Light Flamekissed Armor progress?
Yeah, its simply feathered, but i’m ok with that since i used the normal feathered before.
The effects on the leg armor also looks nice from behind for me
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
:> so you can go
4-5silver per piece + transmutation (360gems and have 4 spare)
800gems for the the flame effect <.<
:> so you can go
4-5silver per piece + transmutation (360gems and have 4 spare)
800gems for the the flame effect <.<
Is that a problem? In this game you can have the BIS weapon for under 200g, or decide to go for a flashier one and spend +2000g.
:> so you can go
4-5silver per piece + transmutation (360gems and have 4 spare)
800gems for the the flame effect <.<Is that a problem? In this game you can have the BIS weapon for under 200g, or decide to go for a flashier one and spend +2000g.
Its a problem if they ask for 10€ for a crappy reskin of a cheap armor.
and guess what? the support site is down. so much for asking for a refund for the horrible reskinned Flamekissed.
and guess what? the support site is down. so much for asking for a refund for the horrible reskinned Flamekissed.
Same problem.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
The top and shoulders are HIDEOUS. You could have at least changed the part that can’t be dyed into one that can,and scale the shoulders to fit each race,as they create the image of 3 heads(at least on an Asura).It’s the reason that I never used the top or shoulders on any of my cloth armor wearers.I would truly like a gem refund.
:> so you can go
4-5silver per piece + transmutation (360gems and have 4 spare)
800gems for the the flame effect <.<Is that a problem? In this game you can have the BIS weapon for under 200g, or decide to go for a flashier one and spend +2000g.
Its a problem if they ask for 10€ for a crappy reskin of a cheap armor.
Pretty much what he said :P
Making new good looking skin that looked closely like expensive ingame armor → a lot of ppl refunding their cultural armor.
Working a long time to make new shiny and ending up with using cheap ingame armor skin. I wonder how many will refund the gems now?
Ugh, they could have done so much better with the placement of the flame effects. Looks like I’m getting a refund. I knew not to hope for better, though. lol I’m going to really miss the old flamekissed. At least I have the screens…
:> so you can go
4-5silver per piece + transmutation (360gems and have 4 spare)
800gems for the the flame effect <.<Is that a problem? In this game you can have the BIS weapon for under 200g, or decide to go for a flashier one and spend +2000g.
Its a problem if they ask for 10€ for a crappy reskin of a cheap armor.
You’re paying $10 for the added vanity of flame effects. A lot of people are willing to pay for it. You obviously don’t want to, but that’s a problem for you, not others.
IMO Flamekissed was great the way it was… =)
no its freakin wasnt, i blew 100g on mine for a suit and the next day people can buy it for gems, youve got to put yourself in those people positions, why cant i get asuran t3 for my human
I bought my t3 human cultural… on several characters and I have no problems with the flamekissed armor
I actually wish it was still on the gemstore because I like it more than the t3
Actually if people like you didn’t rage so hard maybe they would have made a reskin of asuran t3 that your human could have enjoyed. This is why we can’t have nice things.
WHAT the problem was that it was so cheap in comparison to tier 3 cultural???
perfect solution:
release it again for 119g plus 800 gems then its more expensive and im pretty sure most people would still buy it
i would pay even more…
i thought they removed it because of the fact that players didnt want other races to be able to wear “THEIR” armor (that stupid logic… as if the races were enemies …. most players have chars of all races…)
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:
:> so you can go
4-5silver per piece + transmutation (360gems and have 4 spare)
800gems for the the flame effect <.<Is that a problem? In this game you can have the BIS weapon for under 200g, or decide to go for a flashier one and spend +2000g.
Its a problem if they ask for 10€ for a crappy reskin of a cheap armor.
Pretty much what he said :P
Making new good looking skin that looked closely like expensive ingame armor -> a lot of ppl refunding their cultural armor.
Working a long time to make new shiny and ending up with using cheap ingame armor skin. I wonder how many will refund the gems now?
Did you guys just not noticed that the other flame skins where reskins of cheap armor. Flamewalker is from WvW and Flamewrath is a karma skin.
Not sure what everyone was expecting for the reskin but they obviously wasn’t going to make a whole new skin since people who bought the med or heavy would complain how they got reskins and light got a new one.
