Market Intervention - Leather
sexy leather body suits…
Something has to balance the almighty trenchcoat paradigm. May as well be powered by sex appeal.
maybe steampun… I mean “Aetherblade” wings. Sort of a clockwork back slot that, I don’t know… people want to wear? Extra points if they move mechanically (little gears, clockwork parts, etc).
I have hoarded +100k pieces of leather just for this occasion. I still plan on buying 400g worth of leathers
edit: make that 300k, forgot to maths
(edited by Vol.7601)
Probably gonna take 500 pieces to make cloaks or something for ascended back items.
I was a little frustrated at the ascended armor patch as they released not only ascended armor but special ascended back pieces – which require cloth. If they required leather it would have lowered the cost of the back piece and made it far more accessible, especially to light armor classes which need so much silk.
I would guess the next ascended backpieces will require leather, maybe also making the ascended leather items more expensive in terms of mats required. Unless another ‘trade mats for rare items bags’ scheme is implemented…
- John Smith
Don’t forget that one of the backpieces calls for charged lodestones, too. As if there already weren’t enough things requiring charged lodestones.
sexy leather body suits…
Something has to balance the almighty trenchcoat paradigm. May as well be powered by sex appeal.
maybe steampun… I mean “Aetherblade” wings. Sort of a clockwork back slot that, I don’t know… people want to wear? Extra points if they move mechanically (little gears, clockwork parts, etc).
Dear god yes steampunk wings. Make it happen a-net. I don’t care if you shove it in the gem shop or however you do it… just do it.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
Probably gonna take 500 pieces to make cloaks or something for ascended back items.
There are so many potential uses for leather that Anet can do to make some market adjustments.
Cloaks is definitely one of them, even though there are issues for clipping/various character sizes
Colin hinted that the next legendaries would be backpieces, and they could include cured leather as a key component.
They could also introduce a temporary market adjustment item, just like the Mystic Forge Conduit was a few months after release.
For example, they could include a cheaper 18-slot bag which combines various tiered leather.
T5 leather is a great investment only if you have the space. If you have an extra account, the TP acts as unlimited storage and is the only feasible way to stockpile on mats. Cured Leather is the better alternative is space is limited, though I’m very cautious about it because I don’t want to get burned on Gossamer like last time.
I was a big proponent on Gossamer investing back when it was 1-2 S but I failed to sell quickly. Ended up dumping at 3-4S, which overall was a loss.
@Vol, I did the same with gos back when it was 1.5-2.5s I didn’t get burned though. Sold half when they jumped to 7s a couple months ago and the rest the day before patch. I only had 70 stacks and knew there were other traders that had stockpile much much more. So was afraid to compete with that. Thanks for the input on leather. I have been focusing so much on other parts of the market I didn’t even check on leather. I had not even considered something temporary as a possibility.
A year ago, I seen the conduits were going to be limited and end up being more of a vanity item. I encouraged everyone to buy as many as they could when they were selling for 7-10g
Probably gonna take 500 pieces to make cloaks or something for ascended back items.
There are so many potential uses for leather that Anet can do to make some market adjustments.
Cloaks is definitely one of them, even though there are issues for clipping/various character sizes
Colin hinted that the next legendaries would be backpieces, and they could include cured leather as a key component.
They could also introduce a temporary market adjustment item, just like the Mystic Forge Conduit was a few months after release.
For example, they could include a cheaper 18-slot bag which combines various tiered leather.
T5 leather is a great investment only if you have the space. If you have an extra account, the TP acts as unlimited storage and is the only feasible way to stockpile on mats. Cured Leather is the better alternative is space is limited, though I’m very cautious about it because I don’t want to get burned on Gossamer like last time.
I was a big proponent on Gossamer investing back when it was 1-2 S but I failed to sell quickly. Ended up dumping at 3-4S, which overall was a loss.
Well yes they could do this. But you’re not really talking from an unbiased perspective here.
Other than making Vol money, why should they do this?
Probably gonna take 500 pieces to make cloaks or something for ascended back items.
There are so many potential uses for leather that Anet can do to make some market adjustments.
Cloaks is definitely one of them, even though there are issues for clipping/various character sizes
Colin hinted that the next legendaries would be backpieces, and they could include cured leather as a key component.
They could also introduce a temporary market adjustment item, just like the Mystic Forge Conduit was a few months after release.
