Lost gold - Help please

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Hey every1! PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS: I had about 30 gold and i wanted to sell some giant wintersday gift boxes. I wrote a STUPID amount of gold (about 5 gold per box, i had about 40 boxes). It’s clear that nobody will ever buy this…So I realized that i had only 1 gold. And i was so mad that i almost broke my computer, because that day i was farming and grinding glory like a fool, so I can buy the orrian armor in the hearth of the mists from the glory rewards vendor. So, basically, I just LOST MY ENTIRE GOLD BECAUSE I LISTED SOMETHING (for a stupid price) THAT NOBODY WILL BUY?! So, the money goes nowhere?! Please help me someone if there is a way to get my gold back…I played this game for over 1 year and I simply didn’t know about the listing fee ( 5% or something like that) which is kinda weird but…Actually this might be the reason for me to quit if nothing can be done, because I worked too hard for over 1 year to get the wanted amount of gold and now everything is lost in a few seconds…PLEASE HELP ME((


Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LittleLepton.8915


You can take down the listing, but the tax will never be received back. (It takes a fee percentage of the listing). Unfortunately, that’s all there is you can do.

You don’t know me.


Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: CynC.4765


5% of 10x 5.01.59 gold = 2.5 gold
5% of 10x 1.00.59 gold = 0.5 gold

Total listing fee = 3 gold, 10 times less than 30 gold.

Even if it was 40 boxes at 5 gold, 5% of 40x 5 gold = 10 gold.

You lost nowhere near 30 gold.

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

idk exactly but i know i had about 25 gold and after i tried this i just checked and i had only 3 as you see in the picture.

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.7601


lol what exactly are you hiding by blocking out your sell listings?

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

That’s not your business. I posted this because I have a problem, not because I wanted to show somebody what I’m selling.

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.7601


That’s not your business. I posted this because I have a problem, not because I wanted to show somebody what I’m selling.

Well it is my business if you are asking for help as to where your missing gold is.

You stated you had 30 gold before you posted these boxes.

You then wasted listing fees on these two boxes.

And then you have 4 more recent transactions, which, depending on what they are, could have eaten away at your remaining gold after the box transactions, leaving you with 3 gold.

Case closed.

edit: lets also ignore the fact that you could have had other listings in between the now and the box transaction that wouldn’t show up on the ‘Items im selling’ tab

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RedCobra.7693


That’s not your business. I posted this because I have a problem, not because I wanted to show somebody what I’m selling.

Well it is my business if you are asking for help as to where your missing gold is.

You stated you had 30 gold before you posted these boxes.

You then wasted listing fees on these two boxes.

And then you have 4 more recent transactions, which, depending on what they are, could have eaten away at your remaining gold after the box transactions, leaving you with 3 gold.

Case closed.

edit: lets also ignore the fact that you could have had other listings in between the now and the box transaction that wouldn’t show up on the ‘Items im selling’ tab

didnt you here the super polite guy??? its got nothing to do with you so butt out of his business >:C

RedCobra – Ranked PVP Druid
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.7601


But I’m genuinely interested in these super secret items that allowed OP to amass 30 gold over a year!

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RedCobra.7693


you know what i think youre right, cmon OP reveal your secrets, ill finally be able to afford all the black lion chests i want without having to farm bandits for one to drop :C

RedCobra – Ranked PVP Druid
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rouven.7409


You are listing stuff all the time, there is even a “next” tab for your listing, but you never noticed the 5% tax?

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Brando.3891


you have worked an entire year for 30g?

Brando [SC] Snow Crows

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

lol for every1 these other things are like sold for about 1 silver max (some minor sigils and 8 slot bags).
No, I didn’t notice that because i didn’t pay attention on anything there…i just listed it and done…and btw I didn’t notice that because I’ve never sold anything that costed a lot of gold.
Nevermind. My quetion was: Is there a way to get that gold and cancel this thing? pls anyone

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LittleLepton.8915


lol for every1 these other things are like sold for about 1 silver max (some minor sigils and 8 slot bags).
No, I didn’t notice that because i didn’t pay attention on anything there…i just listed it and done…and btw I didn’t notice that because I’ve never sold anything that costed a lot of gold.
Nevermind. My quetion was: Is there a way to get that gold and cancel this thing? pls anyone

You can get your boxes back, but you cannot get your listing fees back.

