Not getting posted value

Not getting posted value

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: JingledBells.5264


I’m not saying this is a bug, I’m just confused. I understand there is a listing fee and in no way am I complaining about that because I feel it keeps prices from getting out of control. My question is, and I’ll use my last sale as an example, why do I not get what I post it for?

I just sold something on the trading post that I posted up for 2 gold 80 silver and 9 copper. I had to pay 14 silver for a posting fee. It finally sold today, and I only get 2g 52s 14c. So my question is, where does the rest of the money go? Is it an auto haggling, and if so is there a way to change it and reduce the amount it drops the price to sell? I’m just confused on how this all works so if someone could fill me in, that would be awesome!

Not getting posted value

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xin.5108


5% listing fee.
then 5% selling fee on (original posted price minus the listing fee.)

Not getting posted value

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gametaunt.9105


its a 10% selling fee not 5%

if you want to make a profit over vendor prices always make sure you use a 20% margin

Not getting posted value

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: JingledBells.5264


Thank you for that Gametaunt. I was trying to do the math Xin gave me in my head and just didn’t seem right. They take the listing fee when you post it. I knew that much, now it makes sense. Thanks for the help.