No sorting for light/medium/heavy?
People have been begging for this for a long time. I don’t know why it hasn’t been put in yet.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
+1 for optimism.
They probably consider it a very low priority issue since you can use 3rd party resources to find the items you want and then search the trading post for those specific items. They did have plans for a search by profession filter though. The filter is actually there, it’s just hidden and not implemented on their side.
They’ve stated a TP overhaul / fix is in the works..
If I had to guess I’d say Q1 next year sometime it’ll roll out, be patient til then I guess
it’s on the list of things I want the TP to be able to do.
One thing that is currently possible: heavy / medium / light for each level tier have different names. “reinforced” = heavy, “leather” = medium, “pirate” I think is medium, “scale” = heavy, etc. Then there’s the crafted ones like Exalted, Emblazoned, etc.
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