For example, they could include a cheaper 18-slot bag which combines various tiered leather.
T5 leather is a great investment only if you have the space. If you have an extra account, the TP acts as unlimited storage and is the only feasible way to stockpile on mats. Cured Leather is the better alternative is space is limited, though I’m very cautious about it because I don’t want to get burned on Gossamer like last time.
I was a big proponent on Gossamer investing back when it was 1-2 S but I failed to sell quickly. Ended up dumping at 3-4S, which overall was a loss.
Well yes they could do this. But you’re not really talking from an unbiased perspective here.
Other than making Vol money, why should they do this?
Why? Read this:
“We’ve noticed several markets that are clearly out of sync in terms of supply and demand. It isn’t interesting or fun to have a market flooded with items that contain very little value, so we’re making adjustments to the game every day. Players can expect to see these markets even out over time.
While adjusting the supply and demand will bring markets closer to non-vendor based equilibrium, there is still the matter of massive surplus of some items. To address the surplus, we’ve created some new, limited-time Mystic Forge recipes that use these items. These recipes create boxes that give chances for gold and some cool items."
It does seem anet is trying to balance supply/demand/cost ect. If we look back there are several different examples they did this on. Some people may not like it, I personally do. It’s very profitable for those who spend time doing their homework.
imo Vol is not trying to jack prices, those who are good at the market knows he doesn’t have to.
And with so much leather on the market, I doubt this thread is really going to move the leather price. It’s just idle speculation among people who are already speculating.
my troves are full of close-to-vendor-price crafting materials
for better or worse, they will make ways to get rid of these oversupplied materials
Leather Frankenstein mount!
But honestly it would need to be a massive and I mean massive leather sink or something on par with needing it in everything like cloth to make a dent in the market.
I think everyone was so blown away by how expensive silk has become that there’s some massive hoarding of leather happening now, and just like ori prices didn’t rise the second time, I don’t think leather will be out of control expensive, even if they do start making it relevant again. That’s just my prediction.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
Anet could add recipes for all new skimpy armour (including underwear, being completely shirtless like Lord Faren :-P, beachwear etc.) which requires uber loads of leather :-D
(edited by Zaoda.1653)
Probably gonna take 500 pieces to make cloaks or something for ascended back items.
There are so many potential uses for leather that Anet can do to make some market adjustments.
Cloaks is definitely one of them, even though there are issues for clipping/various character sizes
Colin hinted that the next legendaries would be backpieces, and they could include cured leather as a key component.
They could also introduce a temporary market adjustment item, just like the Mystic Forge Conduit was a few months after release.
For example, they could include a cheaper 18-slot bag which combines various tiered leather.
T5 leather is a great investment only if you have the space. If you have an extra account, the TP acts as unlimited storage and is the only feasible way to stockpile on mats. Cured Leather is the better alternative is space is limited, though I’m very cautious about it because I don’t want to get burned on Gossamer like last time.
I was a big proponent on Gossamer investing back when it was 1-2 S but I failed to sell quickly. Ended up dumping at 3-4S, which overall was a loss.
Well yes they could do this. But you’re not really talking from an unbiased perspective here.
Other than making Vol money, why should they do this?
Why? Read this:
“We’ve noticed several markets that are clearly out of sync in terms of supply and demand. It isn’t interesting or fun to have a market flooded with items that contain very little value, so we’re making adjustments to the game every day. Players can expect to see these markets even out over time.
While adjusting the supply and demand will bring markets closer to non-vendor based equilibrium, there is still the matter of massive surplus of some items. To address the surplus, we’ve created some new, limited-time Mystic Forge recipes that use these items. These recipes create boxes that give chances for gold and some cool items."
Isn’t that quote from over a year ago? I don’t doubt that at some point leather will increase, but how long will you have to hold it before it happens?
Sorrows Furnace
Probably gonna take 500 pieces to make cloaks or something for ascended back items.
There are so many potential uses for leather that Anet can do to make some market adjustments.
Cloaks is definitely one of them, even though there are issues for clipping/various character sizes
Colin hinted that the next legendaries would be backpieces, and they could include cured leather as a key component.
They could also introduce a temporary market adjustment item, just like the Mystic Forge Conduit was a few months after release.
For example, they could include a cheaper 18-slot bag which combines various tiered leather.
