New Hair & Eye Colors - Temporary?
The colors are indeed only available through the Total Makeover Kit or Self-Style Hair Kit. They are not for limited time though; they will be permanently available through these kits.
I don’t think you can pick them in character creation. I believe they’re only through the Hair Style kit. I also think that it’s only for a limited time. The colors will last forever if you don’t change them, but I don’t think you’ll have the option to choose them forever.
Thank you so much for the prompt reply! I appreciate it.
I still wish these colors were available in character creation as a preview. I tend to design characters with a theme and this makes it so that I’m doing so blindly unless I want to buy a total makeover kit (which I shouldn’t have to do with a new character) because I won’t be able to see what skin tones, etc. look like with the ‘winter’ hairs.
Its a shame its not, Arenanet needs to take a page from Paragon Studio and show it, but having to buy before you can make the character.
I do wish for Charr the colors extended beyond just hair, otherwise my Purrtha Kitte just looks stupid with the new colors:(
I got a total makeover kit in a black lion chest and decided to make over my elementalist with the new hair colour. Really cool!
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
Completely disappointed with the colours, who picked these?? Not an artist, obviously.
Does anyone have pictures of the new colors?
I have a Total Makeover kit in storage from a few months back.
Does the upgrade to Total Makeover and Style kits apply to ALL existing Kits, or only to new purchases and drops?
You can test it out – the kit isn’t used ’til you accept the changes. My old kits had the new colors available just fine.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Completely disappointed with the colours, who picked these?? Not an artist, obviously.
Someone who realized that you gotta have blue hair, obviously.