I also want to throw it out there that imo they choose a good skin for it. Since it has a lot of similar qualities to the Human T3 sure taste-wise not everyone will like it but that’s life.
(edited by Shades.4572)
So where are we supposed to request a refund for this mostrosity.
Oh wow. The updated looks look terrible. They better get ready for a massive line-up in their returns department.
So where are we supposed to request a refund for this mostrosity.
The support site, but good luck, it seems to be down.
Got in but getting transferred to a senior member for further assistance
Ok…I’ve requested the refund…now I’ll wait. :|||
Ok…I’ve requested the refund…now I’ll wait. :|||
I received a refund of the gems and a new makeover kit because I explained in my ticket that I used one to change my character to match the new armor. They were quite gracious, and I’m very glad to see that their excellent customer support is better than their seemingly awful QA (why would they EVER have let that t3 armor out in the first place???).
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
what’s possible reskin my old armor?, this reskinned is terrible
Not sure what everyone was expecting for the reskin but they obviously wasn’t going to make a whole new skin since people who bought the med or heavy would complain how they got reskins and light got a new one.
I also want to throw it out there that imo they choose a good skin for it. Since it has a lot of similar qualities to the Human T3 sure taste-wise not everyone will like it but that’s life.
I was so hoping for the Orr karma skin to become the new Flamekissed skin. Adding flame effects to it would’ve looked really nice, but no ArenaNet just had to make it look bad again. Anyway 800 Gems saved.
i thought they removed it because of the fact that players didnt want other races to be able to wear “THEIR” armor (that stupid logic… as if the races were enemies …. most players have chars of all races…)
Humans can’t wear Asura, Charr, Sylvari or Norn cultural armor, so why should the others races be able to wear human cultural armor?
(edited by ElexOrieN.2130)
Um, is there an actual chatting support place? I’ve just submitted tickets and gotten an automated response. Not about the Flamekissed, about my TP woes. No actual response or suggestions and my game play has been drastically impacted for 3 days. If there’s a live chat option point me to it!
I’ll even call them for live voice phone chatting, I’m cool with the long distance fees if it fixes stuff
feathered will go for me… i was using the same before…
they also redesigned the skirt…unfortnately the “heavy” boots didn t change…but far better than the male version that is quite ugly…..
Issue with these skins is they are hit or miss you can t mismatch with other pieces (except maybe Cof and the other from chest rewards.)
P.S. seems the preview was the male version and not the female.
P.P.S: they should fix the gloves flames …..those are a letdown compared to previous
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
The CoF armor is better than flamekissed
The original Flamekissed set was one of the pathetically few light armors that look acceptable on male charr. Now I’m back to square one.
RIP, old toon.
(edited by Elestian.6134)
ArenaNet Communications Manager
Is possible to request a refund for the Flamekissed ?
Because i’ve payed 800 gems to have the old Flamekissed and not for the new one.
I not like this one and want a refund.They said back then that you can make a request if you do not like it. Send a support ticket.
Yes, you may request a refund. Click “Support” at the top of this page, then “Submit a request” and outline your request. Please be aware that processing your request may take a few days, so please allow sufficient time for the Customer Support Team to handle this for you. If you have questions or wish to update your ticket, please do not submit a second ticket but simply update your existing ticket by responding to the e-mail that you receive.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
thanks gaile, I was getting antsy since others have told me their ticket had been taken care of as of yesterday.
I’m really not happy with the choice of the update, though it seems it’s still acceptable to many people. The disparity of in-game cost of the armor equivalents was definitely high and it should have been changed in one form or another, but I thought from the way everything was stated before it’d be a -new skin- to make up for the situation. I’m disappointed it was not only another reskin (that was half of the complaints though, that they were just quick reskins, no?), but of an armor that I have no interest in the looks, nowhere near worth the 800 gems
The original Flamekissed set was one of the pathetically few light armors that look acceptable on male charr. Now I’m back to square one.
RIP, old toon.
that is one really awesome looking charr ele
i feel with you :/
i lost my ele too
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:
The new version of the Flamekissed armor is.. well. Let me put it this way.
