the certainty you’ll be able to craft the gifts. The only real problem is a total RNG precursor, you will never ever have a guaranteed way of getting it regardless of how much time you farm, THIS is annoying.
I work as a developer myself and god i cannot comprehend how they have created and still allow this monstrous economy to go on like this.
On top of that, 0 communication on this matter
The players drive this market. They supply the items, they demand the items. But you keep forgetting that all materials for Legendaries are be found through the course of PLAYING THE GAME.
Yes, the market is a way to play this game. If you aren’t happy with that, start a new character and play through the storyline. Do Dungeons. Do Fractals. Do WvW. If you find none of that fun, but you still want your Legendary, buy Gems to convert to Gold, and buy everything from the TP.
It pains me that there are jealous people out there who feel entitled to getting their Legendary as quick as others who got it already. No matter how much time they put in, because someone got it, they automatically feel they have a right to it too. Please stop, think, and realize that a Legendary is supposed to be a LONG TERM COMMITMENT. If you don’t have the time to get it in three months, I’m sorry, but that’s the way the ball bounces. Have some patience and keep trying for 6 months, 1 year, or even 2 years if you have to. If the RNG gods don’t favor you, so be it. Keep trying until you get your magical 77 Clovers. The world doesn’t end because you don’t get what you want when you want it.
Note – there are suggestions in this thread that can help you out. You should really look back and consider them.
I don’t think you fully understand some of the complaints laid out. It is quite a bit harder now to get a legendary than it was a month ago. Rare drops have been nerfed in cursed shore, ascended gear has driven the demand for t6 mats and ectos to prices 4+ times higher than they were a month ago. Most of the precursor prices have gone back to the prices they were pre-lost shores patch. Lodestones are subject to manipulation again as most people have stopped running fractals. I don’t care about how many people have gotten their legendaries. I am aware that it’s supposed to take a long time to obtain. I just want to know that I won’t have to farm another month after I reach a benchmark only to have found out that another piece of the legendary has tripled in price, and will require more than twice as long to get now.
@ Parthis.2091
I have around 710 hours atm, trust me I’ve completed more content than a very large chunk of players in this game.
I doubt you’ve seen something that I didn’t.
I doubt you’ve experienced something that I didn’t.
So it’s easy to blame my life-style, but in the end it is you and many other players that simply do not know how to efficiently use their time in game.
Nothing is unreachable with time. Legendaries are not meant to be farmed within a month for the general public.
I don’t think you fully understand some of the complaints laid out. It is quite a bit harder now to get a legendary than it was a month ago. Rare drops have been nerfed in cursed shore, ascended gear has driven the demand for t6 mats and ectos to prices 4+ times higher than they were a month ago. Most of the precursor prices have gone back to the prices they were pre-lost shores patch. Lodestones are subject to manipulation again as most people have stopped running fractals. I don’t care about how many people have gotten their legendaries. I am aware that it’s supposed to take a long time to obtain. I just want to know that I won’t have to farm another month after I reach a benchmark only to have found out that another piece of the legendary has tripled in price, and will require more than twice as long to get now.
I fully understand this thread. It’s mainly people who don’t like the feeling of how the economy is moving. Part of this is because they want their Legendaries here and now, and a dynamic market is preventing them from getting it at their assumed time of completion. Long story short: Jealousy + Impatience + Lack of understand about how the economy works = complain/rage
The hardness is relative to the demand for said Legendary. If you want Twilight or the Juggernaut, yeah the T6 mats needed will be expensive for you. Keep in mind that demand for the T6 mats also cover other Exotics of Ascended items as well. The more an item is desired by a larger number of people, the higher the price a seller can ask for. AND if people are willing to pay that price, you are basically at the mercy of the market. I keep repeating this, but the older this game gets, the more money players accumulate. These players can afford more goods, thus the Demand will outpace Supply.
TL;DR – Prices go up. Deal with it and play the game. Find what is “fun” for you, and do it.