T5 leather is a great investment only if you have the space. If you have an extra account, the TP acts as unlimited storage and is the only feasible way to stockpile on mats. Cured Leather is the better alternative is space is limited, though I’m very cautious about it because I don’t want to get burned on Gossamer like last time.
I was a big proponent on Gossamer investing back when it was 1-2 S but I failed to sell quickly. Ended up dumping at 3-4S, which overall was a loss.
Well yes they could do this. But you’re not really talking from an unbiased perspective here.
Other than making Vol money, why should they do this?
Why? Read this:
“We’ve noticed several markets that are clearly out of sync in terms of supply and demand. It isn’t interesting or fun to have a market flooded with items that contain very little value, so we’re making adjustments to the game every day. Players can expect to see these markets even out over time.
While adjusting the supply and demand will bring markets closer to non-vendor based equilibrium, there is still the matter of massive surplus of some items. To address the surplus, we’ve created some new, limited-time Mystic Forge recipes that use these items. These recipes create boxes that give chances for gold and some cool items."
Isn’t that quote from over a year ago? I don’t doubt that at some point leather will increase, but how long will you have to hold it before it happens?
Yes, it was over a year ago, but it’s something that I think John Smith always pays attention to.
How long will I hold it? However long it takes.
Right now I have invested at least 160G. I quite frankly don’t know the opportunity cost of this, considering that I’m hoarding +1400g and not using it it in any short-term trading.
All I know is that if Anet releases an update that requires a large number of leather with high demand, the profits can be high.
If the price rises enough, I can sell all my stock (over time, of course) with a massive profit:
8 copper → 160G
20 copper → 400G
50 copper → 1KG
1 silver → 2KG
2 silver → 4KG
You know what is funny …
People using their crystal ball to predict bad things happening to leather in the market soon, but they aren’t using it to tell them they should buy it if they need it before that happens. TLDR: If you want to speculate leather, it’s pretty hard to loose out on it’s current price.
I honestly wonder why a fellow named Nicholas isn’t wandering around collecting a stack of <insert “random” item> on a daily basis…
I caved and filled-up the guild vault with leather, but… the profit margins probably aren’t even worth the effort. If ANet wants to (eventually) balance the value of leather, then Hardened Leather @ 1-2s/scrap would probably be worth it, but I keep getting urges to just vendor the Thick. Maybe old habits die hard. :-)
I caved and filled-up the guild vault with leather, but… the profit margins probably aren’t even worth the effort. If ANet wants to (eventually) balance the value of leather, then Hardened Leather @ 1-2s/scrap would probably be worth it, but I keep getting urges to just vendor the Thick. Maybe old habits die hard. :-)
It’s absolutely not worth it if you are filling it in the guild bank with T5.
The profit you could get from leather is not worth the bank slot. Stick with T6.
As mentioned, T5 is only recommended if you have an alt account that uses the TP as storage.
I caved and filled-up the guild vault with leather, but… the profit margins probably aren’t even worth the effort. If ANet wants to (eventually) balance the value of leather, then Hardened Leather @ 1-2s/scrap would probably be worth it, but I keep getting urges to just vendor the Thick. Maybe old habits die hard. :-)
It’s absolutely not worth it if you are filling it in the guild bank with T5.
The profit you could get from leather is not worth the bank slot. Stick with T6.
As mentioned, T5 is only recommended if you have an alt account that uses the TP as storage.
I am pretty sure that any big future leather sink will be funneled through Elonian Leather Squares. As those are available right now under crafting price, i would suggest to invest some gold into those, if you have storage concerns or if it takes too much time to fill your buy orders until you have all your gold invested.
Their price will be pretty close tied to the value of t2-5 leather, so its a safe bet, if you want to invest in non-t6 leather in general.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
If (when) they introduce the leather-sink, the ratio of profit would probably be much higher for the raw materials, come with less risk, and probably “move” much faster.
I decided just to list whatever Thick Leather I had gotten in those few days (maybe 40k?) at roughly the price of the ore/wood. If the prices become balanced, then doing that long-term would probably be great (if you don’t have a multiple accounts). However, it’s quite tedious, so I’m never touching it again! :-)
I honestly wonder why a fellow named Nicholas isn’t wandering around collecting a stack of <insert “random” item> on a daily basis…
I miss Nicolas the Traveler. He’d give gifts every week for stuff nobody usually gathered and held onto And the potential of getting one of them epic vampiric dragon swords… :-P
Bring back Nicolas I say :-D