They set it on fire as many people would, but sadly it didn’t turn to ash.
Those who were silly enough to complain about the first version of the armor probably didn’t see this coming.
Those who were silly enough to complain about the first version of the armor probably didn’t see this coming.
Look at how the other two ‘flame’ sets were made. No one should have thought that the light v2. was going to be ANYTHING other than an existing and readily available set repainted with Fire FX.
Now they are uniformly forgettable.
(well, perhaps the medium set is more forgettable, being yet another trenchcoat…)
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I recieved a refund of 800 gems without any trouble. I also got to keep the skin. I’m not sure if it will be removed later on, or if i can keep it forever though.
All in all, they’ve been correct on the refunding matter.
I wonder this…. (yes i m unlucky sorta….)
i got the flamekissed because i wanted a different skin for www and in pve i used the feathered….
now i have 2 feathered _
….. its not that i don t like the flamkissed..infact they even fixed the skirt but….
I have 2 almost identical skins and that really bugs me….
Do you think support would help? i don t even know what to ask for….6 crustals would be enough to change my pve set at least….
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
I’m not gonna lie this is my 1st time buying gems for something in your store. i really like some of the parts from this new set.I personal think the chest and gloves are by fair the ugliest parts of this set,why do we have to have OPEN chests cant we get more of an armor look with fire and the sleeve are just ok. all and all i still got it these are the parts i did use }pants btw i love them,boots,shoulders and head… i hope im not the only person that feels this way.
P.s i don’t know if this post belongs here just wanted to give feedback on set
(edited by raziel.8375)
I just wanted to say I loved the old flame kissed and was sad to lose it but customer support on the issue of not liking the new one was amazing. So thank you for that.
Yeah, great response time from Support. Quick and painless. Thanks! <3
IMO they should be either figuring out a way to refund cash or over compensate people who spent real cash to purchase something they were selling. For all those complaining about the in game gold they spend…. please that is fake money. Real cash was used to purchase gems to get the Flamekissed armor (at least in my case) giving me gems back is not really a refund. What am I going to do buy another set of armor they can swap out for something uglier the next time someone complains?
You bought the armor with gems, you get back gems. It’s not ANet’s problem that you paid cash or converted gold for those gems.
RIP City of Heroes
You bought the armor with gems, you get back gems. It’s not ANet’s problem that you paid cash or converted gold for those gems.
Um, actually, it kind of is. I didn’t buy the armor, because I never saw the point in a lazy reskin of existing armor, cultural or otherwise, but if anet effectively starts refunding the equivalent of “store credit” for something that they altered after purchase, that’s a bait-and-switch, easily. Aside from being highly unethical, it’s borderline illegal depending on where you are (and no, a line in the user agreement does not, as a matter of course, nullify laws prohibiting such transactions. It generally cannot be waived). If it had happened to me I’d kitten well be demanding the gems I bought be converted back to real dollars, and I’d strongly encourage anyone who bought their gems expressly for the purpose of getting this armor to do so.
Anet seems to be fairly honest with that kind of transaction so chances are they will provide the appropriate refunds, but they certainly won’t do it unless people push for it.
IMO they should be either figuring out a way to refund cash or over compensate people who spent real cash to purchase something they were selling. For all those complaining about the in game gold they spend…. please that is fake money. Real cash was used to purchase gems to get the Flamekissed armor (at least in my case) giving me gems back is not really a refund. What am I going to do buy another set of armor they can swap out for something uglier the next time someone complains?
Push for this in a support ticket. For obvious reasons they won’t advertise this but give them the chance to make it right by asking for it first. My past experiences with anet’s support is that while they are not what I would call competent by any stretch, they seem to at least be ethically aligned to doing the right thing when real-money transactions are involved.
They are not going to start cutting people checks because it’s the players word that they spent cash and didn’t convert gold to gems.
You bought a store gift card. You then spent that gift card on something. That something got recalled. You don’t like the replacement item. They give you “store credit” instead.
What, you don’t think you will ever spend 800 gems on something every again?
RIP City of Heroes
You know you are talking about philosophy on a legal issue?
Now i think nobody will ever do anything….
