Lost a gem store skin to transmute :(

Lost a gem store skin to transmute :(

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


I’m not sure if this is the correct forum to post this on or not, but it seemed like a good option.

I decided to level a warrior because I loved the Braham armor set so much, bought it at level 1 and have been transmuting the gear every 5 levels or so to keep the look. Unfortunately I just made a terrible mistake and transmuted the shoulder gear away. Hoping to fix the problem I bought a transmutation splitter, but sadly upon placing the item into the box, I would only be able to get the random piece of gear and the rune back from it, rather than the two original armor pieces like I thought would happen. I’m absolutely devastated I lost the armor piece and spending 15g on an item that didn’t even fix the situation was just salt in the wound. At this point all I want back is the shoulder piece, if there’s some way to refund the splitter (which I still have) that would be great as well. But I just really want the shoulder piece back

Lost a gem store skin to transmute :(

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aurelian Omenkind.2470

Aurelian Omenkind.2470

This is why I’m 110% in favor of a costume closet or something similar for account bound skins. GW1 had the hat and costume NPCs, why can’t they add these things here?

Lost a gem store skin to transmute :(

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: FateOmega.9601


Because they think they can make more money this way by selling more transmutation crystals.

Lost a gem store skin to transmute :(

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aurelian Omenkind.2470

Aurelian Omenkind.2470

I have a stack of 80 regular transmutes and a handful of fine one that gather dust in my bank. I won’t use a valuable irreplaceable skin until I’ve got the item I know I’ll be using permanently to put it on. That’s why I haven’t bought the medium magi tech armor yet. Don’t have the bank space for it or the armor to put it on.

They have the code installed to infinitely vent account bound skins with the achievement skins screen. It wouldn’t be hard to adapt that to an NPC.