NEW miniature collection and BLTP

NEW miniature collection and BLTP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: hector.2891


1. You don’t receive any reward by destoying (unlocking) one of each miniature. Example: why i have to destroy my Karka?(1700g) i’ll just move it from char to char if i want.
2. The miniature collection title should only be available for true miniature collectors requiring ALL miniatures (updating with every new miniature), or add a new title for that, and not for the collectors of the 1st set or owners of 0 miniatures because a friend borrowed them the set to earn the title.
3. The miniatures on the wardrobe should follow a set order.
4. You totally failed when not allowing to take ONE miniature from the bank collections tab when you had more tan one stacked, because you destroyed the inventory of miniature lovers or traders who had more tan one, forcing them to list them or find 100 available bank spots.
5. Give the collectors the opportunity to collect previous account bound miniatures from events. I’m talking about 1st Wintersday miniatures, the only ones you didn’t repeat on BLTP for no reason (you repeated 1st Halloween, 2nd wintersday(3 times), etc.).
6. Allow a different way to capture Minillama via PvE or gems for people who don’t like gw2 PvP. It’s not the same for a PvP player to play 2hours of PvE metaevent to get a minaiture tan a PvE player to play 5000 hours of PvP to get a decent position on a Tournament to get a miniature. Same for Mr. Sparkles.
7. You totally failed with the Minimonkey King drops. First the drop was almost 0, making the mini worth 2000g, after the update, the drop is so high that the miniature is now worth 40g. Can you put a coherent drop rate on the next miniature who drops from world mobs?(this one is already destroyed like reef rider and magnus). Example: what about people who submitted offers on monkey before update? They lost 200-1000g ( a lot of 800g) for a miniature that is owned by everyone now.
8. Why the hell i can’t show my miniature when i have been showing all of them since the 1st day of gw2 and i have a true miniature collector title, owning almost all miniatures(missing 5 acc bound from 1st wintersday).
9. Add special options for miniature collectors like showing 3 miniatures at a time or making them blight, have emotes. etc, to difference them from dust collectors.

1. You can’t cancel buy/sell offers past the 2 months.
Example: people can’t recover half of his money spent on placing buy offers.
Example: people can’t cancel sell listing to readapt to the new Price of an ítem before it goes lower or higher, making them loose money.

2. When cancelling sell/buy listings, you get back to the first ítem and have to scroll down again to cancel the next. Scrolling down 100 times in a row, is annoying.

3. When you are selling an ítem that you already sold, there’s no way to view the Price you were selling it before.

NEW miniature collection and BLTP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


i hate the problem with the storage for minipets that i had 2x or even more often…
luckily i noticed it early enough and just took ONE minipet from the collection everytime (its possible just press and hold ALT while drawing the minipet out – works for any stacked item)
but it means i can never take them out if i dont know where to put them/if i dont want to sell them….
thats sort of stupid…

also if you use the minis the old way by doubleclicking them they always appear but with that new minipet slot they disappear in open world like ALL the time…
so you cant even use them and this means i just made all my expensive minipets sort of useless if anet doesnt plan to change it….

i would love to have the possiblity to get the pvp llama in another way to:
1) its definitly not any prestige pvp reward since it has been given away to many viewers on twitch and at gamescom … maybe even the biggest noobs … so noone can use that argument
2) it is ok if it requires pvp
like a reward track … for example a reward track that can only be finished with real tournament games and only if you win them – no points for hotjoin, no points for lost tpvp games
—> then the mini still really requires some work and is not given out for free but at least not non accessible to so many people

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NEW miniature collection and BLTP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


1) For the convenience of many alts.
2)Disagreed. Would the title be removed every time a new mini was added?
3) Agreed. Order them by season and rarity.
4) Alt + click allows you to make a different size stack.
5) And if not events, put them in the gem store to earn a couple bucks. But there should be a way to get them.
6) It’s exclusivity.
7) Have no say on this because I never farmed for any Monkey King anythings.
8) Not sure what you’re getting at here.
9) So the people who have all the minis should be able to show multiple at once? Disagree. Everyone should be able to show only 1 mini.

Nothing to say about the new BLTP because I haven’t used it enough.

NEW miniature collection and BLTP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.7601


“5. Give the collectors the opportunity to collect previous account bound miniatures from events. I’m talking about 1st Wintersday miniatures, the only ones you didn’t repeat on BLTP for no reason (you repeated 1st Halloween, 2nd wintersday(3 times), etc.).
7. You totally failed with the Minimonkey King drops. First the drop was almost 0, making the mini worth 2000g, after the update, the drop is so high that the miniature is now worth 40g. Can you put a coherent drop rate on the next miniature who drops from world mobs?(this one is already destroyed like reef rider and magnus). Example: what about people who submitted offers on monkey before update? They lost 200-1000g ( a lot of 800g) for a miniature that is owned by everyone now”

Do you not realize your hypocritical nature in this? First you want access to the old skins, which would destroy their value.

And then you complain that the drop rate was increased for the monkey one, and you don’t like it because it destroyed it’s value.

NEW miniature collection and BLTP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buford.2954


The old minis they are referring to bringing back are account bound and can not be sold, so they have no gold value in the first place.

NEW miniature collection and BLTP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


“5. Give the collectors the opportunity to collect previous account bound miniatures from events. I’m talking about 1st Wintersday miniatures, the only ones you didn’t repeat on BLTP for no reason (you repeated 1st Halloween, 2nd wintersday(3 times), etc.).”
No thanks, I spent something like 7000-8000 gems on the Wintersday 2012 minis, dont want to see them available again. Same with other discontinued minis. You missed them? Tough luck.

“7. You totally failed with the Minimonkey King drops. First the drop was almost 0, making the mini worth 2000g, after the update, the drop is so high that the miniature is now worth 40g. Can you put a coherent drop rate on the next miniature who drops from world mobs?(this one is already destroyed like reef rider and magnus). Example: what about people who submitted offers on monkey before update? They lost 200-1000g ( a lot of 800g) for a miniature that is owned by everyone now.”
Yes I was really angry by this change. My 2000 gold miniature went to almost nothing for no real reason. I didnt see anyone complain about the bad droprate. Thank anet once again for devaluing my efforts.

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