You don’t know me.


Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

you have worked an entire year for 30g?

NO, i didn’t play the game for about 3 months then I came back and i had about 26-28 gold (I’m not sure). Before that 3 months break i had much more gold, but I was buying stuff randomly and only 27 of the gold got left…

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

lol for every1 these other things are like sold for about 1 silver max (some minor sigils and 8 slot bags).
No, I didn’t notice that because i didn’t pay attention on anything there…i just listed it and done…and btw I didn’t notice that because I’ve never sold anything that costed a lot of gold.
Nevermind. My quetion was: Is there a way to get that gold and cancel this thing? pls anyone

You can get your boxes back, but you cannot get your listing fees back.

Can you please tell me how can I get about 10 gold asap?

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LittleLepton.8915


Buy gems? That’s the only way I know of.

You don’t know me.


Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

without buying something with money pls

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LittleLepton.8915


Farm 7-10 dungeon paths.

You don’t know me.


Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cassocaster.4576


I’ve spent 40 gold on a dye…..color me stupid! Hah, get it? Color? Huh, huh? Well, it was funny in my head and the dye was “Molten” if anyone cares.

As with the buyer it is with the seller, beware. I sold a Zap, Bolt’s precursor, for 405 gold, BLTP took 20 gold just to list it and another big whack when it sold. An item that sold for 405 left me with just over 360 after fees. I am not complaining, Zap was an RNG drop, thank you ANet, but you need to pay attention to what you’re doing.

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

i don’t belive i want to farm anymore…ok thanks everyone that tryed to help me. cheers

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LittleLepton.8915


Sorry, there’s no place to get free gold. :/

You don’t know me.


Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cassocaster.4576


without buying something with money pls

Sell all of your tier 6 mats…..

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Beldin.5498


Have you maybe also made some buy-offers ? There you will pay all the money in advance for what you want to buy, but if you don’t get the items for that price you can cancel the offers and get the money back.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Romo.3709


Small calculations:
10 boxes at 1g0s59c -> 50s20c listing fee
10 boxes at 5g1s59c -> 2g50s80c listing fee
3g01s00c total loss

You had almost 30g so lets assume 29g.
You have 3g81s5c left, lets round it to 4g.
You spent roughly 25g on listing fees.

Now the fun part to mysterious items:
25g is 5% of your total listings value.
If we take off that 3g (rounded) you spent on boxes, we get 22g.
Now since that 22g is only 5% of what you spent on listings, the value that you listed the other items is: 440g
So whatever you’re selling on other stuff is worth roughly 440g.
Don’t complain and threat that you gonna leave the game for 20 something gold when you’re waiting on over 400g of profit to come in.
Ok to be fair, considering 10% closing transaction fee you’ll end up with just below 400g.

(edited by Romo.3709)

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Here’s what i did in steps: 1. picture explained


Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Small calculations:
10 boxes at 1g0s59c -> 50s20c listing fee
10 boxes at 5g1s59c -> 2g50s80c listing fee
3g01s00c total loss

You had almost 30g so lets assume 29g.
You have 3g81s5c left, lets round it to 4g.
You spent roughly 25g on listing fees.

Now the fun part to mysterious items:
25g is 5% of your total listings value.
If we take off that 3g (rounded) you spent on boxes, we get 22g.
Now since that 22g is only 5% of what you spent on listings, the value that you listed the other items is: 440g
So whatever you’re selling on other stuff is worth roughly 440g.
Don’t complain and threat that you gonna leave the game for 20 something gold when you’re waiting on over 400g of profit to come in.
Ok to be fair, considering 10% closing transaction fee you’ll end up with just below 400g.
I don’t feel bad for your .75% of your total future gold you practically “lost”.

