Mystic Forge Superior Runes/Sigils
I’ve always wondered why this doesn’t exist. You’re still putting 4 sup. at the risk of getting 1 sup. rng which could might well be a useless one. And prices are indeed ridiculous when most majors cost more than half the superior ones.
And it might offer some use to dungeon runes/sigil that come soulbound.
The main reason why they arent doing this is because it would mess with alot of markets, if you consider that alot of runes and sigils are craftable (and as far as i know, craftable superior runes/sigils cant be gained from the mf).
If this would be implemented, every superior rune/sigil would more or less have the same price (like rare ones right now), basically affecting all materials that are used in crafting superior runes/sigils because even though they cant be gained from forging, they can still be used as input.
It would be a short term solution for the inflated prices on some of them right now but would not solve much in the long run.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Actually Wanze, most of the craftable sigils/runes are at a loss. Each one is sold at up to 1/40x of the actual craft cost. The very few that are profitable are so because they’re an extremely rare recipe (Sigil of Bursting) that also correlates with a really strong sigil/rune effect..
Yeah, Aidan is right, Wanze. You CAN get a lot of the craftable sigils/runes from the Mystic Forge. (I got a Sup Rune of the Ranger once, for example.) I think that bringing back the ability to MF 4 random Sup runes/sigils would go a long way towards normalising prices.
Dont mistake what I’m saying Zaxares. The point I’m making is entirely different to yours. Even if you could MF superior runes like you can weapons, it will almost no affect on the price of crafted runes because most of them are dirt cheap due to how over-supplied they are. Which is likely a direct result of how bad they are.
Heh, gotcha. I do agree that many Runes/Sigils (but especially sigils) are unwanted because they are so niche or sub-par that nobody wants them. Still, the ability to MF 4 random Sup Runes/Sigils would at least help ameliorate the situation by making expensive ones cheaper and cheaper ones more expensive.
Actually Wanze, most of the craftable sigils/runes are at a loss. Each one is sold at up to 1/40x of the actual craft cost. The very few that are profitable are so because they’re an extremely rare recipe (Sigil of Bursting) that also correlates with a really strong sigil/rune effect..
This. Also they are way over supplied considering how many people used them to level their crafting for ascended.
Well, i thought a little bit more about this. It would certainly help build diversity by lowering the prices of the expensive ones and giving value to those that are undesired or available for way under crafting value. The overall amount of superior runes and sigils in the game would diminish because they get destroyed in the forge but the amount of desired runes and sigils will rise.
During this process, alot of people will get rich and many people will lose potential profits.
Those that listed undesired runes/sigils at a couple of silver, could have sold them for 1g a day later. And those that bought them for a couple of silver now forge them and fill a buy order of 8g for a melandru rune from someone that could have gotten that rune for half the price a day later.
Due to the changes from the feature patch, runes and sigils are a pretty big market atm because the general player base spends a bigger part of its income on new runes and sigils atm than before the patch. It would also affect all mats that are used in crafting superior runes and sigils, which is mostly t6 common, fine and rare mats and seasonal mats. Those will most certainly rise in price. Orichalcum could spike just as much as last september, when asc weaponcrafting went live. Ectos will see high demand as well. Piles of Putrid Essence will see a mayor price spike, just like platinum doubloons.
After all, we can agree that alot of items will see a change in value and in the process, some people get rich off it and most players get shafted. The end result will be that some desirable items got cheaper (runes/sigils) and some got more expensive (t6 mats and seasonal mats) and some undesirable items got more expensive (runes/sigils/pile of putrid essence). We will hear glory tales from a couple of tp players on the forums and in map chat that tell of 10k gold earned within a day and we will hear 1000 people complain about it because they just bought a rune set for 60g that is now available for 10g and blame Anet because the Devs didnt tell them before.
So do you think all those changes will make this game a better place?
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Yes. When balancing: (a) protecting the profits of speculators, (b) having to deal with whining from buyers regret when something becomes cheaper, and © improving the availability of inordinately scarce runes and sigils, I’ll take ©.
Yes. When balancing: (a) protecting the profits of speculators, (b) having to deal with whining from buyers regret when something becomes cheaper, and © improving the availability of inordinately scarce runes and sigils, I’ll take ©.
Well, personally I am not against it either, i always make lots of profit during market shifts. But if i was Anet, i probably wouldnt do it.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
I don’t know the comprehensive list of what are and what are not craftable (for all I know it may be as few as 10 non-craftable), but perhaps this would be fair if the only possible “rewards” were ones that couldn’t be crafted?
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
The only problem with runes is that they’re not balanced. Rune of strength is so out of whack with the rest that it must skyrocket. It’s an underlying design issue, not a creation issue.
Ok, lets come clean. Who already has stocks of ultra cheap runes for this already?
/raises hand
I’d take the change too. Big market shake-ups are nothing new to GW2; yes, the economically-savvy will profit (and maybe some lucky first-hour players too), some speculators will miss out, and prices across the economy will adjust. But that’s really no different to what we have now every time there’s a big patch that changes the market. The end result would be that runes/sigils would have a more uniform price range, which should make them more readily available to the average player.
I don’t think prices for mats would end up spiking much higher than before either. I honestly doubt that the majority of the supply for the Rune/Sigil market is coming from crafters (except for certain runes/sigils where the crafting materials are dirt cheap). More than likely it’s coming from Major Runes/Sigils salvaged from Rares and thrown into the Mystic Forge for the odd Superior rune back, as well as Sup Runes/Sigils salvaged from dungeon gear and dropped/forged Exotics.
And no, I don’t have stocks of cheap runes/sigils stored up for this. XD I’m a hoarder, and what I buy typically tends to be for my own use.
The only problem with runes is that they’re not balanced. Rune of strength is so out of whack with the rest that it must skyrocket. It’s an underlying design issue, not a creation issue.
They did an awfully bad job with rebalancing runes and sigils in the long awaited feature patch – such a waste of dev-time and even more of our expectations and lost options for more builds and playstyles.
I wouldn´t call Rune of strength overpowered though, it´s more that most runes and sigils are still useless, as TP-prices are in most cases a good indication for that.
But in the end i agree, mystic forging of Superior Runes can´t fix the real issue.
Ok, lets come clean. Who already has stocks of ultra cheap runes for this already?
/raises hand
I have a small stock of them. I see no point in selling a superior rune/sigil for less than 15s, so all the ones that are below that price point that I happen to acquire get stashed in the hopes that they will someday have value.
Ok, lets come clean. Who already has stocks of ultra cheap runes for this already?
/raises hand
This is true, but I’d still agree if they removed all our stashes anyway.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
The only problem with runes is that they’re not balanced. Rune of strength is so out of whack with the rest that it must skyrocket. It’s an underlying design issue, not a creation issue.
Yep. Otherwise this just turns all runes into a de facto currency used to buy/gamble the handful that are preferred. If this was the option you might as well just do away with them as drops and make them all purchased with a wallet currency.
Not necessarily bad to go that route I suppose – but it’s a bit dull compared to having a smoother gradient of usefulness. There will ALWAYS be one best (or two with violent arguments) and most expensive. But you could have more options in between awesome and meh.