Legendary question

Legendary question

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Right now for example, there’s a Dreamer on the TP for 1555g, and a bid for 1100g. Would the 1100g bid actually get fulfilled? Does anybody know of someone who had an order filled?

Legendary question

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

At 1100g probably not.

But to the appropriately high bidders? Yes, they sell

They seem to clear on gw2spidy. Have also seen (quite a few times actually) high bids for legendaries go up, followed shortly by both the bid disappearing and one of the legendaries listed for sale disappearing. Presumably someone taking down their posted item and filling the buy order.

Less often (but still regularly), people buy the ones listed too. There was a period in the past where there was actually like 8 twilights (or sunrise, don’t remember for sure) and you could see people had all recently undercut each other. Then they started clearing. Those were reasonably priced though.

(edited by Minion of Vey.4398)

Legendary question

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


I feel like it’s the other way around: when a bid and sale both disappear, it means the bidder got sick of waiting and so sucked it up and payed the ticket price. It doesn’t really make sense to take off a listing considering the enormous listing price. And anyways legendaries sell pretty fast: I sold an incinerator for 2250g last month in less than 24 hours.

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Legendary question

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Florgknight.1589


I’ve seen some sell at 1800 gold.


Legendary question

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Curse Drew.8679

Curse Drew.8679

Well my experiance isn’t a legendary, but still similar. I found a precurser, and undercut the lowest seller by 1c. I spent 20g listing it, and now there is 3 listed lower then mine. I could of taken 75g less and sold it instantly to to highest buyer. If i could go back i’d of just sold it to the highest buyer, i’d like the $$ now, but i’m kinda forced to see how the market plays out, because i dont want to loose my 20g.

Legendary question

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cloud.7613


Well my experiance isn’t a legendary, but still similar. I found a precurser, and undercut the lowest seller by 1c. I spent 20g listing it, and now there is 3 listed lower then mine. I could of taken 75g less and sold it instantly to to highest buyer. If i could go back i’d of just sold it to the highest buyer, i’d like the $$ now, but i’m kinda forced to see how the market plays out, because i dont want to loose my 20g.

That’s what you get for undercutting by 1c.

Legendary question

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Well my experiance isn’t a legendary, but still similar. I found a precurser, and undercut the lowest seller by 1c. I spent 20g listing it, and now there is 3 listed lower then mine. I could of taken 75g less and sold it instantly to to highest buyer. If i could go back i’d of just sold it to the highest buyer, i’d like the $$ now, but i’m kinda forced to see how the market plays out, because i dont want to loose my 20g.

Or you could have lowered the price by 10g, sold it quickly, and still be +10g over the situation as it stands where in order to sell it you have to eat the 20g listing fee.

If you undercut someone by 1c, then someone else is going to undercut you by 1c. Better to determine the minimum price you’ll accept for it and list at that price, then hold the line and wait for someone to pay it.

And if they ever actually introduce the “scavenger hunt” or whatever the guaranteed-to-get-a-precursor quest turns out to be, the market will crash upon announcement because suddenly it will be worth waiting a month to get a precursor without wasting hundreds of gold on the TP or thousands on RNG. Personally, even if it costs you another 20g, I’d say selling it now is better than hoping it sells later.