Make permanent gathering tools account bound!
I second this. It was annoying having to choose which alts to give them to, because it means I’d better want to keep that character. In addition to that, new characters I make won’t be able to use it.
don’t think it’ll happen, a lot of people probably have already bought multiple sets for their alts when these were first available , making it account bound now would be a PR disaster for them.
I still have all my tools waiting in the mail because I don’t want to commit to a character. Pretty sad state of affairs…
Endless Petrification Tonic
I would buy this in an instant if it was account bound. I change characters often and have 6 character slots. At around £8 per tool, it would cost me £24 to get all 3 tools (presuming they are releasing all 3 again), that’s £24 x 6 to kit out everyone … £144!
The soulbound part is making me not buy them and I would imagine others are not buying them for the same reason.
convert gold to gems
no real money spent
whats this qq about it costing £144 eh ?
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
convert gold to gems
no real money spent
whats this qq about it costing £144 eh ?
But as soon as you bring in the argument about conversion, you’re hit right in the face with counting just how many picks you could buy at the price you’re paying.
And for a lot of people, the convenience is not worth quite that much. Personally, I got the mining pick mostly because I had 400 Gems from the 5000 achievement point chest.
i only use gold to buy gems repairs and WP.
so gem cost is not relevent for me
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
don’t think it’ll happen, a lot of people probably have already bought multiple sets for their alts when these were first available , making it account bound now would be a PR disaster for them.
Doubt it, they bought multiples so they have them on multiple characters. If the gathering tools are accountbound you’d still have to transfer them each time through the bank.
Also not buying because of soulbound. I have way too many chars I play regularly.
I have 8 characters. I came close to buying the harvesting tools both offers, but the soulbound requirement killed it. It’s not that I’m not willing to drop $30 on a single character. It’s that I’m not willing to be rushed into dropping $30 on a single character. For example, the more I play a character, the more likely I am to buy bag slots for them. I buy things for a character that I’m currently playing a lot and enjoying.
I feel limited offer items work best as account bound, since I can leap on them without fear that I’ll mis-appropriate them to the wrong character. I’ll feel more confident buying these items knowing they’ll likely be useful down the road. Essentially, I impulse buy limited offers for me. Account bound items are “mine” for the life of my account, and are much more likely to look like good deals.
Meanwhile, character bound items belong to the character. I see them as investments into that character. I buy those as “gifts” as a character proves that I’ll get back what I put into them. That process happens on my time. When you limit the availability of these kinds of items, you greatly reduce the likelihood that I’ll be in that investing mood at the same time that item is available to buy.
In this case, that’s exactly what happened. I got a strong urge to buy these items for my thief, but they weren’t available anymore. Now they are again, but I’m over it. I’m between characters and not investing in any of them right now. You missed your shot at my pockets.
(edited by Clockwork Bard.3105)
100% agree with Clockwork. Very well said
Anet is currently in the business of making money. At first I was extremely surprised they allowed the limited skins to be sold on the TP, but on second thought, they already made a killing off of selling the RNG boxes when they were account bound. I imagine the reason they aren’t doing the same for the Infinite gathering tools is because they plan to re-release them in the future. Anything that cuts into their profit substantially won’t be happening.
(edited by SeasThyDay.7398)
There are a lof of no-lifes who bought these gathering tools for every of their characters(LoL, what a waste of gold or money), I doubt they’ll unbound these tools now.
They won’t because you have to look at the bigger picture. This game is free, Anet makes nothing off of you after initial purchase. The Gem Shop is nothing but a bunch of convenience or vanity items that add no advantage whatsoever to a player over another. It’s also the only way Anet can make any extra money. They want people to buy as many picks as they need. It’s not their problem you have 7 or 8 characters, because there are people out there who will buy them for each one.
Also the biggest picture to look at is it would render regular tools completely obsolete. They are currently a money sink and Anet is not about to let that aspect of the game go completely defunct and let people pass the infinites between characters. Buy them for your main, or don’t buy them, but they will never be account bound.
Doubt it, they bought multiples so they have them on multiple characters. If the gathering tools are accountbound you’d still have to transfer them each time through the bank.
I know I would be quite annoyed if suddenly I had two account-bound of each of them. Had they been account-bound at release I would only had bought 1 of each, simply due to the fact that I can only play one character at a time anyway.
Changing gem-store item after people have bought it would be extremely stupid.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
While I agree this would solve a lot of issues for me and my 8 characters, this is NOT going to happen. These tools are likely ANet’s most popular Gem item and in doing what you are asking them to reduce the possible sale of these to just ME by a factor of 8……I don’t think so.
