New TP can be cumbersome
The thing that I really find annoying about the new TP is the fact that it doesn’t hold your place when selling. The continual scrolling to return to the place you want to be is a nightmare.
2 more things that need to also be changed.
1. Stop making it when you go to buy something it automatically assumes you want to place an order instead of wanting to buy it instantly. I don’t know how many times I thought I bought something to find out I placed an order for it requiring me to do what you described.
2. When I want to buy say 10 of the same item and there are 9 listing of the item each only having 1 of them for sale and the 10th listing has 20 for sale, I can’t simple change the amount I’m looking to buy to 10 like I could in the old trading post. I now have to click on each item for sale until I have chosen enough listings to make 10. Make it work like it did before and let us simple change the amount and it automatically chooses the available listings to make the desired amount you are looking to buy.
One more thing make your transactions like what I’m buying, what I’ve sold and what I bought be their own individual windows again instead of having it all crammed into one window.
You should post your feedback in this topic as it is monitored by devs.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Wanze, hopefully a moderator will move this thread there. I should have put it there to begin with. Sorry about that.
Here’s one more thing. I always liked the listing that the Old TP had with a list of the Highest Valued Items, Most Traded Items, Items in Highest Demand….etc.
Is there a way to generate that sort of screen again now ?