But discussing the issue at “what you think is logic” level, when there are already laws and episodes like those seems pointless.
Since i don t think speaking of it is of any use i won t say how does it work.
I think people who bought credit should first contact support that seems quite efficient, and after that decide if asking somewhere else if unsatisfied…..
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
i am a little sad to see that the flamekissed is just Feathered armor with fire, i still kinda feel ripped off. but there’s no fix it now i still hate this chest part the most,covers cool gloves and the open chest part is ugly
(edited by raziel.8375)
Show me a lawyer who would take a case dealing with virtual item rebates? ANet and NCSOFT has much larger legal departments. And if you go class action, when the case is resolved 5 years from now if the game is still up you’ll be able to enjoy your original flamekissed skin and 15 cents of your $10, after the lawyer’s cut.
You are also forgetting the section of the EULA which deals with the items and the Gem Store. Let me highlight.
4d. Gems — You may obtain Gems from NCSOFT (or a third party authorized by NCSOFT) for use in connection with the Game. Gems are a virtual currency which you may, in NCSOFT’s sole and absolute discretion, exchange for Items, services or access to other specific forms of Content not otherwise available without Gems. The Items, services or access to other specific forms of Content offered by NCSOFT in exchange for Gems may be discontinued, modified or removed from the Account by NCSOFT at any time in its sole and absolute discretion.
RIP City of Heroes
EULA is not LAW and has no value unless what s in it its already covered by laws.
Just wrote it so many times.
This is btw OT and useless to discuss.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Well i was thinking Anet is there a way to let us make skins armors and such for you, kind of like what Dota2 does with steam i mean it works.
EULA is not LAW and has no value unless what s in it its already covered by laws.
Just wrote it so many times.This is btw OT and useless to discuss.
But EULA is contract law that everyone agrees too every time we start up the game.
RIP City of Heroes
EULA is not LAW and has no value unless what s in it its already covered by laws.
Just wrote it so many times.This is btw OT and useless to discuss.
But EULA is contract law that everyone agrees too every time we start up the game.
Contracts are only binding if they are compatible with existing law. The fact that you “agree” to a contractual clause is absolutely meaningless if any part of the clause violates relevant laws. Just as an example, if I sign a contract saying a business is not responsible if I hurt myself on their property, it means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING if I can show that the business was negligent. You “agree” to this every time you ride a roller coaster or a carnival ride, but if the ride fails, in nearly every state in the country, you still have a right to sue and recover money if you got hurt because they did not maintain it, even though you technically agreed to a contract waiving that right.
Go ahead and search the EULA and terms of service for exception statements such as “except where required by law” or “except where prohibited by law” or anything similar. You will find many, probably dozens, of examples of these or similar phrases. They are in their to account for just this situation.
As for who would take such a case, you SEVERLY underestimate the opportunism/greed/aggressiveness/<pick your character trait> of the legal profession if you do not think there are lawyers who would take such a case, especially if they thought they could elevate it to class action status and take a few thousand clients on. You don’t even need to be a lawyer to know this. A basic contract law course at your local community college would probably teach you all this. Watching Judge Judy at 1pm every Wednesday in your PJs, however, will not.
TL;DR: Putting a disclaimer in any agreement that says "we can change anything we want whenever we want is utterly meaningless because every jurisdiction under the sun has some kind of law placing limitations on this.
Of course at the end of the day, it’s all moot anyway. Whether or not they legally have to, anet’s smart enough to do the right thing as opposed to generating bad publicity re: cash shop items. Between headline starved tabloid rags like Kotaku and competing games, plenty of outlets would spin it into a highly visible story if they actually started saying no to people who bought gems with cash specifically for an item that was materially altered, especially after promising refunds.
Oh, and one more thing… You said it’s “the player’s word” on whether or not they converted or spent cash. No, it isn’t. Anet has these transaction records, as does your credit card company. IF and ON LY IF you happened to convert gold to gems and then buy gems while you still had the unspent converted gems, it could be left to question which gems were actually used. In which case they would likely have to account for the gems using an inventory system, and would probably use a FIFO system. In that case, the first gems consumed on any transaction would be the “oldest” unspent gems in the account and thus would be able to have a specific payment method attributed to them.