Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MyDaggerzDanze.2815


So, i recently went on the auction house and starting looking around until i saw the mystic forge conduit, a portable mystic forge with unlimited uses. After creating one for myself i started reading in to the wiki and found out that, if the wiki is both correct and complete, it is by this time impossible to get any more of the items needed to create a mystic forge conduit.

My question to you guys is this, wont the mystic forge conduit go up in price radicaly, cause it’s such a great item to have, and there is limited supply? Or have i made a huge mistake and is there still a way to gain the items?

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


My guess is that it’s not as popular as you might think. Bank and Black Lion Trader perma-access items are in high demand because of the ability to deposit/remove items and pick up your earnings from anywhere in the world, but people who are playing the Mystic Forge probably prefer to be in LA so they can immediately announce their success/failure to whoever happens to be in town at the time. There’s not really a lot of reason to be gambling on the Forge while in the middle of nowhere.

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: illgot.1056


the portable mystic forge will really only save you the trip from the Trade Post to the Mystic Forge in the center of town.

That is only for the select few that like to gamble constantly.

It really is not as useful as a portable trade post or merchant which allows you to pick up items anywhere and vender items anywhere.

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MyDaggerzDanze.2815


I see you guys’s point, it being not as usefull as other items. But, with there being no way to create more of this item then there are mats in the game right now, on the long term, they would get more expensive right? Or are there still other ways to get the parts you need to create one?

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vinny.6924


I see you guys’s point, it being not as usefull as other items. But, with there being no way to create more of this item then there are mats in the game right now, on the long term, they would get more expensive right? Or are there still other ways to get the parts you need to create one?

Again no. No matter what angle you look at it, thr game as it stands now does not use it enough ti skyrocket the price.

Commander Ahria – Warrior – Stormbluff Isle

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Economy.3096


Mystic forge conduits at nearly 40g today. These things have reached an all time high.

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kirrund.2654


The Mystic Forge Conduit is an awesome item. Anyone who is telling you otherwise doesn’t have one, or doesn’t understand what’s so great about it.

I use mine constantly. I have 80 inventory slots, and often times in WvW or in a dungeon or when farming I will fill up but be able to leave, and I can take the greens and transmute them into rares while out on the field, thus saving tons of space (and items I othewise wouldn’t have been able to carry)

I will probably never sell it, I use it that much.

Kaseira The False [NEWL]
“NEWL guys are cool guys.” -styx.7294 approved.

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: majorkong.9073


The Mystic Forge Conduit is an awesome item. Anyone who is telling you otherwise doesn’t have one, or doesn’t understand what’s so great about it.

I use mine constantly. I have 80 inventory slots, and often times in WvW or in a dungeon or when farming I will fill up but be able to leave, and I can take the greens and transmute them into rares while out on the field, thus saving tons of space (and items I othewise wouldn’t have been able to carry)

I will probably never sell it, I use it that much.

You sold me. I just bought one. I like.

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vereen Silenthunter.2704

Vereen Silenthunter.2704

The Mystic Forge Conduit is an awesome item. Anyone who is telling you otherwise doesn’t have one, or doesn’t understand what’s so great about it.

I use mine constantly. I have 80 inventory slots, and often times in WvW or in a dungeon or when farming I will fill up but be able to leave, and I can take the greens and transmute them into rares while out on the field, thus saving tons of space (and items I othewise wouldn’t have been able to carry)

I will probably never sell it, I use it that much.

Same thing here, I’m always carrying it around with me, along a handful of donation packaging. I can transmute greens into golds and donate blues and golds for captain’s council commendation. Good times!

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Andykay.5198


There is no way to make a new one at the moment, but there’s no telling when Anet will bring the recipe back. That’s the beauty of the mystic forge, they can keep recipes like that in their pocket until they figure certain parts of the economy need a tweak, and then they can dust them off again.

I expect the mystic chests to come back sometime in the next few months.

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Freedan.1769


Andykay, how I wish your remarks were true. I read about them shortly after they went off the market and leaped in price and coveted one ever since. I am so ticked at how long this has been left off the market! I didn’t know you could get one, stupid me didn’t read enough at game launch. Now I am mad every day I use the forge, I love doing stuff in Rata Sum and the only reason I stick around Lions Arch is for the benefit of the forge. So I bitterly rue that they have not re-released this formula after an entire year. A year! Dust off? More like shelved forever.

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Osi.3504


Andykay, how I wish your remarks were true. I read about them shortly after they went off the market and leaped in price and coveted one ever since. I am so ticked at how long this has been left off the market! I didn’t know you could get one, stupid me didn’t read enough at game launch. Now I am mad every day I use the forge, I love doing stuff in Rata Sum and the only reason I stick around Lions Arch is for the benefit of the forge. So I bitterly rue that they have not re-released this formula after an entire year. A year! Dust off? More like shelved forever.

You are replying to a thread that was last used 10 months ago >.>

Also as far as these recipes, you never know when.

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


The forge in Heart of the Mist works too.
These days an infinite salvage kit is probably more useful.

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

I have owned one of these for probably 8+months I bought it for around 70g and it has as some points close to doubled but it usually sits around the 100g area, this being said I have no interest in selling it unless the price goes up a truly radical amount (I also own a permenant black lion merchant contract and that went up by far more, I bought mine for around 200g and it at one point jumped to about 600g, but once used you cant resell

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Freedan.1769


Hello Osi,
Am I committing a faux paus by responding to old threads? There are thousands of threads in existence already, I just thought some comments here were still pertinent. I will be honest, if people feel old threads are best left to lie dead in dustbins, by all means correct me so I know not to make this mistake in the future.

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mystic.5934


I’m mostly just surprised you found it. search feature doesn’t work, so you would of had to be clicking through the higher-number page tabs. or maybe google has indexes this page into their search results because it’s so old?

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Osi.3504


Hello Osi,
Am I committing a faux paus by responding to old threads? There are thousands of threads in existence already, I just thought some comments here were still pertinent. I will be honest, if people feel old threads are best left to lie dead in dustbins, by all means correct me so I know not to make this mistake in the future.

Well because you were directly talking to someone who last posted 10 months ago… is why I said what I said. Common sense tells me that guy isn’t going to get a notification through their email saying something replied back to them and they will never get back to you because for all we know they quit the game 3 months ago. People tend to check post they recently have posted in like I did now, vs. someone who posted 10 months ago. So it just seems pointless, a waste of space etc.

Mystic Forge Conduit, recipe for money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Freedan.1769


Osi I am not interested in the original poster I am interested in the post itself. People like you see a topic bumped and read and respond to it. You did as did others. I find old posts revived generates more interest than new ones. It’s too bad you fail to see that and question others rather pointlessly. For you who are interested in the topic of the conduit though I still feel cheated I can’t get this item when others got it so easy a year ago and reaped the benefits and still do. At least permanent contracts have slim hopes of getting RNG conduit forget it.