Mystic Salvage Kit is not Account Bound!!!!!

Mystic Salvage Kit is not Account Bound!!!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Masterjalf.4928


The item is Account Bound and i can’t withdraw it with any character because i deleted the character who made it

I need confirmation if this will be fixed as Account Bound

There it is


(edited by Masterjalf.4928)

Mystic Salvage Kit is not Account Bound!!!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Unfortunately.5940


You seem to be mixing up accountbound and soulbound. Soul = character, account = any character on that account.

Differently/Sixtysix Sixes – Fort Aspenwood

Mystic Salvage Kit is not Account Bound!!!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nikkala.5842


From the picture, though, it’s supposed to be account bound…but he’s saying he cannot use it. It may be a bug from when they switched some items from soulbound to account bound. I would submit it.

Mystic Salvage Kit is not Account Bound!!!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lucubration.8361


From the picture, he can’t even get it out of his bank because he doesn’t have any free inventory space o.0

I’m not sure what we’re supposed to get out of the screenshot. There’s no text that says, “this item is soulbound to another character” anywhere; neither the message on the item tooltip nor the red error text that occurs when you try to take a soulbound item out of the bank.

Mystic Salvage Kit is not Account Bound!!!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Strill.2591


I don’t know what the OP is saying, but the Mystic Salvage kit is indeed bugged to say it’s account bound even though it’s actually soulbound.

Mystic Salvage Kit is not Account Bound!!!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Masterjalf.4928


To make this clear…

The item is Account Bound and i can’t withdraw it with any character because i deleted the character who made it

I need confirmation if this will be fixed as Account bound

(edited by Masterjalf.4928)

Mystic Salvage Kit is not Account Bound!!!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hippocampus.8470


There is no such thing as “Account Soulbound”. There is “Account Bound”, which means any of the characters on your account can use it, and there is “Soulbound”, which means only that character can use it. It would be a lot easier to understand your descriptions if you kept these things clear.

Mystic Salvage Kit is not Account Bound!!!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Masterjalf.4928


There is no such thing as “Account Soulbound”. There is “Account Bound”, which means any of the characters on your account can use it, and there is “Soulbound”, which means only that character can use it. It would be a lot easier to understand your descriptions if you kept these things clear.

Thank You i edited my post

Mystic Salvage Kit is not Account Bound!!!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Masterjalf.4928


Now that i made my thread clear help me please!!!

Mystic Salvage Kit is not Account Bound!!!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Imaginos.3756


I’ve had this happen various times with normal Master Salvage Kits. I buy one. Put it in the bank and then a day/patch later I go to use it on another character and I can’t pull it out of the bank. Sometimes I can’t even pull it out on the character who bought it.

Every time this happens I bug it and ask Anet to fix it or reimburst me so I can delete it. Next patch I can usually pull it out and use it on anyone until it breaks again and I have to repeat the whole process. This has happened to me 3x now and it’s only with Master/Mystic salvage kits.

Mystic Salvage Kit is not Account Bound!!!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lauren Hotson.5068

Lauren Hotson.5068

Hello, everyone! Thank you for reporting this issue, it has been bugged to the appropriate team and we are actively working on resolving the issue!

Happy hunting!

QA World Team

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Mystic Salvage Kit is not Account Bound!!!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mindshard.3572


Cool dev response!
Been hoping for a fix for a while. A handful of account bound items are actually functioning as soulbound.

Mystic Salvage Kit is not Account Bound!!!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: JonasV.4209


Lauren would you be able to answer if they are Account Bound and not functioning properly or if they are supposed to be Soulbound and are mislabeled as Account Bound?

~ Tarnished Coast ~ Sylvari Necromancer ~

Mystic Salvage Kit is not Account Bound!!!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Strifey.7215


yay finally

I reported this a while ago, had a master kit I made with an alt because it says account bound, but it’s really soulbound despite the description.

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