Might Royal Terrace Passes make a comeback?
It doesn’t even need a reason.
It sold like hot cakes when it came out. The terrace is still packed to this day.
It’ll absolutely come back, it’s just free money for AN.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
The terrace is still packed to this day..
This is why they shouldn’t bring it back. It already has a enough people and the area is so small that putting the pass on sale again will just just ruin it. Instead what they should do is release VIP passes for different cities. Spread it out so it doesn’t turn into the new Lions Arch and becoming this laggy cluster kitten. They have other cities they could do VIP areas in and personally I would buy another one if they made one in Rata Sum.
The terrace is still packed to this day..
This is why they shouldn’t bring it back. It already has a enough people and the area is so small that putting the pass on sale again will just just ruin it. Instead what they should do is release VIP passes for different cities. Spread it out so it doesn’t turn into the new Lions Arch and becoming this laggy cluster kitten. They have other cities they could do VIP areas in and personally I would buy another one if they made one in Rata Sum.
While I understand the desire for some players to feel exclusive, and stand out because of how long they have been playing the game, a “VIP” zone is not the method to do this. Player A should not be able to access an area of the game, still existing, that Player B cannot, just because Player A has been playing longer.
Players can “show off” or feel “exclusive” in terms of playtime via item skins – either through Gem store or achievements – or titles.
While I have no problems with such areas being available, they must return to the gem store periodically, even if just on sale for 1 day every 2 months. Again, areas that are permanently exclusive should not exist.
If exclusive areas had to exist, which I maintain they shouldn’t, they should be areas accessible only by players who support the Gem store by purchasing gems with real money, and not someone who happened to be playing on the sale of an access card with 100g floating around. If a real-money only item was implemented, it would need to remain forever so anybody who wants it would be able to purchase it. Of course, this opens up a whole can of worms of potential P2W, but in terms of the Royal Terrace it is not.
This is getting a little offtopic, but I would like to reiterate that exclusive zones for only those who use real money is an atrocious idea, but the most acceptable way an exclusive zone should exist, and absolutely NOT for those who happened to play on a certain day. I would like to see more “rewards” or recognition for those who actively support the Gem store with real funding (although I am no longer one of these people).
There’s one good reason I am confident the zone is returning other than it will be a giant cash injection for NCsoft to spend on GW2/Other games they publish. Halls of Monuments is not exclusive to accounts tied to GW1 accounts.
In summary, these are the current ways players can feel exclusive:
- Limited-edition skins – through achievements or Gem store.
- Titles – usually linked to temporary achievements.
- Mini-pets – often obtained through the Gem store.
- Small benefits to a player’s home instance (Quartz node, Sprocket node, Candy corn node) Note that I am heavily against this.
Exclusive areas need to be kept out this list.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
Halls of Monuments is not exclusive to accounts tied to GW1 accounts.
It is exclusive to accounts tied to GW1 accounts.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Halls of Monuments is not exclusive to accounts tied to GW1 accounts.
It is exclusive to accounts tied to GW1 accounts.
I’ve been there myself. My account isn’t tied to a GW1 account.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
As soon as Anet releases this, expect a lot of complaints and tinfoil threads about how Anet destroyed permanent content all to make $$$$
Holy cow if they made one for each city I’d buy them all in a heart beat too. Awesome idea.
Also, it definitely needs to come back. I have a couple friends who missed out the first time and they’re dying to get it.