Losing money when selling?

Losing money when selling?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Miclee.7063


So, I’ll lay this out very simply with an example. I put some exotic boots on the trading post at a price of 2g 10s. I paid the fee. I then went offline as I had some other things to do. I returned, and to my joy the boots sold.

However, I only had received 1g 89s. Only thing I can ask: Why?

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Losing money when selling?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Slyther.1297


10% sell fee, a fee which is currently hidden.

Losing money when selling?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Miclee.7063


10% sell fee, a fee which is currently hidden.

Why would they put a second 10% fee on top of the already existing 15% listing fee? That’s just ridiculous and means you can’t really make any profit crafting.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Losing money when selling?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ghost.1358


You seem confused. It’s a 5% listing fee with an additional 10% tax upon sale. 15% total.