Name change

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Arc.9708


I’d really appreciate if name changes are introduced sometime soon into the game. If so, approximately how much would it cost? 1,000 gems?

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Culwenimos.1594


I doubt any time soon. In the future, once the the game has matured a bit more and all the important stuff is dealt with. If this comes out before the important stuff, there would be resentment by some because this is a luxury feature.

I think they would do it at 800 gems based on what they did for GW1, but who knows.

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nicolle Rodgers.4926

Nicolle Rodgers.4926

Thank you for your suggestion. This is something we are looking into.

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Haya jii san.1978

Haya jii san.1978

I doubt any time soon. In the future, once the the game has matured a bit more and all the important stuff is dealt with. If this comes out before the important stuff, there would be resentment by some because this is a luxury feature.

I think they would do it at 800 gems based on what they did for GW1, but who knows.

My thoughts exactly … First try to make the game more balanced and well versed, building a solid foundation and fixing bugs, then proceed to changes in that direction imo.

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Leablo.2651


I doubt any time soon. In the future, once the the game has matured a bit more and all the important stuff is dealt with. If this comes out before the important stuff, there would be resentment by some because this is a luxury feature.

Judging from their track record of fixing gameplay bugs vs adding gem store content, I’d have to assume that Anet considers gem sales to be the “important” stuff.

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zaith.9132


I doubt any time soon. In the future, once the the game has matured a bit more and all the important stuff is dealt with. If this comes out before the important stuff, there would be resentment by some because this is a luxury feature.

I think they would do it at 800 gems based on what they did for GW1, but who knows.

My thoughts exactly … First try to make the game more balanced and well versed, building a solid foundation and fixing bugs, then proceed to changes in that direction imo.

Not that that has been the motto of GW2 so far. However (and I don’t know the trouble name changes cause on servers and other game mechanics) there are good personal reasons (including roleplaying reasons) I think Anet should take into account. Anet’s introduced races which don’t follow real life tradition when it comes to names.

Among many things, Charr often pick their own names, Asura and Norn are given titles in their name, and humans sometimes legally change their name. Obviously when I see names like Vlad the Inhaler (I made that up, though I’d be very surprised if it didn’t exist), I laugh, and I let people enjoy being a bit silly. But on my server and my guild especially, names have a very special significance. Perhaps a name change shouldn’t be $10 worth of gems… Don’t make them free, but maybe it should have an in-game anchor like the makeover guy in Temple of Balthazar in GW1.

Of course now that I’ve given my heart to this issue, a name change will go for 1600 gems -.-

EDIT: OOH! Idea. New endgame material. Hear me out. Add a small quest at the end of the PS to change your name. Could be a one time thing (obvs make it available to character’s who’ve completed it at this point). Keeps in line with the focus on rewarding characters aesthetically, as originally promised in GW2, and implemented with most things in GW1. AFTER this, make changes purchase-only for that character. One free name change per character? Sounds fair. Of course I wouldn’t want player considerations to get in the way of making money… lol.

/me tips transmuted tier-3 crafted hat

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Duke Darkwood.4237

Duke Darkwood.4237

In GW1, a makeover was 5-for-$10 (bundle only), an Extreme Makeover (includes gender change) was $10, and a rename was $15 (and on a 30-day timer).

Here, we have total makeovers for under $5, and the hairstyle (very limited makeover, basically) for some low price I can’t recall offhand, so if they add a rename, I expect it to be…. in the 400-800 gem range ($5-10). And probably also include a 30-day limitation like on GW1; it would be too easily abused otherwise (people getting away with misbehavior, than changing their names, and thinking they could get away with it again, and again, and again).

I do support adding renames, though. Some people may regret a frivolous name on a character they ended up liking more than they thought. Others may do a total makeover, and find that their gender-specific name suddenly doesn’t fit them anymore. There are many good reasons that players choose to rename a character, even including simple dissatisfaction with the original.

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aethgar.1784


I think the name change is BADLY needed.. mostly because of the gender change. If someone has a character called “Lord Joseph Placeholder”, and realizes a change is badly needed, and makes ‘him’ a female, we have an immediate issue.

Given the gender change element, a namechange seems fundamental.

Tarnished Coast| House Corvidae
Lord Ahrwit Valdyr/Isambard FitzValdyr/many more…

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


How would Anet deal with having names no longer in use?


Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aethgar.1784


The same way as if someone deletes a character I would think.. that name is freed up right away, right?

Tarnished Coast| House Corvidae
Lord Ahrwit Valdyr/Isambard FitzValdyr/many more…

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lt Surge.3275

Lt Surge.3275

Thank you for your suggestion. This is something we are looking into.

Oooh, how about a guild name change as well? Of course, it would require a vote of all guild members or something like that.

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: roadrunner.8920


:P Not a big feature, so I don’t seee why they wouldn’t add it.

Create item, On click it asks you for a new name with an input field, you enter it, you hit okay. It checks whether the name already exists or not, if it does it returns an error, if not it confirms your change, when the user clicks accepts, your name will get changed in the DB.

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Pariah.1457


The same way as if someone deletes a character I would think.. that name is freed up right away, right?

When a character is deleted, the name is actually preserved to that account for 24hours so that the person can create the character again if he/she chooses.

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Azelroth.6801


There’s an item in game already that can do this.

Open up the trading post and search for “Name Change Contract”

There is of course none that’s currently for sale because the demand would be quite high for this item – but you can always put in a buy order and wait and see? Not to sure where exactly they come from though.

They should put this up in the gem store because this item would sell like hot cakes. Anet are you listening? I’m giving you a money making idea here (I also accept kickbacks/royalties too) hahaha

Azelroth [MoM] – Methods Of Mayhem
Commander @ Tarnished Coast

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Boogiepophantom.3041


That was from the same time they released the recustoms to early I believe
the items had been found and confirmed on gw2 guru im guessing it wont be too long before release

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jono M.8519

Jono M.8519

I’d really like a name change feature. Need to change my mains name.

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Neito.5308


Would it be too much to ask for simple symbols such as ’ or . to be allowed in names?

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: nightfend.4072


A name change should not cost more gems than a complete character makeover. I’d think 250 gems is a more realistic price. That would still mean you will be paying out 600 gems if you want to completely re-do your character looks and name.

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chuckles.3754


I was thinking about that yesterday, with the new total makeover kits it would be REALLY weird to change gender depending on your name. For example if I changed the gender of a female Norn named “Princess Sparklefluff” to a male, with no option to change the name at the same time… it would be odd.

Well, it could fit if you dressed him in pink, but that’s not the point.

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fuz.5621


Thank you for your suggestion. This is something we are looking into.

If you do, be sure to let us look if the name we want is available BEFORE purchasing the name change.

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903


Thank you for your suggestion. This is something we are looking into.

If you do, be sure to let us look if the name we want is available BEFORE purchasing the name change.

i don’t think that is how that works lol. make a new toon and check it urself? o.0

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SpedalFlux.1520


name change is urgently needed. After a the gender change, “FluffyPikachu” doesn’t look too well on a male norn warrior in full heavy armor and twilight…

Name change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Illumy.7658


name change is urgently needed. After a the gender change, “FluffyPikachu” doesn’t look too well on a male norn warrior in full heavy armor and twilight…


to be honest it didn’t look good on a female norn warrior in full heavy armor and twilight… too before the Gender Change. ^^