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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aurelian Omenkind.2470

Aurelian Omenkind.2470

Many consider 3g+ per 100 gems to be too high and have quit converting gold to gems.

I tend to think that short term ups and downs in the market really have no bearing on the long term value of in-game currency. Inflation will naturally happen as liquidity grows in the player base. 3g may seem cheap in retrospect next year.

I personally think that the real world tends to dictate a game’s currency value overall. I used to play a different online game whose currency was very closely tied to real money. When the world economy started to sour, the game’s proxy currency more than doubled in the space of 3 months. The devs offering new and desirable items also helped the inflation along, I’m sure, but since fewer players were putting real money into the devs’ pockets, less conversion was happening to favor the game currency, thus supply dwindled and became more valuable. The fulcrum is the proxy currency.

So, I have a question: are the only gems available in the game available through players who’ve bought them, or does Anet help keep ANY of the supply available on the market?

Money not well spent...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Many consider 3g+ per 100 gems to be too high and have quit converting gold to gems.

I tend to think that short term ups and downs in the market really have no bearing on the long term value of in-game currency. Inflation will naturally happen as liquidity grows in the player base. 3g may seem cheap in retrospect next year.

I personally think that the real world tends to dictate a game’s currency value overall. I used to play a different online game whose currency was very closely tied to real money. When the world economy started to sour, the game’s proxy currency more than doubled in the space of 3 months. The devs offering new and desirable items also helped the inflation along, I’m sure, but since fewer players were putting real money into the devs’ pockets, less conversion was happening to favor the game currency, thus supply dwindled and became more valuable. The fulcrum is the proxy currency.

So, I have a question: are the only gems available in the game available through players who’ve bought them, or does Anet help keep ANY of the supply available on the market?

The exchange was supplied with gems at launch (a very large amount of them) and a balances of gold. The exchange doesn’t generate gems, only cash does and we can basically conclude any purchases in the store removes the gems from the system (just not the exchange). Unless the exchange was very off kilter, i don’t think any single player could have enough gold to make it move much.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: valtonray.4507


The sooner everyone realizes the chests or keys you buy are essentially the games version of scratch off lottery tickets the sooner we can stop seeing daily posts on someone crying about this. Sometimes you get lucky, I for one bought 5 keys and got a BL trader item the first day they came out. Mostly you can expect mostly useless junk. Accept that you KNEW it was a gamble and the problem isn’t the system but your expectations.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: FateOmega.9601


You have been playing since beta. How could you not have been aware that you can totally get jack with the chest lottery. Every single chest lottery had had people complaining about getting jack.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rainzar.6905


these threads are always good for a laugh. you had high expectations and those got crushed, lesson learnt.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LtTiger.4568


Note to self: Do not buy things that says it has a rare chance to get something. You’ll have to have a lucky account to get it..

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Clipbord.8726


Sadly anet will continue to do this whole rng thing because they are having success with it, cause suckers will continue to keep buying those RNG boxes. Fortunately, I’m not one of them.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chaotic Storm.2815

Chaotic Storm.2815

your like me, you know its bad. you know nothing good will come from it but you still gotta buy the stuff at least once and try it before you learn. I was the same way with the molten weapons. I just HAD to have 1 of those sweet beauty. 100 chests later,and 50$ less. nothing.


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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Calae.1738


again i dont expect anything from anyone…
I do expect you to take a lesson from me and be careful when buying these things
I am sorry you are to dense to understand that

We already know. Believe me we already know.

Just another fly getting trapped in the spider’s web.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Quam.7218


First, I have been playing GW2 Since beta and I truly love this game.
I decided yesterday that I’ve been playing for quite some time and I haven’t contributed enough for what the game is worth to me. So I proceeded to purchase $60 US dollars worth of Gems.
I used $40 of that to purchase these new Southsun “Supply Crates”. I wasn’t expecting mini pets or really rare items, but i was expecting at least one sclerite weapon skin ticket, Let me tell you, these “crates” are exactly what they say they are. Supplies, that’s it. For$40 dollars i recieved.
Passion Flowers
Passion Fruits
Karka Shells
and two mobile crafting stations…

This is TOTALLY ridiculous…
Being unlucky is one thing but $40 for mats I can just farm in the area that I’m in anyway? Shame on you.
It makes me sick just thinking about how many unsuspecting players have done the same thing just to be rewarded with basic materials…

Never ever buy any chest or keys… I really wanted a token for Molten Weapon I wasted 10k gems for keys opened maybe 140-170 Black Lion chests 0 tokens.

So don’t do it’s a waste of Your gold and/or money. RNG is bad.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


i got one in 6 :/

Tarnished Coast [TC]

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: stale.9785


Something I figured out when they stopped fixing things or responding to player concerns. Stop giving Anet money.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Helterskelter.8490


First, I have been playing GW2 Since beta and I truly love this game.
I decided yesterday that I’ve been playing for quite some time and I haven’t contributed enough for what the game is worth to me. So I proceeded to purchase $60 US dollars worth of Gems.

$40 for mats I can just farm in the area that I’m in anyway? Shame on you.
It makes me sick just thinking about how many unsuspecting players have done the same thing just to be rewarded with basic materials…

> I love this game
> I want to support it

Money not well spent...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: marnick.4305


I’ve been hovering over those boxes, but 1200 is just too many gems. Happy I didn’t.

Seriously, time to get this crap out of the gem store. I’ve got a very fat wallet and nothing to spend it on. I’d be spending far more in the store if those tickets would be up for 800 gems each.

Get something decent in the store, something I want to spend money on without triggering all my failsaves.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Money not well spent...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Creeper.9360


well unfortunately it looks like they won’t be changing their policy on this anytime soon. If you believe the data mined information then the next update (Dragon Bakitten looks like) will have another RNG box with skins in there.

Ugh, so sick of this crap.