New light armor skin design suggestions

New light armor skin design suggestions

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


As usual, asking for a redo to be added on top of what’s already there…
Style bullet points on the new light armor set:

Add groin flap to the front and then remove the pants

Make the interior skirt longer, or restyle the interior shorts (whom already dye differently from the rest of the pant legs)

Curve or make a downward V out of that flat waist line, it doesn’t need to be much, but those flat waist lines are boring 10 ways to Sunday, especially considering the bikini top chest piece (TYTYTYTYTYTYTY for making those “sleeves” not cover the gloves, that is a step in the right direction)… or just make a curve out of what’s already partially there (2 basically flat lines offset by a rather angular dip on the front side).

And then the shoulders, they need to extend UP from the shoulder as much as OUT, or even just up off the top of the arms.

Just my bullet points off the set, as always, add more versions, no sense in changing what people have already spent money on.

New light armor skin design suggestions

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KOPPER.1458


“Just my bullet points off the set, as always, add more versions, no sense in changing what people have already spent money on.”

Well said here. You dislike what you see, you give suggestions on how to improve it and are willing to wait and see what comes next. Most demand change now, good on you for understanding “the process”.

New light armor skin design suggestions

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


i understand that much because i was burnt kitten the original flamekissed release :/
dont wanna see it happen to anyone else too

New light armor skin design suggestions

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Farzo.8410


To me, the chest part looks like any other ‘’bra armor’’ or whatever, countless of those kind of armors exists already.

New light armor skin design suggestions

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


To me, the chest part looks like any other ‘’bra armor’’ or whatever, countless of those kind of armors exists already.

i actually like the winged chest piece for that reason, its ornate, more than a bra, but still quite showy