Wait…You said I’m waiting for a profit of 400gold?! lol Will somebody buy this for this price i listed that thing?

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Romo.3709


Here’s what i did in steps: 1. picture explained

Yup that’s a total of 3g listing fee for the Boxes you listed. the other 22g are for the other “not-our-business” items that are gonna make you quite rich.

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Romo.3709


Wait…You said I’m waiting for a profit of 400gold?! lol Will somebody buy this for this price i listed that thing?

Yeah whatever other items you’ve listed and blanked out, if they sell that should be the projected profit from little information you’ve provided.

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Romo.3709


“projected profit” LMAO xD guys stop teasing him, hey if i sell this apple for £1000 i bought for £1 ill make a projected profit of…. wait for it noobs… £999 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m not teasing him, If he really “lost” all that gold on listings alone, then 22g worth is only 5% of what he listed “the mysterious” for. It’s a simple math. 22g/.05 = 440g before complete transaction fees. Where .05 is 5% listing fee.
Nothing crazy of irregular about that. The fact that he’s not showing the “mysterious items” is because they’re worth a nice buck.
I’m not talking about the boxes he’s selling, cuz he obviously should take them off and list them for lower price. That gold is gone. What I’m talking about are the blanked out items he didn’t want to share.
At the same time, I can’t tell if those items will sell, because I have no idea what they are and how much he listed them for. Therefore i wrote “if they sell”.

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

ROFL “mysterious items” … you’re funny…you want that picture without that blank items…you think I started this because i wanted to cheat on you? o.O There you go…now please don’t joke because i wanted somebody to help me if possible…(the picture: unedited you can belive me or not but its the one that i posted in my 1st post…)


Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.7601


brb getting rich, TYVM OP!

edit: btw if you can show us your “Items I’ve Sold” tab for the past 24 hours, that’d be great

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

As you wish… (the first on the list is the latest package of 10 giant w. boxes that i sold for a normal price btw)


Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LittleLepton.8915


What’s in your pick up tab? It might have some gold you’re looking for?

You don’t know me.


Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

With all the energy to post a thread over a few Gold, you could just do a few Dungeon runs with the new LFG tool. There’s basically no way for the Listing Fees to be refunded, so I would cut your losses while you can, and do some farming.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

What’s in your pick up tab? It might have some gold you’re looking for?

Nope, only a few materials for crafting that I’ve bought recently

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LittleLepton.8915


What’s in your pick up tab? It might have some gold you’re looking for?

Nope, only a few materials for crafting that I’ve bought recently

Gotcha. Not sure where your gold went.

You don’t know me.


Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

With all the energy to post a thread over a few Gold, you could just do a few Dungeon runs with the new LFG tool. There’s basically no way for the Listing Fees to be refunded, so I would cut your losses while you can, and do some farming.

Ok, I’m new to this so, is there a dungeon where you get more gold than in the other?

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.7601


Well this is a mystery indeed. Thank you for following through on the joke

Now seriously, there could be various ways you are out +-30G

They are:
1.) You never had that much gold and you are probably misremembering
2.) You used that 30G on buy orders that were fulfilled or still pending
3.) You used that +- 30g while in a drunken stupor by moa gambling

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LittleLepton.8915


Well this is a mystery indeed. Thank you for following through on the joke

Now seriously, there could be various ways you are out +-30G

They are:
1.) You never had that much gold and you are probably misremembering
2.) You used that 30G on buy orders that were fulfilled or still pending
3.) You used that +- 30g while in a drunken stupor by moa gambling

I like #3

You don’t know me.


Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Romo.3709


Hmm, then the 22g practically disappear in thin air? I don’t have the answer for you based on the picture you just showed. I was trying to do the math with little information I had basing the fact that you spent it all on listings.
The only possible thing I can think of is when u got to “My transactions”, in the spot when it says “I’m Selling” switch it to “I’m Buying” and you’ll see all the items you’ve put orders in for that have yet to be completed. All those items you have not bought yet, therefore it’s just gold sitting there at the moment. If you remove those listings from “I’m Buying” section, all that money will go to your pick up tab, where you can take all that gold back.
That’s my only possible solution at the moment. If you have items in that section, its just money sitting on trading post that had not yet circulated yet. In other words every time you put up an offer for an item, the gold is automatically deducted from your wallet and stored on Trading post until you remove the listing or the item is sold to you.
Let me know if that works.

And remove those gift boxes, and sell them for a regular price, cuz they will never sell.

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

With all the energy to post a thread over a few Gold, you could just do a few Dungeon runs with the new LFG tool. There’s basically no way for the Listing Fees to be refunded, so I would cut your losses while you can, and do some farming.

Ok, I’m new to this so, is there a dungeon where you get more gold than in the other?

CoF and HotW are super easy and quick. Do path 1 of both for a few days, and you’ll get money.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Romo.3709


With all the energy to post a thread over a few Gold, you could just do a few Dungeon runs with the new LFG tool. There’s basically no way for the Listing Fees to be refunded, so I would cut your losses while you can, and do some farming.

Ok, I’m new to this so, is there a dungeon where you get more gold than in the other?


Keep in mind, the more money you get at the end, the longer and harder the dungeon usually is. Not always the case. You can get gold from each path once per day. So you can get as much gold a day as you can play different paths. Good Luck

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Well this is a mystery indeed. Thank you for following through on the joke

Now seriously, there could be various ways you are out +-30G

They are:
1.) You never had that much gold and you are probably misremembering
2.) You used that 30G on buy orders that were fulfilled or still pending
3.) You used that +- 30g while in a drunken stupor by moa gambling

Probably i bought something before i tryed to sell this and had about 22 gold (i don’t remember it right because I didn’t pay attention before this happened maybe right?!?!. lol now there isn’t a way to get that gold back isn’kitten ok ty anyways for sharing your interresting thoughts with me

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

With all the energy to post a thread over a few Gold, you could just do a few Dungeon runs with the new LFG tool. There’s basically no way for the Listing Fees to be refunded, so I would cut your losses while you can, and do some farming.

Ok, I’m new to this so, is there a dungeon where you get more gold than in the other?

CoF and HotW are super easy and quick. Do path 1 of both for a few days, and you’ll get money.

Ok. I’ll do this. Thanks, cheers

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

With all the energy to post a thread over a few Gold, you could just do a few Dungeon runs with the new LFG tool. There’s basically no way for the Listing Fees to be refunded, so I would cut your losses while you can, and do some farming.

Ok, I’m new to this so, is there a dungeon where you get more gold than in the other?


Keep in mind, the more money you get at the end, the longer and harder the dungeon usually is. Not always the case. You can get gold from each path once per day. So you can get as much gold a day as you can play different paths. Good Luck

will do

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chaotic Storm.2815

Chaotic Storm.2815

That’s not your business. I posted this because I have a problem, not because I wanted to show somebody what I’m selling.

That right there makes me question everything your telling us. Who hides what they are trying to get people to buy? Only one answer comes to mind.


(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

That’s not your business. I posted this because I have a problem, not because I wanted to show somebody what I’m selling.

That right there makes me question everything your telling us. Who hides what they are trying to get people to buy? Only one answer comes to mind.

I posted a whole picture (the same withouth blanks)…so pls don’t spam with this.

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Portal Master.9146

Portal Master.9146

Your answer: No.
I have a better QQ. Learn about listing fees when you list your first legendary then take it down. Where is my 70+gold? poof…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Riesty.9075


who cares about listing money?
but my window looks like this
speculation around
700k cinamon
200k head of lettuce
100k walnut
thats a lot of listing tax
you whant stupid spekulate materials use them

rly maybe they never raise
who cares
cooking 500 is not out so i still believe in it