Nothing is unreachable with time. Legendaries are not meant to be farmed within a month for the general public.
This. +1
T6 mats and ectos got expensive mainly because Anet added ascended gear that required stacks of them. The lost shores patch also dropped a lot of exotics, and precursors. They also apparently nerfed the drop rate of rares in cursed shore. The increased precursor drop rate in the chest probably would have never happened had people in the forums not complained so much about precursors. In a similar vein, the complainers here are probably hoping that Anet does something about the mat prices, since they are ultimately the ones that control the economy. People are not just going to “deal with it” if they don’t like where the economy is going, since they obviously want it to change.
Gold, T6 mats, and ecto’s are easy to attain. The bottom line is it all equates to gold. Minus … 100% map completion, 750k-900k karma depending on your luck, 500 wvw badges, 200 skill points, and 500 badges from a dungeon which are relatively easy to get in comparison to the rate you get your wvw badges. The rest equates to gold.
Now back to the OP. DR is a limiting factor. Yes, I agree the prices skyrocketed on some things specifically, and overall has roughly ~tripled give or take… but gold at the same time has more than doubled in accessibility. You cannot say it’s tough because of DR. There are multiple maps where you can farm and move between to wear off (I can think of 3 without looking at a map, but it may very well only be those 3). If your stumped, you know how to make golds in dungeons. The prices have inflated, a little higher than being offset through accessibility of gold. BUT … you can also now make your money work for you having extra gold on hand and knowing what the market is like. But its still going to take a lot. And prepare for another set of decreases/increases, every event provides great fluctuations to the market. The economy is controlled by anet, and they already do something about it … ongoing. They did not have to insert precursors into the event system. But they did to knock the price down. There are two ways that market change can occur with these. Slight increase to supply (which they did, and it was offset with ascended gear and further demand) … we’ll call that test 1 and it failed. They can replay this with upticks to supply hindering the economy and run further tests, increases to gold accesibility yet again. The second is to make obsolete what players are controlling in the economy. AKA new legendaries that are better, and precursors drop rates / mats tbd. This would cause a crash (and an out roar), not certain that is a very safe route, but definitely would impact the economy. Adding new mats though tend to run at an even higher rate unless ample supply is provided. Look at the karka shells. Ridiculous.
Legendary were not cut for the hour a day gamer. They boil down to gold and time. You can offset some of these with RMT, but I never been a huge RMT guy. I’m kinda interested to see what happens over wintersday, as I have a sneaking suspicion, we’ll see one of the 2 above being implemented.
Just my thoughts, while I feel the economy is not adequately leveled (feel like a single income bread earner feeding a family of 6 sometimes in this game), I don’t think its terribly far off, just needs some fine tuning.
As of now, seeking to get a legendary would need to roughly spend between 1500-2000g.
Is this an estimate for the more expensive Legendary weapons (i.e. the Greatswords), or are they all this expensive to craft now? o.O
Charged lodestones are killing me to be honest.
So three months later it is three times more arduous to get a legendary… should we look forward to being 6 times harder in another six months?
This is just a bit silly in in terms of rewarding early adopters. Its not like the economy has particularly leveled out yet and a sustained expection of effort required can be put forward. If started playing in month 1 you could get it done by month 2. If you started in month 2, you could get it done by month 4. If you started in month 4, it’ll take you 8 months…?
I don’t think even the ANet folks who can track things top down quite anticipated how many of their systems are reliant on huge populations that are just not there anymore. All of Orr suffers from this and they are at least launching a special team to look into that. Really, there could be a lot of benefit for them if they’d just set and announce some general expectations on time played to address the little outline that pesters every single player on the character select screen, reminding them every single log-in that they’re supposed to at least consider pursuing a Legendary…
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Explanation why everything tradeable about legendaries is 1) expensive 2) will get even more expensive
So I have the 3 gifts required for Twilight suited up. All that I’m lacking is Dusk. Here’s my take on crafting a legendary:
It’s been legendarily boring.
