Need info for playing Secret Santa
The only way to give gems to someone else is by buying a 2000 gem gift card and giving them the code or temporarily stealing their account.
temporarily stealing their account.
Don’t you mean persuading-them-to-lend-you-their-account-temporarily-without-their-approval-nor-consent-and- without-showing-any-inclination-to-notify-them-of-this-transaction?
Stealing is a word with such a nasty vibe to it.
That would be the OPs only option at the moment, but who knows, maybe ArenaNet will implement something temporarily that will allow you to send mail to someone without your name showing up. Something only available during christmas.
As cute as the idea is, it seems to me fraught with security risks.
no good can come of adding anonymous email sending to the mail system, IMO.
Now, if anet created a separate ‘secret santa’ service that they admin’ed as part of wintersday on BLTC, that might be cool, so that you could buy gems and direct gift them to an account, maybe via email from anet, not an individual, and either sign it as a regular gift, or leave it ?? – that might be nice. It might also spike gem sales for that matter – I know I would gift my son’s account that way.
But letting people DIY anon is an invitation for mischief.