My product suggestions

My product suggestions

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


First of all i must express my approval of the shop in the game.
I find the " option" to buy stuff a LOT better then beeing forced to pay monthly, or even forced to “farm” out the same items i can buy (only to decorate my charcter)

Second i would like to point out, how few item the shop has so faar. A lot of items need to be added, trough i understand you dont want to add all “content” right away.

So i listed a few things we(me and my friends and a lot of ppl in the guild) would like to see in shop.

1, Race, Sex, or appereance change. (i understand race change might not be an option becouse of personal story but the rest would be seriously good)
2, More character costumizations (like hair styles)
3, Longer boosts (for not only killing, becouse its the slightest part of the experiance)
4, Rare and uncommon dye pack.
5, More Weapon an Armor skins. (we would love to see other old Guild Wars skins to)
6, Ranger pets and more mini pets. (maybe not a brand new pet set, but another set of skins for the old ones)

7, Skill effect options. Firstly only small things like : Changing the pictures on the warriors banners.
Later on you can try making 2-3 verion of all skill effects, and let players buy the 1, they like to see when, they use that skill. ( taking example : Elementalists Elite elemental summons have a differeant look, or there should be 2-3 skins for Lich form, or more skins for the Engineers turrets. Summoned thieves have differeant armor ot anything like that )
-This would let players seriously costumize there characters without having to worry abaut balance changes or anything, since its purely cosmetic.
-You can have an option, to only see the original spell effects (or others woul only se the original ones, only you would see your skills in a changed form)

8, An npc helper that helps you loot, and sells junk right away. Or could be set up with loot options and “rarity trehold” to put some certaint items that meet the criteria to Trade post. (like all green items or crafting items)
9, More combat buffs like regeneration. (movement speed would be also nice)

My product suggestions

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wraith.4103


I just do not agree with 3 AND 9.
It’s not free to play trash, where you can pay to win, at least not yet.
Let me explain, I agree with 3 and 9 IF its for PVE only and it include take it OUT from WvWvW.
The other options are just awesome, for me, the best atm would be option 1 wich I without no doubt would get a few just to start with. lol I just do not think RACE change can be done without mess with personal story like you said too.

Adrian Faust – Human Mesmer
—-—Art Of Invasion [ART]——-
Gate of Madness

My product suggestions

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Pve only ofc. Sory if i didnt mention it.
I quite understand and agree with Anets policy of only sellig stuff that wont get you any benefit compared to other players, just cosmetics that improve your game experiance.

I still remember the terrible abuse of this in Eve online. And Runes of Magic.