Metallurgic Dyes - too much RNG
The same thread that appears every time an RNG dye kit is released. If people buy them, they’ll keep pumping them out, if people stop, they’ll change the way they work.
Lesson learned – just buy the dyes from the TP.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
(edited by Flissy.4093)
Biggest tip for new players I could possibly give : never buy anything RNG from the gem store, you will be disappointed.
Yep i agree with you guys, lesson learnt – definatly. They won’t get me never again.
Biggest tip for new players I could possibly give : never buy anything from the gem store, you will be disappointed.
fixed, because Anet has no problem to change things you already bought.
Dye kits are recycled tears from the bottom of the mystic forge.
Biggest tip for new players I could possibly give : never buy anything from the gem store, you will be disappointed.
fixed, because Anet has no problem to change things you already bought.
I know it is easy to download a game and then click through all the ‘boring legal garbage’ to get on with playing, however we all agreed that …
“The Items, services or access to other specific forms of Content offered by NCSOFT in exchange for Gems may be discontinued, modified or removed from the Account by NCSOFT at any time in its sole and absolute discretion.” – See legal policy at bottom of this webpage.
We really don’t ‘own’ any of the stuff from the GEM shop – we are only paying for the privilege of using it for the life of the game, or until NCSOFT needs to remove it (for whatever reason).
We knew (should have known) that going in.
As far as RNG … well, that’s the preferred modus operandi of the Gem shop on items like these. As consumers we have the choice to ‘gamble’ or not.
After being burned a few times last year, 2014 will have me being far more conservative when shelling out cash to fund my GEM habit.
Yes it’s your own fault and hopefully you have learned this time. RNG is bad and most stuff in the Ca$h Grab $hop you don’t need.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
It’s the same system as the Black Lion claim ticket weapon skins, and I’m frankly more open to buy and convert gems to gold and buy on TP rather than risk gambling my money away and not get the item either. I wouldn’t do it for dyes because there’s a myriad of colors to mix & match already in the game, and the aforementioned gamblers are a bit excessive when it comes to dyes prices.
I’d buy them from gemstore if they sold them in packs, for 500-600 gems, where you get only these new dyes, account bound, if you want them. No gambling for single items with a pool of existing colors included and definitely not letting profiteers sell these for outrageous prices.
The same thread that appears every time an RNG dye kit is released. If people buy them, they’ll keep pumping them out, if people stop, they’ll change the way they work.
Lesson learned – just buy the dyes from the TP.
I think Anet leaves just enough time between releases for enough people to forget this O.o
I (foolishly) exchanged 9 gold to buy enough gems to purchase one of these dyes, mistakenly thinking they would impart an effect to my armour. What I ended up with was a common dye, of which there are 233 listings on the TP, worth 10 silvers.
Anet, what would it cost you to remove the RNG system from gemstore purchases? (And be clearer in your marketing descriptions!) Surely my expenditure of 125 gems (9 gold, in game), is worth one of the NEW dyes? In terms of how many hours of gaming it took to accumulate said gold, surely you want to give me, your CUSTOMER, something worthy of my time (and money!)? Instead, I feel had, conned, disappointed. I will NEVER buy anything of this nature from you again. EVER.
(edited by RottenRagamuffin.3159)
Yes. They are good at making use of RNG. Soon we will have a mini powerball lottery.
I just bought the 5 for 500 gems, and i got the Prosperity dye, Amenity dye, Fling dye, Royal blue dye and the Burgundy dye.
So can’t complain really. It’s like a 100 gold worth right there.
Buying rng is pretty much gambling, and i never buy them unless i can afford to lose that money.
Indeed, buying anything where RNG is a factor is a gamble. However, do Anet really believe that (as was the case for me) that my expenditure of 9 gold and a return of 10 silvers is anything but insulting? The disparity between expenditure and return is too great. As a show of respect for their customers, the least they could have done was to draw the pre-existing selection of dyes from the non-cheapskate selection of their colour range.
They’ve done the exact same thing before – Flame and Frost, and Toxic dyes. With the exact same reactions and complaints. Obviously it’s a successful strategy or they wouldn’t keep doing it.
lol never give money for gems !
at mousy pay gold for gems but i learn that it is better to save gold and buy the die you like
rng never reward you !
The weird thing is… I don’t see anything special about the new dyes. Am I missing something? These look like colors that already exist, except they have a different name.
When the Toxic Dyes came out, I was so excited that I bought them until I got one. For some reason, I was sure that ‘cuz the whole theme of the release was ’these krait all glow, cool’ that my dye would glow. I applied it to my armor only to find that it was almost the same as another green I had. Completely unexciting.
Not only are the dye packs all RNG, but the dyes they contain aren’t anything special. I don’t get it.
Next time, go into the TP, search up the dye youre curious about and hit preview about 4 times to see how it looks on all armor parts. That way you wont buy something you feel like you wasted money on.
The new dyes are utterly beautiful on the sylvari race armor.
The weird thing is… I don’t see anything special about the new dyes. Am I missing something? These look like colors that already exist, except they have a different name.
When the Toxic Dyes came out, I was so excited that I bought them until I got one. For some reason, I was sure that ‘cuz the whole theme of the release was ’these krait all glow, cool’ that my dye would glow. I applied it to my armor only to find that it was almost the same as another green I had. Completely unexciting.
Not only are the dye packs all RNG, but the dyes they contain aren’t anything special. I don’t get it.
Biggest tip for new players I could possibly give : never buy anything RNG from the gem store, you will be disappointed.
Never RNG anything. Ever.
There will always be RNG because of the crazy people that keep buying the mystery boxes.
Yeah, people like surprises. At first …
RIP City of Heroes