Precursor: Outside of rising market cost, there is currently one way to obtain them. RNG. I’d say the RNG from receiving one via the MF is just as low or common as getting one as a mob/boss drop or chest drop. There is no way to validate this claim, but that’s my personal observation from talking with every legendary owner I’ve come across. On average, 2 out of 10 are newer owners. The vast majority had bought their precursor when it was under 50g in August/early September.
Obsidian Shards: The grind for these pre-Plinx nerf was tolerable. I knew nothing of acquiring or any information about legendary’s when I first started playing. I held onto my karma for no other reason than that I didn’t come across anything worth buying When I hit 80 I was well over 150k karma.
No doubt that the elitists on this thread had more than benefited from it. With this gone, people still in the process of acquiring karma and a stable income are further behind the 8-ball. everything pales in comparison to karma acquisition currently. Not even the dungeon “buffs” or fractals for gold income compensates to what Plinx delivered.
Lodestones: On average I was lucky to come out with 1 lodestone per 2 hours with or without full MgF. Intelligently avoiding the anti-farm code by changing zones and locations frequently.
Couple this with the fact that certain lodestones are dirt cheap when compared to onyx & charged. Not just the price, but the availability of the mobs around to even obtain them. Sparks are not up 100% of the time. On my server, it’d be generous to say they’re up 10% of the time. I’m well aware that lodestones can be upgraded in the MF, but the drop rate for cores, shards, fragments, and slivers is the same as lodestones. Past cores, lose you money in the MF because of Elonian wine.
Icy Runestones: Gold check that can’t be bypassed and as no alternatives. Only saving grace is it’s not a moving goal post based on the actions of other players. Still, needless and bad game design.
T6 Unique Mats: I wish I had known what was involved in making a legendary earlier on. I would have bought the T6 mats when they were going for under 3s a piece. More recently, the going rate on blood and such has been 20+s a piece. The big problem is that some mats are far more widely available than others. This truth is reflected with their respective price on the TP.
Skill points: No problem here, the necessary skill points required is fair between the bloodstone shard & the amount needed for clovers. The nicest thing about them is you can be working on this no matter what you’re doing in the game, unless doing sPvP. This is an example where Anet got it right.
Clovers: This is RNG but with measurable progress (also system in place to help you succeed) as opposed to tossing 4 exo/rare greatswords into the MF and hoping for Dusk/Dawn. It took me 160 ectos to come out with 80 clovers. I used the 10per method, Even when I didn’t get clovers, the RNG still put me closer to my goal, usually on the order of 28-40 t6 mats. There’s no alternative to these but no ridiculous punishment should you not wind up lucky.
Honor Tokens: Here is where Anet did a decent job at supplying at least an alternative, albeit fun at times to acquiring these items. No one is forced to zerg to get these. If a player completes all 4 BG jump puzzles, that nets them on average 30 tokens every day (with perk items). This helps break the monotony of only having one method of acquisition.
I don’t have any solutions myself to offer since Others have offered up good alternatives. People want fun alternatives to a truly boring/archaic way of obtaining the perceived “best” items.
If I could go back in time and tell myself to forget making a legendary (with the current process) I would. Hell, at this point, if I could auction off my gifts for Twilight I would.
The scavenger hunt can’t come soon enough. The rising cost of Dusk is outpacing the rate of which myself (and certainly lots of others just like me) can make the money to afford it. As has been discussed by other posters, the MF is not an acceptable way at getting a precursor. Nor is hoping to win the lotto to get rich. Anet letting the monopoly continue for this long is disheartening. I’m the most pro-capitalist guy out there, but this isn’t it.
There are two people who have been steadily controlling the supply and increasing the price of Dusk. And until alternative means are provided for precursors, this will only continue, most certainly when new legendarys are released later on.
its bullkitten people hardly complained bout bots, they ban a ton of em and now it costs 1500g to get twilight. Convert that into gems and its a ton of REAL WORLD MONEY, wasted on pixels.
