New Light FlameKissed=lol?

New Light FlameKissed=lol?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: AirWick.1769


Seriously lol that new light flamekissed skin just makes me laugh. It only looks good on females. My Necromancer is a really white human male and when I previewed the flamekissed skin for the first time I was like oh snap the feathered set terribly ugly for real. What is this? The Katniss Everdeen only fashion? Where is a decent outfit for Peeta Mellark? You would have had better luck replacing the normal phoenix light armor skin and gave that skin the flamekissed effect.

(edited by AirWick.1769)

New Light FlameKissed=lol?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Flissy.4093


It’s to keep it “on par” with the Heavy/Medium armor. I.e. really basic and easy to obtain regular skins, with some flame slapped on it.

We knew all along Feathered was a possibility, along with maybe Winged, as the intial T3 was skimpy on a female, so the redesign was going to be also.

They wouldn’t have “updated” a gemstore armor regardless, as that would impact on sales of the Phoenix set.

You can request a refund by submitted a ticket, but note this will likely end up with you being requested to destroy the armor, then reply to the email, resulting in you not being able to get your stats back, or the skin that the Flamekissed was placed over.

Light Up the Darkness
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)

New Light FlameKissed=lol?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Emapudapus.1307


Yup it looks ugly as hell itself, on human males ….. was planing to buy it for my necro or ele tho …. at least i save on gems now :P.

all is vain

New Light FlameKissed=lol?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Albadaran.1283


Most sets look ugly for males. Anyway, thing is that we only get updates of excisting armors with something extra (like flames on it). When do we finally get completely new skins? I’d like a good oldfashioned monk robe on my male necromancer :P

New Light FlameKissed=lol?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vick.6805


The shoulders and boots are the parts of the set that I really don’t like, but I don’t think I’d ever use the full set on one character.

The chest piece looks much better on female characters, mostly because of the ridiculous sleeves on the male version. But, the leg piece looks far better on male characters. The front-split skirt with the view of the female’s underwear is tasteless, IMO. Hopefully they don’t continue using that model for anything else. We now have three light armor sets with that skirt style.

New Light FlameKissed=lol?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chaotic Storm.2815

Chaotic Storm.2815

its pretty average if you ask me. good on females but like 80-90% of light gear looks ugly on the male counter part. can we please have something other then dresses and robes!


New Light FlameKissed=lol?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DallasisaLeo.1584


Is the problem that it looks “too feminine” for a human male? I think it’s refreshing that there’s more feminine male armor choices for the people who want them. I’m not one of those people, but it’s nice to see options.

New Light FlameKissed=lol?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


It looks horrible on human male. I’ve been looking forward to a nice unique skin, but apparently an ugly tailored outfit will do. Not seeing that suit fly off the shelf.