Lodestones: Buy them now or wait?

Lodestones: Buy them now or wait?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: choohooz.8417


Worth waiting till the 28th for the laurels or buy em now? Specifically Onyx Lodestones

Lodestones: Buy them now or wait?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mira.4071


Hard to say.

If they release new recipes that use lodestones, prices will skyrocket.
If they increase the drop rates, then prices may fall.

Depends on what your gut tells you the 28th is bringing… do you think Anet’s going to make it better or make it worse? :P

Lodestones: Buy them now or wait?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Black Wolf.7348

Black Wolf.7348

or they could do nothing to the lodestones and the prices may stay the same.

Lodestones: Buy them now or wait?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: The Blue Ace.2850

The Blue Ace.2850

They’re being very very stubborn about this topic.


Lodestones: Buy them now or wait?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Himei.5379


Through Speculation of new patch, Frost = Glacial/Corruped and FLame = Molten/Destroyer so it might if new recipes require those.

Lodestones: Buy them now or wait?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


They’re being very very stubborn about this topic.

Hilarious that you’re still bitter.

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Lodestones: Buy them now or wait?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: The Blue Ace.2850

The Blue Ace.2850

They’re being very very stubborn about this topic.

Hilarious that you’re still bitter.

Hilarious that your a blind fool.
If anything I’m very very satisfied at this point.
When john dodged my question he made it clear that those lodestones aren’t meant to be that price and if they were, he could of simply said “Yes they are meant to be that price”.

But he didn’t.

So when your done bullying people on the fourms, come back later.

(edited by The Blue Ace.2850)

Lodestones: Buy them now or wait?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Astraea.6075


They’re being very very stubborn about this topic.

Hilarious that you’re still bitter.

Hilarious that your a blind fool.
If anything I’m very very satisfied at this point.
When john dodged my question he made it clear that those lodestones aren’t meant to be that price and if they were, he could of simply said “Yes they are meant to be that price”.

But he didn’t.

So when your done bullying people on the fourms, come back later.

So a dev not answering your post is confirmation that something is wrong with lodestone prices? You need to try better…

Lodestones: Buy them now or wait?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: The Blue Ace.2850

The Blue Ace.2850

They’re being very very stubborn about this topic.

Hilarious that you’re still bitter.

Hilarious that your a blind fool.
If anything I’m very very satisfied at this point.
When john dodged my question he made it clear that those lodestones aren’t meant to be that price and if they were, he could of simply said “Yes they are meant to be that price”.

But he didn’t.

So when your done bullying people on the fourms, come back later.

So a dev not answering your post is confirmation that something is wrong with lodestone prices? You need to try better…

So why didn’t he say that the prices were fine instead of the all the fuss.

I’m waiting.


Lodestones: Buy them now or wait?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


I think the lodestone prices are getting out of hand. Players who want certain weapons(like me) simply cannot afford it. This is not Anets fault, and nobody should blame them, but perhaps a change in the way one can attain lodestones would help? I for one, would greatly appreciate any effort to lower the prices.

My personal solution : 100 tokens for a lodestone from their respective dungeons. For instance, 100 CoE tokens for a charged lodestone, 40 for a charged core. Would be a great change, in addition to a possible drop increase.

Lodestones: Buy them now or wait?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kiba.2768


i’m probably going to get a lot of flak for this, but i think the current lodestone prices are quite decent. i don’t do any flipping on the tp. fractals and dungeon runs provide me with the only gold i get per day that i play(5/7 days a week) and i can afford 4 cores at the end of my session. in regard to bolt, my second legendary that i am working on, it will take me approximately 50 days to achieve the gift of lightning. that is pretty reasonable to me since i am not a hardcore(…impatient?) gamer.

100 tokens per lodestone is way too low. 200 or 250 sounds better for a lodestone.

Lodestones: Buy them now or wait?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cirdan.9058


Personally, I’m playing the game as if nothing is going to change. I will be happy if Laurels provide a new way to get lodestones, but I’m not holding my breath.

As for Blue Ace, don’t feed the troll.