Molten Lodestones

Molten Lodestones

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidendale.4178


How do you think the balance between champions lodestone drops and the changes to dungeon rewards will effect the market for these?

Reason for edit: Rephrase to for clairty and eliminate appearance of Pump and Dump. I noted it looked bad after reading Articluna’s response. That was not my intent.

(edited by Aidendale.4178)

Molten Lodestones

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Articluna.4509


Or have you stockpiled up and try some pump n’ dump due incoming dungeon farming (of same dungeon) nerf that’s coming and apparently reducing value of cof1 speedrunning thus reducing supply of molten lodestones?

say wut

OooOOoohh, box of shinies. So many shinies!
Outsource rng → profit.

Molten Lodestones

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidendale.4178


That shouldn’t make a difference with the champion loot dropping lodestones according to most. I would think the two would cancel each other out. I suspect you are right about the COF nerf, but that shouldn’t have hit the market yet.

Molten Lodestones

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ForGreatJustice.3452


That shouldn’t make a difference with the champion loot dropping lodestones according to most. I would think the two would cancel each other out. I suspect you are right about the COF nerf, but that shouldn’t have hit the market yet.

You haven’t checked the prices on molten cores and lodestones then I’m guessing.

Prices jump from nearly just under 4 silver right about 7 silver. Sharp trend started around when Colin announced the dungeon rewards revamp coming next update. Correlation or coincidence? You decide, but I think people are panicking already so I’m dumping some of my stock and turning in around 85% profit of my investment.

Molten Lodestones

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ilr.9675


Or have you stockpiled up and try some pump n’ dump due incoming dungeon farming (of same dungeon) nerf that’s coming and apparently reducing value of cof1 speedrunning thus reducing supply of molten lodestones?

say wut

I bought about 100 cores but that’s only b/c I figure at some point, there will be more recipes for them and I’ll also need to make a set of Sup Soldier Runes once Anet gets the whole Meta thing under control, AKA: “GEARCHECK!! Berzerker/Scholar is the only Gear you should have on or we KICK YOU!! GEARCHECK!!” idiocy infesting the Dungeon pugs right now…

…tho I’m also counting on them maybe dropping Binding Agents from Champs or Dungeon chests at some point here (they’ll pretty much have to … or have them drop in PvP to get more people back into that ghost town)

(edited by ilr.9675)

Molten Lodestones

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


The market is stuffed to the rim with molten cores. For nearly a year scores of people have been running CoF 1 every day about 5 to 10 times a day. Other than that, molten cores drop from all kinds of bags (including WvW loot bags), fractals (the 2nd most popular dungeon), fire elementals all over Tyria, imps, chests, you name it.

If I compare this with the Molten facility, which only ran for one month, and which gave most people 1 sentinel’s intricate insignia (rare quality) per run, which took much longer than 1 CoF run; and seeing that the market is still stuffed with those insiginas, I think the molten cores in people’s banks should run in the millions.

Molten Lodestones

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ForGreatJustice.3452


The market is stuffed to the rim with molten cores. For nearly a year scores of people have been running CoF 1 every day about 5 to 10 times a day. Other than that, molten cores drop from all kinds of bags (including WvW loot bags), fractals (the 2nd most popular dungeon), fire elementals all over Tyria, imps, chests, you name it.

If I compare this with the Molten facility, which only ran for one month, and which gave most people 1 sentinel’s intricate insignia (rare quality) per run, which took much longer than 1 CoF run; and seeing that the market is still stuffed with those insiginas, I think the molten cores in people’s banks should run in the millions.

I just sold a second batch of 100 when the buy orders were up near 8silver. At the time, seemed like demand exceed TP supply. Just checked spidy, buy orders under 7 again. Fun to always watch these things.

Molten Lodestones

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: falchion.3652


The market is stuffed to the rim with molten cores. For nearly a year scores of people have been running CoF 1 every day about 5 to 10 times a day. Other than that, molten cores drop from all kinds of bags (including WvW loot bags), fractals (the 2nd most popular dungeon), fire elementals all over Tyria, imps, chests, you name it.

If I compare this with the Molten facility, which only ran for one month, and which gave most people 1 sentinel’s intricate insignia (rare quality) per run, which took much longer than 1 CoF run; and seeing that the market is still stuffed with those insiginas, I think the molten cores in people’s banks should run in the millions.

Since they were so cheap, we can only assume they were made into major runes and the majority of them MF’d. I know I have.