The thing is, it’s impossible to make a system that fulfills the following conditions, which I think is what most people would want a Legendary to be:
- Takes time
- Does not take grinding
- Is equally accessible to everyone
The process of getting a Black Moa Chick mini in GW1 worked almost exactly like that.
how did it end up being bullkitten lol?
let’s make one thing clear the precursors being at 500+ gold for the greatsword is rediculous, anything else is doable, especially with fractals
Hope you all realize by now that until there is a “free-for-all” solution with the precursors.
By now all the dawn/dusk market is totally fluctuating .
If right now I got 5000g and I see 10 dusks for 300g each, I buy them all and “drip” them each for 450g into the market.
Solid profit, everyone lose, I win.
That means any new dawn/dusk that will make it to the market will suffer from the same concept.
Personally all Legendary weapons are now is the ‘fluff’ of endgame. I would rather just craft pearls and transmute them to what I’d like. Sure I’d love Eternity or the not so legendary Jormag’s Breath, but the way mats drop and what not I’ll be happy with my 2g Exotics. Either that, or I’ll do some dungeon runs and get my weapons there. No they don’t have “legendary” stats but they’re just as good in my honest opinion.
Personally all Legendary weapons are now is the ‘fluff’ of endgame. I would rather just craft pearls and transmute them to what I’d like. Sure I’d love Eternity or the not so legendary Jormag’s Breath, but the way mats drop and what not I’ll be happy with my 2g Exotics. Either that, or I’ll do some dungeon runs and get my weapons there. No they don’t have “legendary” stats but they’re just as good in my honest opinion.
+1 to you. This is how the game works. Anet gives us each an option to play the game our own ways. You don’t “need” a Legendary to play the game, or even complete the game. All the complainers are basically those who feel Entitled to stuff.
Personally all Legendary weapons are now is the ‘fluff’ of endgame. I would rather just craft pearls and transmute them to what I’d like. Sure I’d love Eternity or the not so legendary Jormag’s Breath, but the way mats drop and what not I’ll be happy with my 2g Exotics. Either that, or I’ll do some dungeon runs and get my weapons there. No they don’t have “legendary” stats but they’re just as good in my honest opinion.
+1 to you. This is how the game works. Anet gives us each an option to play the game our own ways. You don’t “need” a Legendary to play the game, or even complete the game. All the complainers are basically those who feel Entitled to stuff.
Your lack of understanding is woeful.
Almost every person in this thread has stated they’d like to see more creative ways to obtain a legendary rather than it being heavily influenced but none other than… you guessed it. RNG.
And somehow to you this equates to entitled. The house of cards that people hide under to defend bad game design – never gets built.
Using your own faulty logic against you, I should assume you feel entitled to any equipment rarity you have currently that is better than blue. After all, you don’t “need” better than blues to complete the game.
(edited by evo.8640)
After all, you don’t “need” better than blues to complete the game.
Exactly! I’m glad you agree with me.
You don’t need a Legendary to play the game. You don’t need Exotics. You don’t need Rares. All these things do is make the game easier for you. but if you have skill, you can still do well with Blue equipment. But each player CHOOSES to want to get the best gear, and thus the treadmill that starts is the individual’s own doing. As such, if the individual makes the choice to jump on that treadmill, they shouldn’t complain about the requirement paths they selected.
I chose to go after a Legendary. I know that it’ll take time. And I understand fully how RNG can irritate players making Clovers (I’m still stuck at 61 with increasing Mystic Coin and Ecto prices). But I’ll never blame Anet or the system because simply put, I don’t feel entitled to it. I’m earning it.
When RNG is involved. You’re not earning anything. You’re being deemed “lucky”.
Clovers are not the area most people have issues with. Not even close.
I love RNG. I personally wish they dropped the assumed rate of 33% to much lower (say 15% to 20%). That’ll make all Legendary weapons truly legendary. And if I were to get mine with low RNG rates on Clovers, I’ll enjoy it far more.