Also, what about the players with 20 characters that have bought them all the tools for all (or even some) of their characters? Anet CAN’T kitten off customers that actually spend crazy amounts of RL money in the Gem Store by doing what you are asking.
Hey, I’ll love it if they do it and be the first in line to buy them, but I’m not holding my breath.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Changing gem-store item after people have bought it would be extremely stupid.
It won’t happen, I’d be willing to say that a change now would probably upset a lot more players than those asking for the change, they’ll be massive pitchforks at ANETs front doors asking for a refund for those who committed to several sets.
I would have already bought a set if they were account bound.
And if you’ll pardon my french, it’s none of ANet’s kitten business if I want to take the time to swap items between my characters!
I bought it, with real money, so long as I don’t use it to damage the games economy, other peoples game time, or exploit I should should be able to use them how I kitten well please!
I would have already bought a set if they were account bound.
And if you’ll pardon my french, it’s none of ANet’s kitten business if I want to take the time to swap items between my characters!
I bought it, with real money, so long as I don’t use it to damage the games economy, other peoples game time, or exploit I should should be able to use them how I kitten well please!
Only, they aren’t selling account bound tools. Just soul bound ones, so you bought what was advertised. If you don’t want it/don’t feel it’s worth your money/gold then you don’t need to buy it. They are just convenience items that will take a couple (ie. many) of years to pay for themselves (if using gold).
I bought a set for my main, because I spend most of my time on him anyways, my alts can deal with having to buy tools.
They don’t have to revert these tools, just make new ones and price them a little higher.
As an altoholic, the soulbind was a deal breaker.
They don’t have to revert these tools, just make new ones and price them a little higher.
As an altoholic, the soulbind was a deal breaker.
That would alienate anyone who bought 2 or more sets, what is “a little” exactly. Or if they were, say x3-5 expensive per tool, out-lash from people who haven’t bought them yet, saying it’s just a money grab. People would not be happy buying 2-3 sets (or even 1 set) of soul bound tools if X months later they released account bound ones.
I bought one set and gave them to my Ranger who is my farming character. As a convenience item, they are well worth the money I spent. In my opinion, they are not worth having on more than one character though.
Once more, as this topic came up again + again, i support this request.
I’ve already bought a complete set á 2400 gems I paid for in real money. ANet needs to make too, after all. ^.^
Now this hinders me to switch my main, I don’t intend to buy more sets. Sorry ANet, they were expensive to buy once, but 24€ twice or thrice is disproportional. +1 for account bound.
While we’re at it… there are some nice gear skins in the shop I would buy if only they came as unlocks like the Zenit stuff. That’s a commitment.
Pet project: Outfit overhaul.
Now this hinders me to switch my main, I don’t intend to buy more sets. Sorry ANet, they were expensive to buy once, but 24€ twice or thrice is disproportional. +1 for account bound.
This is the biggest issue, in my opinion. People shouldn’t be cut off from their value because they want to focus on another character. ArenaNet should want people to want to focus on other characters and continue playing.
The primary effect stuff like this has on me is that it guarantees I will use gold instead of money for the gems I spend on them. There’s no way I can rationalize being totally cut off from my money investment just because I decide I want to focus on another character. Time is one thing and cash is another; I won’t risk both, and people shouldn’t even be asked to.
That would alienate anyone who bought 2 or more sets, what is “a little” exactly. Or if they were, say x3-5 expensive per tool, out-lash from people who haven’t bought them yet, saying it’s just a money grab. People would not be happy buying 2-3 sets (or even 1 set) of soul bound tools if X months later they released account bound ones.
You really think Anet cares? If it’s going to make them more money, they’ll do it.
Look at weapon skins. If I were one of those suckers players who spent $300+ on RNG boxes trying to get a supposedly one-time-only weapon skin only to find out they’d been added back permanently and made sellable I would be furious. (Especially the jade ones, they are so cheap.) I’m actually really surprised I haven’t seen more QQ threads about it.
You wouldn’t be the first or the last to feel slighted. That’s just how it is.
It’s difficult to believe anyone would have a disposable income that wouldn’t be better used elsewhere, to buy gathering tools for multiple characters.
With lvl80’s of all profs that l play regularly it has not been reasonable to buy sets for all of them, yet l would haveconsidered one set, should in some distant far flung fantasy Anet decided to change them to account bound. Yet if this thread is any indication then it seems like it’s back to merch picks…..
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
I have bought all 3 for 4 characters now, however account-bound wouldn’t really help me since i rotate the chars when i go harvesting. The only real solution for account-wide in my eyes is to make them like the achievement-skins so that every character can simply take one if you bought them.
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